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范围经济 economies of scope英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-15 02:29:29


范围经济 economies of scope英语短句 例句大全

范围经济,economies of scope

1)economies of scope范围经济

1.A Study on Economies of Scope and Profitability Strategy of Digital Products论数字产品的范围经济与盈利战略

2.With using the translog cost function, the paper examines the efficiency of the multi-product structure of the real estate enterprise,and indicates that large firms achieve greatereconomies of scope,but they do not enjoy increasing returns to scale .本文运用Translog成本函数估算分析了多产品结构的经济效益,提出了"大公司、大企业有最大的范围经济,但其规模经济稳定不变,不能获得较大的成本效益;中等规模的公司可获得较大的规模经济和范围经济,能获得较好的成本效益"的观点。


1.Economies of Scale, Economics of Scope, and Economics of Connection of Knowledge Sharing知识共享与规模经济、范围经济和联结经济

2.Economies of Scale,Economies of Scope and Economies of Connection for Knowledge Spillovers;知识溢出的规模经济、范围经济与联结经济

3.Study on Economies of Scale and Economies of Scope in Chinese Banking;中国银行业规模经济与范围经济的实证研究

4.The Comparison Studies about the Transportation Economies of Scope and Scale;道路运输范围经济与规模经济比较研究

5.The policy choice of scale economy and scope economy in higher education;高等教育规模经济与范围经济的政策抉择

6.An Empirical Analysis on Economies of Scale and Scope in China Commercial Banks;中国商业银行规模经济与范围经济的实证分析

7.On the Economies of Scale and Scope in Transport Network;关于运输业规模经济和范围经济问题的探讨

8.Empirical Study on Scale and Scope Economies in Commercial Banking商业银行规模经济和范围经济的实证研究

9.An Empirical Study of Economies of Scope of China s Commercial Banks;中国商业银行范围经济状态实证研究

10.Economies of Scope of "Hub and Spoke" Transportation Network“轴—辐”式运输网络的范围经济问题

11.Knowledge spillovers not only has economies of scale,but also has economies of scope.知识溢出不仅具有规模经济,而且还具有范围经济和联结经济。

12.From Economies of Scale to Economies of Scope--The Transform of Economics of Distance Education;从规模经济到范围经济——远程教育经济规律的变迁

13.Economies of scope are the precondition of financial mixed operation.范围经济是金融业混业经营的前提条件。

14.Analyzing Enterprise Business Diversification with the Scope Economy Theory;运用范围经济理论分析企业多元化经营

15.Operation Strategy of Credit Rating Institutions: Scope Economy and Scale Economy;信用评估机构的基本经营战略:规模经济与范围经济

16.Auditor Selection: Synergic Effect and Scope Economy Hypothesis;审计师选择的协同效应与范围经济假说

17.The Scope of the Economic Zone at Upper Reaches of the Yangtze River and Its Core Economic Region长江上游经济带的范围及其经济核心区研究

18.River Basin Economy and Space Scope Definition of the Economic Zone at Upper Reaches of the Yangtze River流域经济与长江上游经济区空间范围界定探讨


scope economy范围经济

1.Scale economy andscope economy in the media industry;传媒业中的规模经济与范围经济

2.The Scope Economy of China Commercial Banks Bond Investment——Based on Micro Constitution and Internal Performance Analysis;中国商业银行债券投资的范围经济——基于微观结构与内部绩效的分析

3.Scope Economy of China s Insurance Industry;中国保险业范围经济的实证研究——基于广义超越对数成本函数的分析

3)economy of scope范围经济

1.Economy of scale andeconomy of scope are both products uf history stage.高等教育扩张伊始,规模经济效应显著,但规模持续扩张又会失去这种优势,范围经济则不然。

2.Based on the perspective of economics, the theories of transaction costs, economy of scale andeconomy of scope have provided important theoretical support for the development of vocational education group.基于经济学视角,交易成本、规模经济、范围经济理论为职教集团发展提供了重要的理论支撑,但在实践中还须遵循这些理论的基本规律,对可能带来的负面作用予以重视。

3.With the deepening of the labor division, enterprises usually become more and more strength through decreasing the cost in two ways that is realizing theeconomy of scope and scale.随着社会分工逐步深化 ,企业一般主要通过追求范围经济与规模经济两条途径来降低经营成本 ,从而使企业逐步壮大。

4)economics of scope范围经济

1.Theeconomics of scope of enterprises diversified operation;论企业多元化经营的范围经济性

2.For exploring competitive advantage of transport network expansion,based on three ways acquiring scale economics of transport network: economics of density,size and scope,authors proposed thateconomics of scope was main contribution of transport network expanding endpoints.为探明运输网络扩张的竞争优势,阐述了取得规模经济的3种途径:密度经济、幅员经济和范围经济在运输网络中的实现方式,认为运输网络扩张主要在于扩大网络覆盖区取得的范围经济。

3.Knowledge sharing has not only economics of scale andeconomics of scope, but also economics of connection.知识共享不仅可带来规模经济和范围经济优势,而且可带来联结经济优势。

5)scope economies范围经济

1.Market size,scope economies and supply chain clustering possibility市场规模、范围经济与供应链聚集可能性

2.Surelyscope economies are one of the most important strategic forms of flexibility in manufacturing systems.研究表明,范围经济体现了柔性技术生产的特点,在该前提下引入范围经济的一些假设,在操作成本上对刚性技术和柔性技术加以区分,考虑资金预算,将得到企业生产能力扩充和技术选择的一个简化模型。

3.By analyzing the subgame perfect equilibrium,the following results are achieved: whenscope economies are small,supply chain clust.通过子博弈精炼均衡的分析,结果表明:当范围经济程度较小时,供应链聚集是不可能出现的;当范围经济达到一定程度时,供应链聚集将会出现;因此,范围经济可以用来解释供应链聚集这一经济现象。

6)scope non-economy范围不经济


