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人权法体系 system of the human rights act英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-14 16:07:50


人权法体系 system of the human rights act英语短句 例句大全

人权法体系,system of the human rights act

1)system of the human rights act人权法体系

1.Thesystem of the human rights act should include the basic theory, classification, safeguard and international communication of human rights.人权法体系至少应包括人权的基本理论、人权的基本分类、人权的保障及国际人权交流等问题。

2)the human rights legislation人权法律保障体系

1.Therefore,it is necessary to perfectthe human rights legislation in legislation and judicature as well as build up a harmonious society.因此,有必要从立法、司法等方面完善人权法律保障体系,构建和谐社会。

3)legal person system法人体系

1.Persons in Private Law?——The reorganization oflegal person system sequence;私法中的“人”——法人体系的序列化思考


1.Persons in Private Law?--The reorganization of legal person system sequence;私法中的“人”——法人体系的序列化思考

2.The Institution of Legal Person and Constructing the System of the Part of Personal Right of the Civil Law;法人制度与民法人格权编的体系构建

3.On Human Rights Act System--From the perspective of jurisprudence试论人权法的体系——以理论法学为视角

4.Discuss on Human s Dignity of Procedural Law and Indemificition System;论程序法制之人性尊严及其保障体系

5.Thinking on the Building of Individual Credit Jurisprudent in China;对中国个人征信法律体系建设的思考

6.A Research on the Establishment of the Legal System for Sports Agent in China;我国体育经纪人立法系统的构建研究

7.Strengthening Legislation on Social Remedy and Perfecting System on Human Rights Safeguarding;加强社会救助立法 完善人权保障体系

8.Establishing the Performance Assessment System of Researchers with GAHP;运用GAHP法建立研发人员绩效考评体系

9.Discourse on the Possibility of Human Body Being the Objectof Administrative Legal Relationship;人身能够成为行政法律关系客体刍议

10.The Establishment of Elders Caring System and the Amelioration of the Legal Institutions;老年人照顾体系的建立及其法律完善

11.The system for liabilities of contract law in PRC;《中华人民共和国合同法》的责任体系

12.Binren Literacy Method" and Chinese Teaching System;“炳人识字法”与汉语语文教育体系

13.Human Detection System Based on ADABOOST Algorithm基于ADABOOST算法的人体检测系统

14.The method of individualized human body modeling for 3D-virtual trying on systems3D试衣系统中个性化人体建模方法

15.On personal servitude;大陆法系民法中的人役权——兼论民法典中的用益物权体系

16.The Multiple Connotations of Character Image System of the French Lieutenant s Woman;《法国中尉的女人》人物形象体系的多重蕴涵

17.The law reflects the interpersonal power relation, and the propriety embodies the cooperative one.“法”体现的是人与人之间的权力关系,“礼”体现的是人与人之间的合作关系。

18.The rich oppress the masses by their control of the political and judicial systems.富人控制了政治和司法体系以此压制平民百姓。


the human rights legislation人权法律保障体系

1.Therefore,it is necessary to perfectthe human rights legislation in legislation and judicature as well as build up a harmonious society.因此,有必要从立法、司法等方面完善人权法律保障体系,构建和谐社会。

3)legal person system法人体系

1.Persons in Private Law?——The reorganization oflegal person system sequence;私法中的“人”——法人体系的序列化思考

4)tort law system侵权法体系

1.After the nullification of that reply,two problems should be solved:it is not appropriate to totally deny conditional constitutional interpretation; it is not appropriate to totally deny the strive to perfecttort law system of China aroused by the reply.在该批复废止后,需要正确处理两方面问题:不能将有条件适用的合宪性解释方法彻底否定;不能将围绕批复所做的完善我国侵权法体系的努力全面否定。

5)property law system物权法体系

1.Seeing from theproperty law system,the content of property law is not complete without pawn right system.从物权法体系上看,缺乏典权制度,物权法内容是不完整的。

6)the system of judicial power司法权体系


