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主体性学习 subjective learning英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-12 18:40:35


主体性学习 subjective learning英语短句 例句大全

主体性学习,subjective learning

1)subjective learning主体性学习

1.Human curiosity is the psychological motive ofsubjective learning,and scientific rationality is its epistemology origin.主体性是人类学习的根本认识属性 ,人类的探索好奇心是主体性学习的心理动力 ,人类不断生成发展的科学认识理性是主体性学习的认识根


1.On the Construction of the Subjectivity-oriented Teaching Mode of Chemical Course;探究主体性学习的化学课堂教学模式建构

2.Adopting student-oriented approach, promoting individualized autonomous learning;以学生为主体,促进个性化自主学习

3.Analysis of Subjectivity Principle in Research Study;浅谈研究性学习中学生的主体性原则

4.Distance Education, the Principle Part and the Self-control Study;远程教育、主体性与自主学习引导例说

5.The Cultivation of the Learning Initiation of the Students in the Computer Instruction计算机教学中学生学习主体性的培养

6.On Lack of Subjective Participation of University Students in Their Study;大学生学习缺乏主体参与性问题初探

7.Teaching Research on Primary School Pupils" Practice Composition in the Field of Vision of Inter-Subjectivity主体间性视野下的小学习作教学研究

8.Views on the Innovation of Undergraduates Studies from the Relationship between Subjectivity and Objectivity;从主体性与客体性的关系看大学生学习改革

9.Discuss the students in the University Education s Main Part Nature and Independence study Ability s training;论大学教育中学习者的主体性与自主学习能力的培养

10.The Main Methods of Language Learning Strategy Research Training;语文学习主体性培养的方法策略研究

11.The Investigation and Research on Learning Subjecty Development of Junior Middle School Students;初中生学习主体性发展的调查与研究

12.Promoting Learners’ Initiative Learning by Constructing “Learning Community”;构建“学习共同体” 促进学习者自主学习

13.An Analysis of Factors Preventing the Active Physical Education Study of College Students;对阻碍大学生主体性体育学习因素的剖析

14.The Research on the Development Characteristics of thePupil"s Subjectivity in the Sports Learning Process小学生体育学习过程中主体性发展特征研究

15.Discussing the Relationship of Undergraduates" Learning Motivation and Subjectivity Participation on PE论大学生体育学习动机与主体参与性之关系

16.Study on the Necessity and Feasibility of "Self-Learning" in the Reform of School PE Teaching;学校体育课改中“自主学习”必要性和可行性研究

17.An Investigation on Learning Initiative of 219 High School Students;某中学高一年级219名学生学习主体性调查

18.Research and countermeasure for the subjectivity of junior students in math study;初中学生数学学习主体性发展现状调查与对策


study subjectivity学习主体性

3)active physical education learning主体性体育学习

4)Studyingmethod主体性 学习方式

5)subjective learning strategies主体性学习策略

6)Autonomous Learning System自主性学习体系


