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移民点 immigrating district英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-05-20 14:53:08


移民点 immigrating district英语短句 例句大全

移民点,immigrating district

1)immigrating district移民点

1.With the development of social change,ecological immigrants in the source of three Rivers are faced with some problems of harmonious development,and traditional national sports also are meeting with new challenge,traditional national sports in theimmigrating district play an important role to build up harmonious community.在社会变迁过程中,青海三江源生态移民点面临着和谐发展的问题,移民点的民族传统体育文化也将受到新发展的挑战,民族传统体育文化的发展对移民点和谐社区构建有着重要作用。


1.Analysis on Cultural Development of Traditional National Sports in Ecological Immigrating District of the Source of Three Rivers三江源生态移民点民族传统体育文化发展

2.History of world reservoir resettlement and TGP resettlement review;世界水库移民历史及三峡百万移民特点考察

3.Research on Emigration Difficulties and Emigrant Psychological State in Three Gorges Reservoir Area;三峡库区外迁移民难点及移民心态研究

4.Characteristics of the Chinese Immigrants in the U.S.A. since 19651965年以来美国华人新移民的特点

5."Chinese Immigrant Problem":Different Views from China and Russia;“中国移民问题”:来自中俄的不同观点

6.On Ailao Regional Characteristics of the Hans Immigration during the Han and Jin dynasty;论汉晋时期哀牢区域汉族移民的特点

7.Grey Optimization of Resettlement Alternatives for Reservoir Project;水库工程移民安置点方案的灰色优选

8.Characteristics and Qualities of Migrants from inside Shanhaiguan to Northeast China from 1931 to 1937;1931—1937年东北关内移民的特点及性质

9.Do Well Help-the-poor and Development Work Stressing on Help-the-poor and Immigration;以扶贫移民为重点 搞好扶贫开发工作

10.Analysis On Character and Its Reason s About Immigrants In The United States Who arrived In Af ter 1990;1990-2000年美国移民特点及成因分析

11.Thoughts on the Capital Compensation Policy of Resettlement in Three Gorges Reservoir Area;对库区移民资金补偿政策的一点思考

12.Resettlement and compensation for inhabitants in reservoir area库区移民安置补偿方案的特点与思考

13.A Discussion on the Differences and Features of Uighur Learning of Han Immigrants in Xinjiang新疆汉族移民学习维语的差异及特点

14.Some Advice on Resettlement of Country Migrants of Three Gorges Reservoir District;对三峡库区农村移民安置的几点建议——以万州移民开发区为例

15.During the resettlement arrangement of the Xiaolangdi Reservoir located on the Yellow River, it selects six host places for field survey of acceptance and mentality of worries of relocatees.在黄河小浪底水库移民安置点中,选择6个安置点对移民的认同及顾虑心理进行了实地调查。

16.Characteristics of Resettlement for Villages at Reservoir Area of Changzhou Hydraulic Complex;长洲水利枢纽工程库区农村移民安置实施特点

17.Some thoughts about choice of allocating non-agricultural Zhejiang SX Reservoir immigrants;关于浙江SX水库移民非农安置选择的几点思考

18.Several Opinions on the Secondary Immigrant Settlement Planning of Fenhe Reservoir;对汾河水库二次移民安置规划的几点看法


resettlement features移民特点

3)migration_relocation setting points移民安置点

1.Taking the engineering geologic investigation of 1st stagemigration_relocation setting points of the Baise multi_purpose dam project as example, the author discussed the necessity of pay.水库移民安置点工程地质勘察越来越得到重视,在勘察中需要注意工程地质勘察程序、工程地质勘察工作深度、生活和生产用水调查和库区塌岸等问题,为此以百色水利枢纽一期移民安置点工程地质勘察为例,说明要注意以上几个问题的必要性。

4)characteristics of population flowing移民的特点

5)para-military settlement准军事移民点

6)Characteristics of Immigrants Education in Britain英国移民教育特点


