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庙湾煤矿 Miaowan Coal Mine英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-12 23:26:26


庙湾煤矿 Miaowan Coal Mine英语短句 例句大全

庙湾煤矿,Miaowan Coal Mine

1)Miaowan Coal Mine庙湾煤矿

1.This paper introduces the experiences of 14208 face ofMiaowan Coal Mine in the treatment of the gas from the upper corner of the face by using U+L ventilation mode, which provides a better method for the treatment of the gas from the upper corner of the face.介绍了庙湾煤矿14208工作面应用U+L型通风方式治理工作面上隅角瓦斯的经验,为处理回采工作面上隅角瓦斯问题提供了一种较好的方法。

2)Hongmiao coal mine红庙煤矿

1.Hongmiao coal mine is a typical soft rock mine.红庙煤矿为典型的软岩矿井,采动影响、水化作用及其水平应力等因素的综合作用增加了巷道支护的难度。

3)Nalinmiao Mine纳林庙煤矿

1.Discussion on production mode of No.2 Mine Shaft inNalinmiao Mine;纳林庙煤矿二号井生产模式的探讨

4)Dongwan coalmine洞湾煤矿

1.TheDongwan coalmine is locating to the west of Qinglong county seat,Guizhou Province.洞湾煤矿位于贵州省晴隆县城以西,含煤地层为龙潭组砂泥岩层,主采煤层为10、22、24、25、26五层,目前开采深度为175m,已形成大寨滑坡及五个塌陷区,通过分析计算,本区煤层的安全开采深度为3 363m。

5)Liudaowan coal mine六道湾煤矿

1.The design procedures,the observation content,the observation method and the precision of the survey instruments of the subsidence observation in the western area ofLiudaowan coal mine are introduced and the expected results of the observations analysis are deseribed as well.介绍了乌鲁木齐市六道湾煤矿塌陷区综合治理过程中地面沉降监测点的设计方案、观测内容、观测方法以及观测仪器的精度,同时说明了通过后续沉降观测值的数据分析所期望达到的结果等。


1.Exploration and Comprehensive Ecological Improvement of Subsidence Field in Ulmuqi Liudaowan Mine in XinJiang;新疆乌鲁木齐市六道湾煤矿塌陷区的勘察及环境治理

2.From Urban Cancer to Green Engine: A Case Study of Redeveloping the Liudaowan Coal Mining District of Urumqi从“城市肿块”到“绿色引擎”——以乌鲁木齐六道湾采煤塌陷区改造为例

prehensive field investigation and control analysis on roof fall at heavy section drift of Yangchangwan Coal Mine羊场湾煤矿大断面巷道冒顶现场综合调查与控制分析

4.Application Research on the Roadway Support Theory Based on Broken Rock Zone in Yangchangwan Colliery;巷道围岩松动圈支护理论在羊场湾煤矿的应用研究

5.Lectotype of Powered Support for 1~(-2) Coal Seam in Hanjiawan Colliery韩家湾煤矿1~(-2)煤层液压支架选型

6.On the height of water flowing fractured zone in Shenjiawan coal mine沈家湾煤矿导水裂隙带发育高度研究

7.Digital Simulation of the Top Coal Caving Characteristics in Shangwan Mine上湾煤矿后备区顶煤冒放性数值模拟研究

8.Prediction of Sand and Water Inrush in Seam with Shallow Depth and Under Rich Water Aquifer in Hanjiawan Mine韩家湾煤矿浅埋煤层富水区下溃砂突水性预测

9.Study of Protection Technology Floor Water in Invasion in Zhu Zhang Mine of the No.6 Coal Seam;朱庄煤矿六煤层底板突水防治技术的研究

prehensive administration for shaft crevice water in Liujia Coal Mine六家煤矿立井筒孔裂隙水的综合治理

11.Gateway Layout Technology of High Gassy Thick Seam in Tunliu Mine屯留煤矿高瓦斯厚煤层巷道布置技术

12.A passage or gallery in a coal mine.通道煤矿中的通道或水平巷道

13.Code for design of roadway section and junction lf coal mine煤矿矿井巷道断面及交叉点设计规范

14.The laws of strata behavior for the gob-side tailgate in the Jining No.3 Coal Mine济三煤矿沿空巷道矿压显现规律研究

15.Developmental rules of the hydraulic fractured zone of working face 22101 in Huoluowan coal mine霍洛湾煤矿22101工作面顶板两带发育规律

16.Application of Long Distance and Great Transportation Amount Belt Conveyor in Hanjiawan Coal Mine长距离大运量带式输送机在韩家湾煤矿的应用

17.Research of Synthetical Technique Preventing and Extinguishing Fire in Excavating Coal in Yangchang Wan Coal Mine;羊场湾煤矿易自燃厚煤层开采综合防灭火技术研究

18.A Study on Ore Features and Gold Occurrence State of the Sandaowanzi Gold Deposit三道湾子金矿床矿石特征及金的赋存状态研究


Hongmiao coal mine红庙煤矿

1.Hongmiao coal mine is a typical soft rock mine.红庙煤矿为典型的软岩矿井,采动影响、水化作用及其水平应力等因素的综合作用增加了巷道支护的难度。

3)Nalinmiao Mine纳林庙煤矿

1.Discussion on production mode of No.2 Mine Shaft inNalinmiao Mine;纳林庙煤矿二号井生产模式的探讨

4)Dongwan coalmine洞湾煤矿

1.TheDongwan coalmine is locating to the west of Qinglong county seat,Guizhou Province.洞湾煤矿位于贵州省晴隆县城以西,含煤地层为龙潭组砂泥岩层,主采煤层为10、22、24、25、26五层,目前开采深度为175m,已形成大寨滑坡及五个塌陷区,通过分析计算,本区煤层的安全开采深度为3 363m。

5)Liudaowan coal mine六道湾煤矿

1.The design procedures,the observation content,the observation method and the precision of the survey instruments of the subsidence observation in the western area ofLiudaowan coal mine are introduced and the expected results of the observations analysis are deseribed as well.介绍了乌鲁木齐市六道湾煤矿塌陷区综合治理过程中地面沉降监测点的设计方案、观测内容、观测方法以及观测仪器的精度,同时说明了通过后续沉降观测值的数据分析所期望达到的结果等。

6)Yushuwan mine榆树湾煤矿


贾纳基庙贾纳基庙宇(janaki temple )[[尼泊尔]]神庙,位于特拉伊平原东部的贾纳克普尔。贾纳克普尔据传为悉达的出身之地。悉达是[[印度]]史诗《罗摩衍那》中的女主人公,她是王子罗摩之妻。自愿离开宫廷生活,陪同被流放的王子到大森林中去,后遭魔王劫虏,历经千辛万苦,卒得猴神哈努曼与众猴相助,夫妻团聚,恢复王位。在南亚各国,她是妇孺咸知的人物,后被印度教神话,并成为罗摩派的崇拜对象。贾纳庙为大理石建筑,有印度——波斯风格,美伦美奂,俗称劳拉卡庙,劳拉卡意云:“十万”,传此庙兴建,费银行90万两卢比,其穹顶、天花板及瓦当均繁饰精美。逢宗教节日,在此举行庙会及宗教活动。尼泊尔王国的新民主宪法颁布于1900年11月9日,是纪念悉多嫁给罗摩的日子,罗摩是最受信徒崇拜的印度教神之一,这个节日能吸引成千上万的印度朝圣者来贾纳克布尔的贾纳基寺朝圣。维巴哈潘查米节:(11月-12月)这是德顿车部贾纳克布尔的著名节日,是纪念悉多嫁给罗摩的日子。罗摩是最受信徒崇拜的印度教神之一。中国节日能吸引成千上万的印度朝圣者来贾纳克布尔的贾纳基寺朝圣。
