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食风歌 song about diet custom英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-03-21 08:58:46


食风歌 song about diet custom英语短句 例句大全

食风歌,song about diet custom

1)song about diet custom食风歌

2)Shi Zhi"s poems食指诗歌


1.Struggling and yielding--Poet Shizhi s probing into the poem spirit;挣扎与顺从:诗人食指诗歌精神探讨

2.The Passage of the Seasons and Their Poetic Flavor--On the Classification of Topics in Shizhi s Poems;“季节”的行走和诗意——简论食指诗歌的主题类型

3.Believe in future,ardently love life--On Shi Zhi and his poems;相信未来 热爱生命——浅论食指及其诗歌

4.An Unbending Singer Who Urges Producing Love and HopeShi Zhi and His Poetry催生爱与希望的不屈歌者——食指和他的诗

5.Persistence and Plight in the Ideal World-On Shi Zhis Underground Poems;理想世界的执著与困境——论食指的地下诗歌

6.Awakening from Depression and Perplexity --On Guo Lusheng s (pen name: Shi Zhi) Poetic Spirit;苦闷与迷惘中的觉醒——论郭路生(食指)的诗与诗歌精神

7.A song of praise or joy, especially for Christmas.颂歌,赞美诗表示赞美的歌或欢乐的歌,尤指圣诞颂歌

8.Free Verses on Traveling Faraway --On the psychological inclination and aesthetic aspiration of Lan Bing s poems;远游·自由·诗——论蓝冰诗歌的精神指向和审美追求

9.A Cognitive Approach to Indirect Anaphora Resolution in English Poetry;英语诗歌中间接回指释义的认知研究

10.A medieval entertainer who traveled from place to place, especially to sing and recite poetry.吟游诗人游历各地的中世纪表演者,尤指歌唱或背咏诗歌的演员

11.A song or chant, especially a nonmetrical hymn with words taken from a biblical text.圣歌,赞美诗一首歌或吟颂,尤指一段带有取自圣经的文字的赞美诗

12.A bound collection of antiphons, especially of the responsive choral parts of the Divine Office.唱和圣歌诗集圣歌诗集,尤指宗教神职中作为应答的合唱部分

13.A group of eight lines of poetry, especially the first eight lines of a Petrarchan sonnet.前八行诗诗歌中一组八行,尤指彼得拉克十四行诗中的前八行

14.On the Creation of the Poet, Shi Zhi;反抗绝望的个人话语──诗人食指创作论

15.The art or work of a poet.诗歌艺术或诗歌作品

16.Poetry poetry,poetry inside song--Pay attention to Chinese classical poems" musicality诗歌诗歌 诗中有歌——应重视古典诗歌的音乐性

17.In early English and French poetry, the daffodil.水仙花在早期英国和法国诗歌中,指水仙花

18.They jumped on modern poetry as obscure他们把现代诗歌指责为晦涩难解的东西。


Shi Zhi"s poems食指诗歌

3)"Han Shi" Poetry《寒食诗歌》

4)poetic style诗歌风格

1.Thepoetic styles of the Nan Dynasties have been changed constantly in the process of their consummation.南朝诗歌在逐渐走向完美、精致的形成过程中其风格不断变化,不同时期的诗歌风格也呈现出各异的特点。

2.Critics generally regard Howl as being typical of Allen Ginsberg spoetic style while ignoring the significant changes that occurred in his later poems.人们一般把《嚎叫》的风格视作金斯伯格的诗歌风格。

5)poem "Southerly Wind"《南风》歌

1.It is King Shun spoem "Southerly Wind" written for singing as a song from the 22th to 23th centuries B.张铭发现了世界上第一篇关于季风的文献,即见于《史记》等古籍的帝舜《南风》歌,它对东亚夏季风的性状及其对社会民生的影响记载和刻画得极为简明和深刻。

6)folk songs风俗歌

1.Based on on-the-spot investigations from to ,the paper tries to dividefolk songs of the five She people towns in Wenzhou into five categories,namely wedding songs,funeral songs,protocol songs,admonishment songs and farming songs.本文基于作者—的多次实地考察,以温州地区5个畲族乡(镇)的风俗歌为主要调查研究对象,尝试把温州地区畲族风俗歌分为婚嫁歌、丧葬歌、宾礼歌、劝诫歌、农事歌五大类,对此五种类型的民俗场景作一民族志叙事性的描述,并尝试对其类别及特点作一梳理与分析。

2.Based on on-the-spot investigations from to , the paper tries to dividefolk songs of the five She people towns in Wenzhou into five categories, namely wedding songs, funeral songs, protocol songs, admonishment songs and farming songs.本文基于作者至的多次实地考察,以温州地区五个畲族乡(镇)的风俗歌为主要调查研究对象,尝试把温州地区畲族风俗歌分为婚嫁歌、丧葬歌、宾礼歌、劝诫歌、农事歌五大类,对此五种类型的民俗场景作一民族志叙事性的描述,并尝试对其类别及特点作一梳理与分析。


