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媒体教学 multimedia teaching英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-19 20:14:19


媒体教学 multimedia teaching英语短句 例句大全

媒体教学,multimedia teaching

1)multimedia teaching媒体教学

1.Whether and how the application ofmultimedia teaching can effectively attain the expected objective requires careful research work and elaborate design from a microcosmic point view of teaching.应用多媒体教学手段能否达到预期的目的,怎样取得预期的教学效果,却需要每位任课教师从教学的微观层面进行仔细地调研分析和精心设计。


1.multiple media instruction多媒体教学 多媒体教学

2.Function Analysis and Use of Media in Multimedia Class-teaching多媒体教学中媒体的功能分析与运用

3.Research on Multimedia Teaching in the View of Media Ecology媒介环境学视野中的多媒体教学研究

4.Misunderstanding of Multimedia Teaching多媒体教学认识误区及多媒体教学方法的思考

5.The Development of Multi-media P.E. Teaching and Volleyball Teaching;从排球多媒体教学看体育多媒体教育的发展

6.Multi-media Teaching Method in English Teaching;多媒体教学手段在外语教学中的体现

7.Multi-media Lesson Piece is in Athletics Teaching of Repair the Function with Each Other;浅谈多媒体教学在体育教学中的作用

8.On Applying Multi-Media Teaching Software to Optimize the Course of Physical Teaching;应用多媒体教学课件优化体育课教学

9.Application of multi-media courseware in P.E.;多媒体教学课件在体育教学中的应用

10.On Instruction of History with Multi-media Technology在多媒体教学技术下的历史教育教学

11.Multi-media Teaching Practice in High Mathematics Teaching in College;多媒体教学在高等数学教学中的应用

12.The Practice of Multi-media in Teaching of "Surveying Course";多媒体教学在《测量学》教学中的实践

13.The Use of Multimedia Technology in Legal Teaching;多媒体教学模式在法学教学中的应用

14.The study of traditional teaching and multimedia network teaching in hydrodynamics teaching;流体力学教学中的传统教学与网络多媒体教学

15.On Teacher s Principal Role in Multi -media Teaching;浅论教师在多媒体教学中的主体地位

16.The nature of multimedia teaching is still language teaching.多媒体教学的实质仍然是语言教学。

17.A Study on College Students Evaluating Effects of Teaching with Multimedia;大学生评价教师多媒体教学效果研究

18.On the Advantages and Disadvantages of Multimedia Teaching in Modern Teaching;浅谈多媒体教学在现代教学中的利弊


instructional media教学媒体

1.Application ofinstructional media in visual special education;教学媒体在视觉特殊教育中的运用

2.Thinking Resulted from Instructional Media Shift in Internet Era;网络时代教学媒体变革引发的思考

3.A Rearch on the Effect of Instructional Media in Postsecondary Classes;教学媒体对高等学校课堂教学影响的研究

3)teaching media教学媒体

1.This article discusses the problems of modernized construction ofteaching media and its optimized using in gr.本文将结合教学改革和实践,谈谈在图学教育中教学媒体现代化建设和优化使用的一些问题。

2.Now multi-media effect to teaching has been approbatory, graphic has been applied toteaching media,and has acquired good effect.在教学媒体设计中运用图形作为辅助手段被广泛利用,并取得了事半功倍的教学效果。

3.It is necessary to consider the real educational effect when applying properteaching media.选择和使用教学媒体要考虑实际教学效果。

4)teaching medium教学媒体

1.Differentteaching medium can produce different teaching effect in teaching process.不同的教学媒体在教学过程中产生不同的教学效果 ,利用费歇尔Fishea 。

2.From theteaching medium s concept,category and its relation to teaching,the author makes an exposition of the function and the significance of theteaching medium.本文从电教媒体的概念、种类及其与教学的关系 ,阐述了教学媒体的作用及意义 。

5)multimedia-aided teaching多媒体教学

1.On Food and Biochemistrymultimedia-aided teaching;《食品生物化学》多媒体教学的实践

2.Problems and countermeasures ofmultimedia-aided teaching of histology and embryology;组织胚胎学多媒体教学中出现的问题与对策

3.The advantages and disadvantages ofmultimedia-aided teaching of imaging nuclear medicine;《影像核医学》多媒体教学的利弊探讨

6)multimedia teaching多媒体教学

1.Study on themultimedia teaching of organic chemistry;对有机化学多媒体教学的思考

2.The practice and thinking inmultimedia teaching of chemical technics;化工原理多媒体教学的实践与思考

3.The practice and exploration ofmultimedia teaching in the organic chemistry;有机化学多媒体教学的实践与探索


多媒体教学多媒体教学multimedia teachingduomeitl laaoxtle多媒体教学(multimedia teaching) 军队院校和部队运用以计算机多媒体技术为主,与其他媒体技术结合的手段所进行的教学活动。多媒体教学是计算机多媒体技术进入教育领域后,与先进的教育思想、理论相运用多媒体手段进行教学徐宝库摄式开已经媒体员为,扩学手多媒有多提供军队教员要了、通播理理论教学媒体、继道)结合的产物。多媒体教学是从单机模始的,随着计算机网络技术的发展,发展成为网络模式。利用网络开展多教学,能够达到资源共享,实现以学主体的自主学习,从而提高教学效果大教学规模,促进教育改革,推动教段的现代化进程。计算机多媒体包括体计算机系统和多媒体应用软件,具维性、集成性、交互性等特点,能够更加优化的学习环境。多媒体教学在院校教育、部队训练中已被广泛应月运用多媒体实施教学,不仅要求具备进行普通教学的基本素质,而且解计算机技术、音频技术、视频技术信网络技术、系统科学理论、教育仪论、影视艺术、美学理论、现代教肩等方面的基本知识,熟悉媒体传播法,并能进行教学设计。随着多媒体技术的不断发展,多教学将在军队院校和部队的远程教肩续教育、职业教育中发挥重要的作用 (邓祖
