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政治取向 political orientation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-07 04:28:40


政治取向 political orientation英语短句 例句大全

政治取向,political orientation

1)political orientation政治取向

1.From Supporting Liu Han to Attaching to Wang Mang: Change of Scholars Political Orientation in the End of West Han Dynasty;由扶汉到附莽:西汉后期士人政治取向的转变

2.Empirical Study ofpolitical orientation of the College Students in Beibu Gulf(Guangxi) Economic Zone北部湾(广西)经济区高校学生政治取向实证研究

3.In the process of Confucianism combining with politics of imperial authority, the scholar-bureaucrat in two Han Dynasties show a clear common and individual personality inpolitical orientation, academic style, and other aspects.在儒学与皇权政治的结合过程中,两汉士大夫在政治取向、学术风格等方面都分别呈现出明显的共性和个性。


1.Two Splits and Evolution of Political Direction of Democratic League;民盟的两次分裂及其政治取向的演变

2.Utilitarianism of fiction translation in Late Qing Dynasty and its influence;晚清域外小说译介的政治取向及影响

3.Political inclination affects the formation of people"s political attitudes and political values.政治取向影响着人们的政治态度和政治观的形成。

4.Cultural and Political Tendency of Sixteen Kingdoms from the View of Reign Title;从年号看十六国政权之文化与政治取向

5.The orientation Of Ruling by Law Of The Socialism Political Civilization;社会主义政治文明的法治化目标取向

6.On the Tendency of Taoist Governing Political Culturein the Book of "Wen Zi;论《文子》的道治主义政治文化取向

7.An Analysis on the Political Value Orientation of China s Contemporary Political Development;浅析当代我国政治发展的政治价值取向

8.Political Culture: Basic Value Orientation of Chinese Political Development in 21th Century;政治文明:21世纪中国政治发展的基本价值取向

9.Chinese Present Stage Democratic Political Development Way Orientation;中国现阶段民主政治发展的路径取向

10.The Literature and Politics: Value Orientation of "Intervene Life" Literature;文学与政治:“干预生活”文学的价值取向

11.A Probe into Value Ideology of Legal Government;法治政府的价值取向及指标体系探析

12.Contemporary Undergraduates’ Orientation of Value and Ideological and Political Work;当代大学生价值取向及思想政治教育

13.Justice and Sciencetificness: Value Orientation of Political Civilization;正义与科学——政治文明的价值取向

14.On the Orientation of Philosophy of Political Class in Police School;简论警校政治课教学中的“哲学取向”

15.On Reality Orientation of Today China s Political Civilization Construction;论当代中国政治文明建设的现实取向

16.Political Sociology: Research Object & Theoretical Tendency;政治社会学的研究对象及其理论取向

17.The Political Participation of Chinese Citizen: A New Tendency;我国公民政治参与范式转换的新取向

18.Mediocre Politics,Extreme Trend and the Alienation of Democratic Society庸人政治、偏激取向与民主社会的异化


political inclination政治取向

1.The Study of Political Inclination in Citizen Education-taking American an Example;公民教育的政治取向研究

2.The methods of guiding college studentspolitical inclination include political guidance, self-education, political psychological adjustment, inspiration of political participation, mass media, and the use of Internet.政治取向影响着人们的政治态度和政治观的形成。

3.When Zhang Zhidong s governed Shanxi province,hispolitical inclination is repelling Xiang and Huai faction.从整顿吏治与整军经武两个方面论述了张之洞抚晋期间排湘斥淮的举措和政治取向,认为张之洞排湘斥淮的政治取向与清廷当时企图削弱湘淮势力的政治目的是一致的,清廷的扶植、张之洞独立不倚、公忠体国的政治品性及其对当时政治格局的准确把握,是其坚持排湘斥淮政治取向的原因,而张之洞抚晋期间的政治取向赢得了慈禧的信任,他因此进一步受倚重。

3)political value orientation政治价值取向

1.The results showthat social pracˉtice is the important foundation to developpolitical value orientation of college students.采用问卷调查方法 ,科学地调查了重庆市682名大学生与225名社会青年的政治价值取向状况。

2.In university students overall quality structure,ideological and political quality is the most important one,and university studentspolitical value orientation constitutes an important component part of their ideological and political quality.在大学生的整个素质结构中,思想政治素质是最重要的素质,大学生的政治价值取向又是其思想政治素质的重要组成部分。

4)philosophical and political orientation哲学、政治学取向

5)political tendency of literary research文学研究的政治取向

6)policy orientation政策取向

1.MNCs financing choice andpolicy orientation;跨国公司融资选择与政策取向

2.Government policy support for hi-technology industry and our government spolicy orientation;高新技术产业的政府政策扶持与我国政府的政策取向

3.Balance of International Payments Evolution and Policy Orientation in China;我国国际收支演进趋势及其政策取向


政治处(见政治部)政治处(见政治部)political divisionzhengzhiehu政治处(politieal division)中国人民解放军在团和相当于团的单位设立的政治工作领导机关。主要任务和职责与政治部基本相同。见政治部。
