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煤炭专业 coal mine Specialty英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-26 07:56:39


煤炭专业 coal mine Specialty英语短句 例句大全

煤炭专业,coal mine Specialty

1)coal mine Specialty煤炭专业

2)with coal mine major as the mainstay煤炭主体专业

1.According the goal of training and character of students in the new period situation and effective work,raising the "One Center and Four Units" Model that is to improve the overall qualities for the studentswith coal mine major as the mainstay,meanwhile much has been accomplished in it.根据新时期高校煤炭主体专业的培养目标和学生特点,结合工作实际,提出出煤炭主体专业学生综合素质培养的"一中心四结合"模式,并取得了良好的成效。


1.Exploration and Practice the Model of Improve the Overall Qualities for the Students with Coal Mine Major as the Mainstay;煤炭主体专业学生综合素质培养模式的探索与实践

2.A Study on All Parts" Behavior in Coal Industry & the Local Economy Development in Inner Mongolia Based on the Principal-Agent Theory煤炭行业行为主体与内蒙古地方经济发展

3.Promotion of Industrialization of Coal and Chemical Energy Independent Patent关于促进煤炭化工能源自主专利成果产业化的研究


5.Group of Experts on Productivity and Management Problems in the Coal Industry煤炭工业生产力和管理问题专家组

6.Review on Management of Special Purpose Equipments in Mechanical Manufacturing Enterprise of Coal;论煤炭机械制造企业的专用设备管理

7.Study on Main Social Stressors of Coal Entrepreneurs煤炭企业管理者主要社会应激源研究

8.Tentative Study on the Special Employment - Reemployment System:in Coal Cities;煤炭城市特殊就业再就业体系的探索

9.Equally Develop Coal and Non Coal Industry--The First Choice for the Coal Enterprise s Capital Operation;“煤与非煤并重”——煤炭企业产业资本运营的主要出路

pensation Design for First Line Workers in State-Own Coal Enterprise;国有煤炭企业一线员工薪酬体系设计

11.Study of Cost Management System in Coal Enterprise Based on ABC;基于ABC的煤炭企业成本管理体系研究

12.Study on Deepening the Coal Industry Administration System Reform of China;深化我国煤炭行业管理体制改革研究

13.Shanxi s coal industry management system reform and improvement;山西煤炭行业管理体制的改革与完善

14.A tentative analysis of coal mine energy saving audit assessment index system;煤炭企业节能审计评价指标体系初探

15.A Discussion on the Integrated Financial Management System of Coal Group;煤炭企业集团财务集成管理体系探讨

16.Three mainstays of coal business marketing system;论煤炭企业营销体系中的“三大支柱”

17.The Construction of Environmental Accounting System State-Owned Coal Enterprises国有煤炭企业环境会计核算体系构建

18.The charging standard shall be prescribed by the department in charge of the coal industry of the State Council, in conjunction with the department in charge of finance and the department in charge of price of the State Council.具体收费标准由国务院煤炭工业主管部门会同国务院财政主管部门和物价行政主管部门规定。


with coal mine major as the mainstay煤炭主体专业

1.According the goal of training and character of students in the new period situation and effective work,raising the "One Center and Four Units" Model that is to improve the overall qualities for the studentswith coal mine major as the mainstay,meanwhile much has been accomplished in it.根据新时期高校煤炭主体专业的培养目标和学生特点,结合工作实际,提出出煤炭主体专业学生综合素质培养的"一中心四结合"模式,并取得了良好的成效。

3)professional coal terminal专业化煤炭码头

1.According to the actual engineering demand,the CE(concurrent engineering) management theory is applied in the construction of theprofessional coal terminal.根据工程项目的实际需求,在专业化煤炭码头建设中应用了并行工程管理理论,利用网络平台,建立并行项目组织,实施并行作业,引入独立的监理组织,达到了既压缩建设周期又保证工程质量的目的。

4)education of the main mining major煤炭主体专业教育

5)coal industry煤炭产业

1.Discussion on countermeasures to improve competitive force of chinacoal industry;提升中国煤炭产业竞争力的对策探讨

2.Problem analysis ofcoal industry scale in Heilongjiang province and countermeasures;黑龙江省煤炭产业规模问题分析与对策

3.Multi-object optimization models ofcoal industry dynamic input-output;煤炭产业动态投入产出多目标优化模型

6)coal enterprises煤炭企业

1.On the construction of safety culture in thecoal enterprises;煤炭企业安全文化建设研究

2.Principle and aim to build a strategic union among large-scaledcoal enterprises;大型煤炭企业战略联盟的构建原则与目标


煤炭国际贸易(见煤炭市场)煤炭国际贸易(见煤炭市场)international trade of coal:see coal market煤炭国际贸易见煤炭市场。(international trade of eoal)
