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班主任管理工作 class counselor management work英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-02-17 21:38:25


班主任管理工作 class counselor management work英语短句 例句大全

班主任管理工作,class counselor management work

1)class counselor management work班主任管理工作


1.Looking at the Class Adviser s Management Work from a New Angle:“Flexible Management”;班主任管理工作的新视角——“柔性管理”

2.The Problems and Countermeasures in the New Curriculum Reform of Head Teacher s Manages Work;新课改中班主任管理工作存在的问题及对策浅议

3.The Analysis of the Tutor s Work in Higher Vocational College;班主任做好班级管理工作的几点要求

4.Strengthen Management to Improve the Substantial Results of Masters Work;加强管理,提高班主任工作的实效性

5.Application of Human-Oriented Administration in Head Teachers Work;“人本管理”在班主任工作中的应用

6.Standardized management of full-time and part-time work of teachers in charge of classes in higher institutions;高校专兼职班主任工作的规范化管理

7.Reflection on Loose Management of Head Teacher in Higher Vocational College高职高专班主任宽松式管理工作思考

8.Tay to Analyze How to do Well Class Directors;浅析“高中班主任”如何做好班级管理工作

9.The People under the Management of the Vocational College of Teacher Work;人本管理下的高职院校班主任工作浅谈

10.The Role of Instructor Team Building in the Work of Educating and Managing Students;论辅导员(班主任)队伍建设在学生教育管理工作中的重要作用

11.On the Functions of Class Supervisor & Counselor in Students Education & Management;试述班主任、辅导员在学生教育管理工作中应发挥的作用

12.Talking about the Application of Enterprise Management Concept in the Work of Vocational School s Class Adviser;浅谈企业管理理念在职业学校班主任工作中的运用

13.The Feasibility of the Headteacher s Work of Psychological Consultation for the Students;班主任做学生心理咨询工作的可行性

14.Innovation in Class Management: On Administrative Staff As the Teacher in Charge of a Class班级管理的创新:行政人员担任班主任

15.A Short Mention about Self-management of Students and the Leading Role of the Teachers in Charge of Classes;浅谈大学生的自我管理与班主任的主导作用

16.Dialogue--The New Idea Of Head Teacher In Class Management论对话——班主任班级管理的新理念

17.On Class Advisors Six Functions in Training Management;浅谈班主任在培训管理中的六大员作用

18.On the Construction of the General Mood of a Class --Also on the Work of a Teacher in Charge of a Class in a College;谈班风建设——兼谈高校班主任工作


class advisers work班主任工作

1.To bring their role into full play in quality education,it is necessary to a ccelerate the reform ofclass advisers work ,to upgrade class advisers quality ,to strengthen the management ofclass advisers work,and to improve class advis ers work methods.学校素质教育,班主任工作起着重要的作用。

3)headmaster work班主任工作

1.By means of interviews and questionnaires,the paper makes an investigation about the female students majoring in preschool education in colleges and universities from their political and ideological pursuit,learning and living status,employment psychological tendency and their views aboutheadmaster work.本文通过访谈法和调查问卷法,对高校女生中的特殊群体——学前教育专业女生的"思想政治追求"、"学习与生活状态"、"就业心理趋向"及"对班主任的看法"四个方面进行调查,并将调查的结果与班主任工作相结合,通过对学前教育专业女生在思想、学习、生活等方面反映出的心理状态与现实生活状态的分析,提出了作好学前专业女生班主任指导工作的启示。

4)the work of a teacher in charge of a class班主任工作

1.The innovation ofthe work of a teacher in charge of a class is the key of training innovation type talent.班主任工作创新是培养创新人才的关键。

2.Ifthe work of a teacher in charge of a class is expected to go smoothly, establishing the core of a class and forming cohesion is an important link which can t be ignored.班主任工作要顺利地开展 ,班级集体核心的建立和凝聚力的形成是不可忽视的重要环节。

5)headteachers work班主任工作

1.It will enrich the theory of schools mental health education and theheadteachers work in our country.小学班主任渗透式心理健康教育的实施,不仅避免了小学单纯依靠专业心理健康教育工作者展开工作势单力薄的局面,缓解了我国学校心理健康教育需要与心理健康教育教师资源在一定时期短缺的矛盾,而且也可以丰富我国学校心理健康教育和班主任工作的理论宝库。

6)class work班主任工作

1.Theclass work has been the focus and the difficulty to the school.班主任工作一直是学校工作的重点和难点,从班主任和学生双重视角出发,对班主任工作中存在的一些问题寻找班主任和学生理解上的差异,并提出改善措施,以期为班主任工作提供借鉴。


政治处主任(见政治部主任)政治处主任(见政治部主任)director of political divisionZhengzhichu zhuren政治处主任(direetor。f politie沮division)中国人民解放军团和团级单位政治机关的首长。主要职责和任职条件与政治部主任基本相同。见政治部主任。
