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科技合作 science and technology cooperation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-04-21 01:32:09


科技合作 science and technology cooperation英语短句 例句大全

科技合作,science and technology cooperation

1)science and technology cooperation科技合作

1.Research and Analyze Intellectual Property Issues in Fujian Province International Science and Technology Cooperation;福建省国际科技合作中知识产权问题调查与分析

2.Good investment environment and intermediary agency are esseatial inscience and technology cooperation.在调查研究的基础上 ,分析了浙江省与联邦德国合作的现状和前景 ,提出浙江省在对外经济和科技合作中 ,营造良好的投资环境及建立中介机构的必要性 。

3.The East-West Universities′ cooperation implemented by Ministry of education f the People′s Republic of China explores an innovativescience and technology cooperation way,which effectively accelerates Ethnic science and technology development and achieves mutual benefits among the universities.教育部启动的东西部高校的科技合作探索式地走出了一条科技合作的创新之路,有效地带动了民族地区地方院校科技的快速发展,使得东西部高校的科技合作逐步在差距中找到互补,在互补中实现双赢。


1.(5) Strengthen International scientific and technological Cooperation(五)加强国际科技合作

2.Review of China"s International Scientific and Technological Cooperation中国国际科技合作回顾

3.Standing Committee for Scientific and Technological Cooperatio科学和技术合作常设委员会 (科技合作常委会)

4.Strategy of Science and Technology Development of China and Prospects of Sino-EU Science & Technology Collaboration;中国科技发展战略及中欧科技合作的前景

5.The new trend of science-technology cooperation and the science-technology development of China;国际科技合作新趋势与中国的科技发展

6.The Evaluation of Russian Scientific and Technological Potential and the Prospect of Sino-Russian Cooperation on Science and Technology;俄罗斯科技潜力评价及中俄科技合作前景

7.Strengthen University′s Science and Technology Management Innovation adapt to science cooperation Internationalization高校科技管理创新与科技合作国际化研究

8.Analyses of S&T Cooperation across the Taiwan Straits Based on SCI Co-authorship;从SCI合著论文看海峡两岸科技合作

9.SCI Co-authorship Analyses of S&T Cooperation between China and France;从SCI合著论文角度看中法科技合作

10.An Analysis on China-US Cooperation in Science and Technology from the Perspective of China-US Co-authored Papers Status;从中美合著论文状况看中美科技合作

11.urvey Sino-Germany Scientific Collaboration since 1979 Based on the Analysis of the SCI Papers Co-authored by Chinese and German;从中德合著SCI论文看中德科技合作

12.Research on the Government s Role in the Regional S&T Cooperation;我国区域科技合作中的政府作用研究

13.Province-ministry science and technology cooperation:from national science and technology management to national-regional science and technology governance省部科技合作:从国家科技管理迈向“国家-区域”科技治理

14.Russia s Technological External Cooperative State and China s Current Technological Cooperative Countermeasure toward Russia;俄罗斯科技对外合作态势与中国当前对俄科技合作对策

15.Ministers" Conference on Regional Science and Technology Co-operation [Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation]区域科技合作部长会议〔亚太区经济合作组织〕

16.The Analysis of the Science and Technology Cooperation between Guangdong Province and Germany;广东与德国科技合作概况及未来合作思路分析


18.Administrative Section for Technical Cooperation技术合作行政科(技合行政科)


scientific and technological cooperation科技合作

1.Areascientific and technological cooperation achievement quantity appraising method investigation and discussion;区域科技合作绩效定量评价方法探讨与实证分析

2.Research on Hubei-EU s Scientific and Technological Cooperation;湖北—欧盟科技合作研究

3.Developing status and countermeasures ofscientific and technological cooperation between Yunnan and southern Asian countries云南省与南亚四国科技合作现状及发展对策

3)technological cooperation科技合作

4)technical cooperation科技合作

1.In recent years,the economic andtechnical cooperation between China Dongbei Economic Zone and Russian Far East took on a momentum of fast development.近年来,中国东北经济区与俄罗斯远东地区贸易和经济技术合作呈现出快速发展的势头,同时双方经贸科技合作中也存在亟待解决的问题,分析这些问题的成因,对于实现东北经济区对俄经贸科技合作战略升级至关重要。

2.On the condition of openness,strengthening itstechnical cooperation with Russia is an essential part of Liaoning province building up its own-innovation system.在开放条件下,加强对俄科技合作是辽宁省构建自主创新体系不可或缺的重要组成部分。

5)international science and technology cooperation国际科技合作

1.Current situation and policies ofinternational science and technology cooperation in Chinese enterprises;我国企业国际科技合作现状及对策研究

2.On the International Science and Technology Cooperation in Macro-science Age;论大科学时代的国际科技合作

3.Study on patterns forinternational science and technology cooperation from a perspective of government;基于政府视角的国际科技合作模式研究

6)agricultural technology cooperative society农业科技合作社


