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参数重要性 the importance of parameters英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-09-20 13:49:52


参数重要性 the importance of parameters英语短句 例句大全

参数重要性,the importance of parameters

1)the importance of parameters参数重要性

1.If sample data are not from the same type TBM, the TBM performance parameters should be considered andthe importance of parameters should be calculated again.基于此,提出了Monte Carlo-BP神经网络TBM掘进速度预测模型,着重考虑了一些重要输入参数的随机性,其中输入参数重要性的大小通过粗糙集进行计算排序。


1.Significance Evaluation and Visualization for Urban Geotechnical Parameters Based on Rough Sets and GeoMo~(3D);基于粗糙集和GeoMo~(3D)的城市岩土参数重要性评估与可视化

2.Repeatabillity is the most important genetic parameter in tree clone breeding.重复力是树木无性系育种中的一个重要参数。

3.This shows clear] y the importance of motor-generator parameters to the mode of starting.由此可见,电机参数对起动方式的重要性。

4.Some Important Property Parameters of Food in the Cold Process;食品冷加工工艺中的几个重要物性参数

5.Viewing the Importance of Parametric Equation and Polar Coordinates Form Computer Polting;从计算机作图看参数方程极坐标的重要性

6.Similarity Query in Multivariate Time Series Based on Parameter Importance Degree基于参数重要度的多元时间序列相似性查询

7.A method for measuring node importance in networks with the adjust parameters一种参数可调的网络节点重要性度量方法

8.The axial initiating ability of a detonator is one of the important parameters among its properties.雷管的轴向起爆能力是雷管性能的重要参数之一。

9.Sludge load and age are two important parameters of design and running in municipal sewage treatment applied the activated sludge technics.负荷、龄是活性污泥法处理城市污水设计、行中的重要参数。

10.Permeability is one of the most important parameters for the measurement of the flowing capability of the oil and gas.储层岩石渗透率是量度油气流动能力最重要的物性参数之一。

11.Changes in Some Important Growth Parameters of Embryogenic Cell Suspension Cultures of Banana (Musa acuminate cv .Mas)贡蕉胚性细胞悬浮培养过程中重要生长参数的研究


13.Influence of fissure feature parameters on the productivity of fractured horizontal wells and the ranking method裂缝参数对压裂水平井产能影响规律分析及重要性排序

14.Analysis and optimization on dynamic characteristics and important parameters of force feedback accelerometer力反馈式加速度计动态特性分析及重要参数选择

15.Vertex-Reconstructibility Of Some Parameters And The Vertex-Reconstructible Graphs;一些参数的点重构性和可重构的图类

16.Lifting appliances--Vocabulary--ParametersGB/T6974.2-1986起重机械名词术语主要参数

17.Many other important catalytic parameters were deduced.可以推导出很多其它重要的催化参数。

18.Calculation For Two Important Parametersln Half Ball Rotorpump《半球转子泵两个重要参数的计算》


important paramenter重要参数

3)parameter importance degree参数重要度

1.Aiming at the problem of multivariate time series similarity search,this paper presents the definition ofparameter importance degree and puts forward a candidate sets obtaining method based on it.针对多元时间序列的相似性查询问题,给出参数重要度的定义,提出一种基于参数重要度的候选集查询方法。

4)important technical parameters重要工艺参数

5)importance function重要性函数

1.The principle of Recursive Bayesian estimation was introduced which was the basis of Particle filter, and the significance ofimportance function to the design of particle filter was illustrated.介绍了作为粒子滤波理论基础的递推贝叶斯估计的基本概念,说明了重要性函数对于粒子滤波器的设计是至关重要的。

2.By adopting both p(Xkzk) and p(XkXk-1) asimportance functions and sampling from them,the global localization and kidnapped problems are figured out efficiently.针对当出现一些未建模的机器人运动时(如碰撞或者绑架问题),以小采样数目实现常规Monte Carlo方法难以解决的问题,提出一种新的Monte Carlo定位算法,该算法同时采用p(Xkzk)与p(XkXk-1)作为重要性函数并从中进行采样,避免了采样集不包含真实位姿采样的情况,能够有效地解决全局定位与绑架问题。

6)sensitivity of information数据重要性

1.A method based onsensitivity of information is introduced to solve the disadvantages based on traditional method.论文在介绍检察信息系统的基础上,采用了按行政级别、服务对象和系统性质等传统的分析方法对信息系统安全保护域做了系统的分析;同时引入了以数据重要性为基础的一种分析方法,综合地解决了传统分析方法缺乏针对性的问题,并运用这套方法提出了检察信息系统安全保护域。


