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西曲矿 Xiqu Coal Mine英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-02 10:57:48


西曲矿 Xiqu Coal Mine英语短句 例句大全

西曲矿,Xiqu Coal Mine

1)Xiqu Coal Mine西曲矿

1.Analysis on the Production Distribution and Product Positioning ofXiqu Coal Mine西曲矿生产布局和产品定位分析


1.Xiqu Mine 22502 Fully Mechanized Coal Face Technology Research Crossing Abandon Tunnel西曲矿22502综采工作面过空巷技术研究

2.Ore Controlling Condition and Mineralization distribution of Youkalang Lead-silver deposit in Xizang西藏那曲县尤卡朗铅银矿床控矿条件与矿化分布规律

3.Mineralogical Characteristics of Boehmite from the Pugou Bauxite Deposit in Hequ County, Shanxi Province山西省河曲县铺沟铝土矿中勃姆石的矿物学特征及其成因探讨

4.Genetic Mineralogy and Prospecting Potentiality of Granitoid of Nimu-Qushui Region in Tibet;西藏尼木曲水一带花岗岩类成因矿物学及找矿潜力

5.Metallogenic Regularities and Prospecting Analysis of Xilaokou Ore Area in Rushan乳山西涝口矿区成矿规律及找矿分析

6.Study on the Ore-forming and Ore-controlling Structures of Shuijingtun Gold Deposit in Northwestern Hebei Province冀西北水晶屯金矿成矿控矿构造研究

7.The Mississippi Valley-type (MVT) lead -zinc deposits are the classic epigenetic hydrothermal ores.密西西比河谷型矿床为后生热液矿床。

8.Fuzzy Synthetic Evaluation System of Mine Ventilation Indexes in Dong Qu Colliery;东曲矿矿井通风指标模糊综合评价系统

9.Preliminary Study of the Ore-Forming Mechanism of the Hua"an Jade Deposit in Jiubaoqu of Nanjing County,Fujian Province福建南靖九宝曲华安玉矿成矿机理初探

10.The Research of Composing Techniques Used in Piano Suite〈Xi-lake Photo Set〉;莫凡钢琴组曲《西子影集》作曲技法研究

11.On the musicians and their works in the west of Hebei during the anti-Japanese war;冀西抗战作曲家群及其歌曲创作初探

12.The Ci - poem & Qu - poem Originating from Ancient Western China;源自西域乐曲的词牌和曲调举隅(下)

13.The Ci - poem & Qu - poem Origin from Ancient Western China;源自西域乐曲的词牌和曲调举隅(上)

14.Geological Features and Prospecting Potential for the Axilongqu Au Deposit in Zoigê, Sichuan四川若尔盖阿细龙曲金矿成矿地质特征及找矿前景

15.The Research and Promoted Application of the Gist with Geophysical and Geochemical Information in Zhongqu Gold Mine District,Gansu Province甘南忠曲金矿区物化探找矿模式研究及找矿预测

16.Numerical optimization of the mining method for the deep level ore body mining of Xiangxi Gold Mine湘西金矿深部矿体采矿方法的数值优选

17.A Study on Metallogenic Episodes and Metallogenic Stages of Dongping Gold Deposit, Northwest Hebei Province冀西北东坪金矿床的成矿期次及成矿阶段研究



West Mine西矿

1.Discussion on the Problems Mining BaiyuneboWest Mine;关于开采白云鄂博矿区西矿若干问题的探讨

2.Some thought on restoring production of Baiyunebo west mine;关于白云鄂博铁矿西矿恢复生产有关问题的思考

3)Songs of Xi西曲

1.On the Prosperity of City Commerce from "Songs of Wu" and "Songs of Xi";试从“吴声”和“西曲”看六朝城市商业的繁荣


1.A Comprehensive Study on Wusheng Gequ andXiqu Ge of the Southern Dynasties;南朝吴声歌曲与西曲歌之综合研究

5)Xishan Mining Area西山矿区

1.Talking about the Ecological Security ofXishan Mining Area;浅谈西山矿区的生态安全

2.Discussing about the Approaches for Increasing the Unit-yield Level inXishan Mining Area;西山矿区提高单产水平的途径探讨

6)Xiyu coal mine西峪煤矿

1.Research on the Exploitation of No.9 Coal Seam Menaced by Pressure Water in Taiyuan Xiyu Coal Mine;对开采受承压水威胁的太原西峪煤矿9号煤层的研究

2.Probe into the Coal Bed Threatened by Confined Water in Xiyu Coal Mine;对西峪煤矿受承压水威胁煤层的探讨

3.In connection with complexity of topography and geology inXiyu coal mine, it expatiates applicative process of -dimensional earthquake -exploring technology from some aspects such as constructive methods outside, data processing and explored achievement etc The result indicates that the technique countermeasure and the achieved geologic effect is higher accuracy.针对太原西峪煤矿地形与地质的复杂性,从野外施工方法、资料处理、勘探成果等方面阐述了三维地震勘探技术所采用的技术以及所取得的地质效果。


西曲1.乐府《清商曲》的一部。详"西曲歌"。 2.山西﹑陕西的地方小曲。
