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还原气氛 reducing atmosphere英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-10 16:51:19


还原气氛 reducing atmosphere英语短句 例句大全

还原气氛,reducing atmosphere

1)reducing atmosphere还原气氛

1.Effect ofreducing atmosphere on composition and microstructure of cement clinker;还原气氛对水泥熟料矿物组成及显微结构的影响

2.After the Nd,Cr:GSGG crystal was annealed inreducing atmosphere,the absorption bands near 1μm almost disappear fully,which.还原气氛(CO和H2)下退火后的吸收光谱中,在1μm处的吸收带基本消失,这对于提高激光效率是非常有利的。

3.The influences of three factors,such as gas contents inreducing atmosphere,reducing temperature and reducing time,on the reducing degree of ware sintering were quantitatively investigated by the tube furnace.利用管式炉定量研究了陶瓷烧成中还原气氛气体含量、还原温度和还原时间三者对日用瓷烧成还原程度的影响 。


1.Effect of Reducing Atmosphere on Alumina Clinker Sintering还原气氛在氧化铝熟料煅烧中的作用

2.Effects of Reducting Gas Composition and Temperature on Gas Reduction Reaction Process of Oxidized Pellets还原气氛和温度对氧化球团气基还原反应进程的影响

3.Study on Mineral Features in Coal Ash of Huainan in Weak Reducing Atmosphere弱还原气氛下淮南煤灰矿物质特性研究

4.Study on COS Hydrolysis Kinetics on Y-906 Catalyst in Reducing Atmosphere还原气氛中γ-906型催化剂上羰基硫水解动力学研究

5.Some use of hydrogen is made in the welding and cutting of metals. Hydrogen is also used by semiconductor manufacturers, primarily to form reducing atmospheres.在金属的焊接和切割中氢也有应用。半导体制造商也使用氢,主要是形成还原气氛。

6.The Study on Conversion Character during Pyrolysis of Chinese Western Coals;西部弱还原性煤在N_2气氛中的热转化特性研究

7.Study of Catalytic Reacton for Reduction of Surfur Dioxide by Cabon Monoxide in Oxygen Atmosphere;含氧气氛下CO还原SO_2到单质硫催化反应的研究

8.Ash Behaviour of Huainan Coal in Reducing Conditions还原性气氛下淮南煤灰行为特征的研究

9.A Study on Migration of Sulfur in Coal under the Reductive Pyrolysis还原性气氛下煤中硫热解迁移规律的研究

10.No significant affeet of melting temperature and atmosphere on the colouring of glass has been found, but condition of weak flame reducing can be benificial for gaining much better absorbing performance of the glass.熔制温度及气氛对玻璃着色影响甚微,但火焰的弱还原条件有利于玻璃获得较好的吸热性能.

11.Midnight arrived, and the enthusiasm showed no signs of diminution.已经敲过了十二点了,热烈的气氛还没有降低。

12.Vernon: Well that was a really tense monthly meeting. It really got quite unpleasant at times.威尔南:这次每月例会气氛很紧张,有时还很恶劣。

13.Several othet figures ominously loomed.还有另外几个隐现在不祥的气氛之中的身影。

14.And the interlocution about knowledge of Microsoft make the action very activity.其间还穿插了微软知识问答,气氛十分活跃。

15.Mechanism of the High-temperature Reaction of Al_2O_3-Si System Materials in Different Atmosphere;Al_2O_3-Si系原料在不同气氛下的高温反应机理研究

16.a convivial evening, atmosphere欢乐的夜晚、 气氛.

17.A splendid atmosphere or aura, as of glamour, that surrounds a person or thing.气氛,光彩围绕人或东西的气氛或氛围,如魅力

18.Candles: Bringing light in the deep winter night candles are also essential for the atmosphere of Christmas dinner.蜡烛:在寒冬时节给大家带来光明,还可调节圣诞晚餐的气氛。


reduction atmosphere还原气氛

1.The effects ofreduction atmosphere on the structure of the Co-ZrO2 coprecipitation catalyst and its catalytic activity for Fischer-Tropsch synthesis were investigated by means of X-ray diffraction,transmission electron microscopy,scanning electron microscopy,and temperature-programmed reduction.采用程序升温还原、氮吸附、原位X射线衍射、扫描电镜和透射电镜等方法研究了不同还原气氛对钴锆共沉淀催化剂结构的影响,并考察了催化剂上费托合成反应的性能。

2.Influence ofreduction atmosphere on property of 7%Pd/γ Al 2O 3 catalyst was studied.本文研究了还原气氛对催化剂 7% Pd/γ- Al2 O3性能的影响。

3.The PTCR thermistors which have a higher room temperature resistance than nominal ones, are treated underreduction atmosphere (lg{ p O 2 } Pa =-4.对常温阻值大于标称阻值PTCR热敏电阻在还原气氛中(氧分压lg{pO2}Pa=-4。

3)reducing atmosphere还原性气氛

4)feeble reduction atmosphere弱还原气氛

5)reductive atmosphere还原性气氛

1.The coal pyrolysis under thereductive atmosphere including H2 and CO will be found that the more sulfur be transferred from the coal matrix into the pyrolysis tar and gas.本实验采用固定床反应器考察了一种中硫煤以及对其用硝酸和盐酸处理过的煤样(以后分别称为原煤样、硝酸处理煤样和盐酸处理煤样)在还原性气氛下热解时硫的迁移规律以及热解气态产物中主要含硫气体的逸出情况,并与煤样在热分析仪上热解时挥发分的析出情况进行了比较,得出了以下主要结论。

6)weak reduction atmosphere弱还原性气氛


蓝钨氢还原(见仲钨酸铵氢还原)蓝钨氢还原(见仲钨酸铵氢还原)hydrogen reduction of blue tung sten compoundIanwu qing huanyuan蓝钨氮还原(hydrogen reduetion of bluetungsten compound)见仲钨酸按氮还原。
