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开放的教师教育体系 open system of teacher education英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-14 20:33:26


开放的教师教育体系 open system of teacher education英语短句 例句大全

开放的教师教育体系,open system of teacher education

1)open system of teacher education开放的教师教育体系

2)"opening grand education" system"开放的大教育"体系

3)Open Teacher Education开放式教师教育


1.Build One-Majority-Many-Element and Open System of Normal Education;构建“一主多元”的开放式教师教育体系

2.A Research on the Accreditation of Teacher Educational Institutions in China in the Open System of Teacher Education;开放式教师教育背景下中国教师教育机构认证制度研究

3.Study on the Forming Mechanism of the Opening Teacher Education Mode in American;美国开放式教师教育模式的形成机制研究

4.Energetic Promotion to the Transition of Normal Education Mode andthe Construction of an Open System of Teacher Education;积极推动师范教育转型 构建开放式教师教育体系

5.Role Change of TVU Teachers under the Open Education Model;开放教育模式下电大教师的角色转换

6.Analysis of instructors role in the mode of distance and open education;试析远程开放教育模式下的教师角色

7.On Teachers Guidig Roles in Four Kinds of Teaching Models of Distance Education;论开放教育“4学”模式中教师导学的作用

8."Tutorial System" Teaching Model in Distance Open Education;试析远程开放教育专业课程“导师制”教学模式

9.The Practice and Exploitation of “Open-style” Model for Teachers Continuing Education;教师继续教育“开放型”培训模式的实践与探索

10.A Study of Teachers Media Conformable Competence in the Mode of Distance Open Education;远程开放教育模式中教师媒体整合能力的研究

11.Open Teaching and Circular Practice-an important teaching pattern in high education;开放式教学 滚动式实践——师范教育中的重要教学模式

12.Exploration of new modes of teaching andlearning in open education;教不必师,学无定式——开放教育教与学新模式的探索

13.On the Construction of Teaching Staf f in Open and Distance Education;远程开放教育实践教学教师队伍建设

14.The Teaching Methods of the Assistants in Long-distance Opening Education;远程开放教育辅导教师教学方法探析

15.On the Features of Open Education and Teaching Ability of Teachers;论开放教育的特点及教师的教学能力

16.A Tentative Discussion on the Promotion of Teachers" Teaching Quality in Open Education试析开放教育中教师教学素质的提升

17.Open-style P.E Course and Teacher s Quality Improvement in Colleges and Universities;高校开放式体育课程与教师素质的提升

18.The Changes of Education Practice Model in Chinese Normal College after the Reform and Opening-up改革开放后中国高师教育实习模式的变革


"opening grand education" system"开放的大教育"体系

3)Open Teacher Education开放式教师教育

4)Open Education Teaching Ssystem开放式教育教学体系

5)open-end higher pedagogical education开放式师范教育

1.It was an important try of constructing theopen-end higher pedagogical education system,but was abolished few years later.它是建立开放式师范教育体制的一次重要尝试,但只存在了短短几年时间即被废止。

6)teacher education system教师教育体系

1.Conceive and Construct Teacher Education System of Our Country under Lifelong Education Background;终身教育理念背景下我国教师教育体系的构想与创建

2.Therefore,Huazhong Normal University advances the innovation of teacher education pre-service cultivation system by subject construction;deepens the reformation and development of teacher education by means of cognitive science and information;builds up integrativeteacher education system through teacher education comprehensively experimental ar.为此华中师范大学以学科群建设为手段,创新教师教育职前培养体系;借助认知科学与信息技术,深化教师教育的改革与发展;建立教师教育综合实验区,构建一体化的教师教育体系。


