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高职大学生 higher vocational college students英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-09-09 08:23:29


高职大学生 higher vocational college students英语短句 例句大全

高职大学生,higher vocational college students

1)higher vocational college students高职大学生

1.Describe the definition of media quality and media quality education,as well as the significance of cultivating media quality education among college students and the approaches of media quality education forhigher vocational college students.叙述媒介素质和媒介素质教育的含义,对高职大学生开展媒介素质教育的重要意义,以及对开展高职大学生媒介素质教育的措施及途径进行了探讨。

2.The paper introduces the love phenomenon ofhigher vocational college students.本文提出了国内高职类大学生群体恋爱的这一现象,对其现状特点做了归纳,对产生原因从心理的角度进行了客观的分析,合理地提出了引导高职大学生树立正确的恋爱观的建议。

3.This paper explores thehigher vocational college students’ basic information of coping styles by the integration of stress circumstance and coping strategies through the way of adopting coping styles questionnaire.把应激情境和应对策略结合起来考察高职大学生应对风格的基本情况,采用应对风格问卷对其进行调查。


1.On the Psychological Skill of Hunting Jobs for Higher Vocational Students;浅谈高职大学生自荐求职的心理技巧

2.A Comparative Study on Academic Adaptability between Higher Vocational College Students and Regular Students;高职大学生与普通大学生学习适应性比较研究

3.A Discussion of Career Planning for Students in Higher Technical Institutes;关于高职大学生职业生涯规划问题的探讨

4.A Study of Motivation and Learning Strategies of Chinese Vocational EFL Students;高职大学生英语学习动机及策略研究

5.Attribution Tendency for Vocational College Students in PE Courses;高职大学生体育学习结果的归因倾向

6.Investigations on Present Situation of Innovation of Higher Vocational Students;高职大学生创新现状的调查研究——以辽东学院部分高职学生为例

7.Develop Invisible Courses and Nurture Professional Quality of Higher Vocational College Students;隐性课程开发与高职大学生职业素质培养

8.Analysis of Vocational College Students Moral Status;高职大学生职业道德现状调查分析报告

9.Analysis of Present Situation &Countermeasures of Higher Vocational students" Professional Culture高职大学生职业文化现状与培育对策探析

10.On the Present Situation of Students’ Listening Ability in Vocational Colleges and the Relevant Countermeasures;高职高专大学生英语听力现状及对策

11.The Current Situation and Countermeasures of College Student Employment in Higher Vocational Colleges;高职高专大学生就业现状与对策思考

12.An Empirical Study on the Occupational Values of Higher Vocational College and Higher Specialty College Students in Guangdong Province广东省高职高专大学生职业价值观的实证研究

13.Vocational Career Planning for College Students in China;对高职院校大学生职业生涯规划的思考

14.Professional College Should Introduce College Student Career Project;高职院校应积极导入大学生职业生涯规划

15.Problems in Students" Career Planning of Vocational and Technical College and Their Solutions高职院校大学生职业生涯规划教育浅谈

16.Study on the Chinese Content for the Deaf Students in Vocational Education at Tertiary Level;高职听障生“大学语文”教学内容初探

17.How to Improve English Applying Abilities of the Students in Vocational Universities;论提高职业大学学生的英语应用能力

18.On the Function of "College Chinese" Course on Training Students Vocational Quality in High Vocational Education;“大学语文”对培养高职学生职业素养的作用


Vocational college students高职大学生

1.Correlation between Social Support and Mental Health of the Vocational College Students;高职大学生社会支持与心理健康相关研究

2.Objectives To analyze the relationship of mental health and social support of the vocational college students and provide basic reference data for students psychological consultation.结果高职大学生的社会支持系统良好,社会支持以父母为主,家人和朋友给予的经济支持最多,朋友和同学给予的安慰关心最多;高职大学生一般不主动寻求社会支持,女生获得的客观支持和主观支持都多于男生(P<0。

3)higher vocational students高职大学生

1.Internet Psychological Block among Higher Vocational Students and Its Intervention and Rectification;高职大学生网络心理障碍及其干预矫治

2.Discussion on Cultivation of Healthy Internet Psychology for Higher Vocational Students;高职大学生健康网络心理养成探析

3.Through a complete set of psychological health instruction network consistent with the fea- tures ofhigher vocational students,various mental problems on those students part can be eliminated,laying a solid mental foundation for their later-on entry into the socie.构建高职大学生心理教育体系,一要构建心理健康教育的课堂教学体系;二要开展课堂外的各种心理辅导活动;三要建立学生心理自助体系。

4)higher vocational college student高职大学生

1.The paper points out that the contemporaryhigher vocational college students may experience emotional,cognitive and behavioral distress out of employment pressure.目前高职大学生在就业过程中常会遇到情绪化、认知化、行为化等心理困扰,造成这些心理困扰的原因有就业动机的非理性、就业主体的矛盾性和就业市场的多面性等,对这些心理困扰,高职大学生应勇于面对,进行自我调适。

2., the present study did experimental research on the effect of application of the "Multiple-roles Teaching Method" to basketball specialized curriculum teaching onhigher vocational college students quality of health.采用测量、问卷调查、实验对比等研究方法,在篮球专选课教学中采用"多角色教学法",对高职大学生健康素质的影响进行实验研究。

5)college students of vocational training program新高职大学生

6)vocational college students高职院校大学生

1.However, there are some problems in culture behavior of highervocational college students.高职院校大学生在这样开放的环境中,正值接受文化知识的最前沿和文化行为塑造的关键时期,高职院校大学生整体上思维敏捷、求知欲强、热衷于新文化。


冲击高电压测量(见高电压测量)冲击高电压测量(见高电压测量)measurement of high impulse voltagesch。门引才g。。dion丫日cel}o口g冲击高电压测量(rneasurement ofhighimpulsevoltages)见高电压测量。
