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培育机制 cultivation mechanism英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-01-23 16:28:52


培育机制 cultivation mechanism英语短句 例句大全

培育机制,cultivation mechanism

1)cultivation mechanism培育机制

1.The disscussion on high effects of forest resourcescultivation mechanism in Jian ou city;建瓯市高效森林资源培育机制的探讨

2.The enlargement and reproduction process, the cultivation model as well as thecultivation mechanism of the urban rainwater collection and utilization industry in China were studied.通过界定城市雨水收集及利用产业的内涵,分析了其形成与发展的重要意义,研究了我国城市雨水收集及利用产业的扩大再生产过程、培育机制和培育模式,指出我国城市雨水收集及利用产业的成长与发展应采取增量投资和存量调整相结合的增长战略。

3.The paper designs including enterprise social responsibilitycultivation mechanism from government, media, universities and NGOs, and many enterprises and points out that cultivation host is self-cultiva-tion, it is key restriction elements of operation for enterprise social responsibilitycultivation mechanism, in order to support the expanding of enterprise social responsibility cultivation.在此,设计包括政府、媒体、高校和NGOs企业多方推动的良性自运行企业社会责任培育机制。


1.A Training Mechanism Analysis of Physical Mass Organizations by Workers and Staff Members in China;我国职工体育社团组织培育机制分析

2.The disscussion on high effects of forest resources cultivation mechanism in Jian ou city;建瓯市高效森林资源培育机制的探讨

3.On the Function and Training System of Socialist Teacher s Virtue;论社会主义师德的功能及其培育机制

4.Research on the Evaluation and Nurture Mechanism of Competitive Intelligence Capability;企业竞争情报能力的评价与培育机制研究

5.An Analysis of Current Situation and a Study of Develop System about Talent of Party and Politics of Zhejiang Province;浙江省党政人才现状分析及培育机制研究

6.Progress Mechanism of Resource-saving Techniques and Its Choice and Development;资源节约技术进步机制的选择与培育

7.Innovative Research on Mechanism of New Farmer s Sci-Tech Education and Training;新型农民科技教育培训机制创新研究

8.Study on the power system of the duty police about education or training;公安民警在职教育培训动力机制研究

9.On Market Operating Systems of Vocational Education and Training to Peasant Workers;农民工职业教育培训的市场运作机制

10.Public Security Official College People s Policeman Education Training Operation Mechanism Investigation;公安院校民警教育培训运作机制探索

11.On the Cultivation and Construction of the Mechanism of the Shannxi Enterprisers Market;论陕西企业家市场机制的培育和构建

12.Research on system of talents training for athletics;竞技体育后备人才培养机制理论研究

13.Mechanism of Science, Technology and Education of Construction IT Talents-Nurturing in Sichuan;构建四川培养IT人才的科技教育机制

14.A new Exploration into Mechanisms of the Cultivation and Education of Graduate Party Members研究生党员培养与教育机制的新探索

15.Analysis on Reforming Schooling Length of Postgraduate and the Training Mechanism谈我国研究生教育的学制改革与培养机制问题

16.Study on the National Sports Administrative Department s Running System of Bringing up and Developing Nongovernmental Sports Organizations;国家体育行政部门培育发展民间体育社团运作机制研究

17.Connotation, Status Quo and Foster Mechanism of Recessive Occupations Graduates Taking Up大学毕业生隐性就业的内涵、现状及机制培育

18.Study on Education and Training Mechanisms for Rural Surplus Labor before Transfer in Wuhan;武汉市农村剩余劳动力转移前的教育培训机制


training system培育机制

1.To solve these problems,training system and incentive system should be established.解决这些问题要引入培育机制和激励机制。

2.Furthermore, this paper argues that the key point of the construction of socialist teacher s virtue is to build up thetraining system, including the educational system, the superviory system, and the system of rewards and penalties.从现阶段我国教师的职业特点、基本国情、现实需要和师德传统出发,分析了社会主义师德在政治生活与社会发展中所具有的功能,论述了社会主义师德建设的关键是建立社会主义师德培育机制,包括师德教育机制、师德监督机制和师德奖惩机制。

3)cultivating mechanism培育机制

1.The national spiritcultivating mechanism is refered to as the process and way for the various factors which contribute to the national spirit to interact.民族精神培育机制是指构成民族精神培育的各要素之间相互作用的过程和方式。

2.An effective educationcultivating mechanism toward the young teachers will decide the latent force and continue developing of college.青年教师的培育机制主要有:业务扶持与生活关怀相结合的激励机制;业务考核与目标要求相统一的制约机制;纳才招贤与风险岗位相结合的竞争机制。

4)training mechanism培育机制

1.There are 4 aspects to the creation of countryside talents development mechanism in the process of promoting countryside industrialization: the creation of rural talents education andtraining mechanism;the creation of rural talents development and operation mechanism;the creation of rural talents market operati.目前,在全面推进农村工业化的进程中,必须从以下四方面进行农村人才开发机制的创新:一是对农村人才教育和培育机制进行创新;二是对农村人才开发和运行机制进行创新;三是对农村人才市场运行机制进行创新;四是对农村人才开发服务机制进行创新。

5)fostering mechanism培育机制

1.Study on the Fostering Mechanism of High-level Technological Talent;高层次科技人才的培育机制研究

6)Mechanism cultivation机制培育


