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亚黏土 mild clay英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-15 15:31:55


亚黏土 mild clay英语短句 例句大全

亚黏土,mild clay

1)mild clay亚黏土

1.According to the actual situation of the short step and seven-step-excavation inmild clay stratum of Yunyangshan Tunnel,a typical cross-section is selected,in which the vault displacement and the force of the steel support were monitored.湖南省衡炎高速公路云阳山隧道进口段为亚黏土地层,由于该地层含水量高、可塑性强、自稳能力差,承载力低,给隧道施工造成困难。


1.(Australian) soil in the melon holes of Australia.(澳)澳大利亚黏土小洼地里的土壤。

2.The Study of Field Measurements of Short Step and Seven-step-excavation in a Tunnel of Mild Clay Stratum亚黏土地层隧道台阶七步开挖施工现场测试研究

3."The Assyrian and Persian empires, which lacked stone outcroppings, used sun-dried clay Bricks."亚述帝国和波斯帝国没有出产石头,人们使用晒干的黏土砖。

4.ultimate bond capacity [ground]极限黏结力〔土地〕

5.The earth here is mostly clay.这儿的土大部分是黏土。

6.made of earth (or baked clay).用泥土或黏土制成的。

7.Application of plastic-like visco-elastic model to clay准塑性的黏弹性模型在黏土中的应用

8.a bed of clay, limestone, sand, etc一层黏土、 石灰石、 沙子等.

9.The heat of the sun hardens clay.太阳的热使黏土变硬。

10.He shaped a pot out of the clay.他用黏土塑成一只罐子。

11.To fill in with clay or mortar.涤塞用黏土或灰浆填充

12.Clay binds when it is baked.黏土一烧就会凝固。

13.to model animals in clay用黏土做动物的模型

14.the underlying clay, rock, etc处于下层的黏土、 岩石等.

15.shape the wet clay on a potter"s wheel在陶钧上用湿黏土制坯

16.She fashioned the clay into a pot.她用黏土制成个罐。

17.Coulomb numerical solution of passive earth pressure on cohesive soil黏性土被动土压力计算的库仑数值解

18.Adhesive of Rubberized Concrete to Common Concrete橡胶混凝土与普通混凝土的黏结性能


clayey layer亚黏土层

3)Light clayey轻亚黏土

4)sandy loam壤土、亚黏土

5)light loam liquefaction potential轻亚黏土液化势


1.Polypropylene Modified by Org-Clay Prepared through Solid Phase Method;固相法制备有机黏土改性聚丙烯

2.Effect of cure methods onclay dispersion state in rubber/clay nanocomposites;硫化方法对橡胶/黏土纳米复合材料黏土片层分散状态的影响

3.Experimental study on utilization of metallic tailings asclay for cement clinker calcinations;金属尾矿代黏土配料煅烧水泥熟料试验研究


