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深入访谈 In-depth interview英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-18 15:22:57


深入访谈 In-depth interview英语短句 例句大全

深入访谈,In-depth interview

1)In-depth interview深入访谈

1.Methods From May to June,,in-depth interview was conducted to community members including drug users,family members of drug users,cadres of communities and administrations by researchers with designed syllabus.方法在四川省选择开展艾滋病防治工作的社区,研究人员使用制定好的定性访谈提纲对不同类型的访谈对象进行个人深入访谈。

2.9 Focus group discussions and 12 in-depth interviews were given to reflect the relationship between the individual health-seeking behaviors,quality of health services,health policy and the access to TB diagnosis and treatment.方法 通过小组访谈和深入访谈的方法,以江苏省北部某县3个乡的部分结防医生、村卫生工作者和肺结核病人为研究对象,从结核病诊断和治疗的个人就医行为、医疗卫生服务质量和结核病防治政策等方面来探讨影响农村病人获得结核病诊断和治疗的因素。


1.Methods The application of field investigation and deep interview.方法采用实地调查和深入访谈的方式。

2.In-depth Interview on Hospital Information System Construction of Wu Han City武汉市医院信息化建设深入访谈研究

3.The Use and Development of In-depth Interviews in Ethnographic Research;现代人类学研究中深入访谈的运用与发展

4.Methods Four hundred and seventy-four patients of3 STD clinics in Shanghai were inve stigated with questionaires and interviewed.方法对上海市3个性病门诊的474例患者进行了问卷调查和深入访谈。

5.Using in-depth Interviewing Methods with Suicide Attempters and Their Associates to Assess Their Ideas about the Characteristics and Causes of the Attempt;运用深入访谈探究自杀未遂者及其亲友对自杀未遂发生原因的看法

6."I had my first in-depth discussions on politics, people"s livelihood, and environment issues with foreigners, not counting interviews I had conducted as a reporter."我第一次跟外国人很深入地谈政治、民生、环保等课题(采访工作不算)。

7.Data were collected in semi-structured interviews and were analyzed by content analysis and SPSS software.采半结构性深度访谈方式,并将访谈过程记录下来。

8.Method To visit and talk with interviewees who are chosen with random sampling.方法进行随机抽样的入户访谈式调查。

9.For the in-depth interview the semi-structured programming method is used to collect data.研究的方法,以半结构式问题,进行深度访谈。

10.An Interview with Prof. Gao Min--A Famous Historian;探索中国古史的深层底蕴——高敏先生访谈录

11.Practice and Understanding of In-depth Interview in Assessment of Talent Cultivation人才培养工作评估深度访谈的实践与认识

12.How to make in-depth research of visitors needs?如何对网站访客需求进行深入研究调查?

13.He often goes into the masses and has a heart-to-heart talk with the workers.他经常深入群众, 和工人们促膝谈心。

14."Think hard and engage in conversation.深入思考问题并且要与人交谈。

15.Twelve hundred and sixty-four teachers completed the teacher questionnaire and comprised the response rate as 71.0%.研究者并以方便取样抽取18位卫生组长做深度访谈。

16.A Primary Study about the Application of In-depth Interview on the Research of Optimizing Clinical Research Programme of Chinese Medicine;基于深度访谈法初步研究中医临床实施方案优化

17.Phenomena,Reasons and Countermeasures of Underage Feminine on Their Morality Defect;未成年女性道德缺陷的表现、成因与对策——基于深度访谈的理性探索

18.Going into the Depths: The Chinalization Trend of Anthropology Research in China--An Interview with Anthropologists (36);走向深处:中国人类学中国研究的态势——人类学学者访谈录之三十六


Thorough talks深入访谈法

3)In-depth individual interview个人深入访谈法

4)In-depth interviews个体深入访谈

5)in-depth interview个人深入访谈

1.Method In-depth interview and focus group discussion were carried out to collect data.方法采用个人深入访谈和小组访谈收集资料,采用MAXqda2软件进行分析。

2.The Systematic Review and In-depth Interviews on Financing Mechanism of Community Health Services in China;完成关于社区卫生服务筹资渠道的系统综述之后,本研究又根据山东省的情况进行了“个人深入访谈”研究,对系统综述的结果加以验证和补充。

6)in-depth individual interview个人深入访谈

1.Methods A Combination of focus group discussion andin-depth individual interview was applied to investigate the feeli.方法采用定性研究中的专题小组讨论和个人深入访谈方法调查曲阜市结防医务人员和结核病人在结核病的诊断和治疗过程中的感受和体会,初步探讨结核病患者的生存质量及其影响因素。


