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动态压力 dynamic pressure英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-23 12:37:57


动态压力 dynamic pressure英语短句 例句大全

动态压力,dynamic pressure

1)dynamic pressure动态压力

1.Experimental study on the desensitization of emulsion explosives underdynamic pressure;动态压力作用下乳化炸药减敏的实验研究

2.Analysis and Research on the Dynamic Pressure in the Diplegs of a Cyclone Separator With Trickle Valves;带翼阀旋风分离器料腿内动态压力的分析研究

3.Molten metal meniscus profile and mold flux channel width are measured under high frequency magnetic field with different intensities by model experiments, then thedynamic pressure in mold flux channel is calculated during one mold oscillation period.通过模型实验,测量了在不同强度高频电磁场作用下液态金属弯月面形状,计算了保护渣道宽度及在结晶器振动一个周期内保护渣道动态压力变化情况。


1.Structural Analysis of Micromachined Piezoresistive Pressure Sensors for Dynamic Pressure Measurements面向动态压力测量的微型压力传感器敏感结构

2.Investigation of Dynamic Pressure Test System in Burning Rate Motors燃速发动机动态压力测试系统的研究

3.The Quasi dynamic pressure calibration system is a dynamic pressure generator,used in calibrating measuring device for the pressure in bore.准动态压力标定系统是用于膛压测量器材进行准动态标定的动态压力发生器。

4.Appling CFD Technic to Investigate the Dynamic Pressure MeasurementCFD技术在动态压力校准中的应用研究

5.Distributing Characteristic of Dynamic Pressure Field of Vortex Flowmeter涡街流量传感器动态压力场分布特性

6.Research on photonic crystal fiber sensors for dynamic pressure measurement动态压力光子晶体光纤传感器的研究

7.Research of the Low-Voltage Dynamic Voltage Restorer s Capacity of Compensation;低压动态电压调整器的补偿能力研究

8.Piezoelectric Pressure Sensors Dynamic Calibration Technology Research压电式压力传感器动态校准技术研究

9.Dynamic Simulation Experiment on the Pressure Fluctuation and Impact of Hydraulic System液压系统压力波动与冲击的动态仿真试验研究

10.Effect of starting pressure gradient on the production performance of fractured wells启动压力梯度对压裂井生产动态影响研究

11.Oil and Gas Reservoir Model for Multiplayer Channeling and Dynamic Monitor Down Hole Pressure.多层窜流油气藏模型及井底压力动态

12.The Dynamic Characteristic Testing Technology for the Pressure Temperature Controller Switch;压力式温控器开关动态特性测试技术

13.Study of Algorithm for Power System Dynamic Voltage Stability Control;电力系统动态电压稳定控制算法研究

14.The Stable Pressure Calculation of Certain Aero-engine;某型发动机滑油系统的稳态压力计算

15.A Method of Dynamic Analysis of the Pressure of Horizontal Well with Horizontal Fracture;水平裂缝水平井的压力动态分析方法

16.Research on Dynamic Annular Pressure Control Application Technology动态环空压力控制系统应用技术研究

17.Objective Measurement Andlysis of Bra Stress Distribution under Static and Dynamic Status动静态下文胸压力分布客观测量分析

18.Research on Stress Testing to Qos of Dynamic Web Service CompositionWeb服务动态组合中Qos的压力测试


pressure behavior压力动态

1.Analysis onpressure behavior of trilinear flow model of vertical fracture wells in triple porosity reservoir;三重介质三线性流垂直裂缝井压力动态分析

2.Well test analysis methods used before only consider the effect of wellbore storage on wellpressure behavior but not the effect of its variation, which greatly affect pressure performance due to the characteristics of condensate gas reservoirs.以前的试井分析方法虽然考虑了井筒存储的影响,但没有考虑井筒存储变化对压力动态的影响。

3.Productivity andpressure behavior have always been hot spots of multi-lateral well study.产能和压力动态一直是分支水平井研究的热点问题,本文调研了国内外研究产能和压力动态的主要方法及其核心思想,并分析了其各自的优缺点。

3)pressure transient压力动态

1.Study and application ofpressure transient of naturally fractured reservoirs with stress-sensitive and start pressure grade;带启动压力梯度的双孔压敏介质压力动态及其应用研究

2.The effects of permeability ratio of inner to that of outer zones, radius of inner zone, inter-porosity flow factor, storativity ratio, outer boundary and wellbore skin onpressure transient are discussed.表明:当油藏内外区的渗透率不同时,类似于在井的周围存在封闭边界或者定压边界;内区的大小决定着反应外区渗透率影响的压力响应出现的早晚;窜流系数影响着窜流阶段出现的早晚;弹性储容比影响着导数曲线上“凹陷”的深度和宽度;而外边界的影响则由于油藏内外区渗透率的差异而和普通的三重介质油藏不同;表皮系数对压力动态的影响与内外区域渗透率比对压力动态的影响也有着很大的差别。

4)pressure performance压力动态

5)dynamic pressure point动态压力点

1.Puts forward the control method ofdynamic pressure point.通过分析得出了一次泵宜采用变频调节;为避免供水环路水力失衡,变频二次泵应设最低频率限制;提出变频二次泵应多台并联供水以满足系统低负荷时的水量需求,同时提出动态压力点控制法。

6)dynamic lateral pressure动态侧压力


