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心理过程理论 psychological process theory英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-28 17:01:26


心理过程理论 psychological process theory英语短句 例句大全

心理过程理论,psychological process theory

1)psychological process theory心理过程理论

1.The application ofpsychological process theory in merchandise taste was researched to provide reference to packaging design.通过讨论审美心理学在商品包装中的应用,分析商品销售过程中商业心理学和消费心理学之间的内在联系,并对心理过程理论在商品审美的应用作了深入细致的研究,为商品包装设计的发展以及如何让消费者作出购买决策提供理论依据。


1.CONCLUSION: The theory about the psychological adaptation to society is demonstrated by experimental data.结论:社会适应心理过程理论得到了实测数据的支持.

2.Inspirations of the Psychological Process Theory of the Action-oriented Teaching Paradigm in German Vocational Education德国职教行动导向教学范式的心理过程理论及其启示

3.Some Theoretical Models of the Drug Addiction Process;药物成瘾过程的心理-神经理论模型

4.Schema Theory is a theoretical mode explaining psychological process in cognitive psychology.图式理论是认知心理学中用来解释心理过程的一种理论模式。

5.On Aesthetic Creation and Psychology simplification--Psychology-Investigation into the Typical Proccss;论审美创造与心理简化——典型化过程的心理窥视

6.The Role of Schema Theory in the Mental Process in Reading Comprehension;从图式理论的视角看阅读理解的心理过程

7.On the Role of Schema Theory in the Mental Process in Listening Comprehension从图式理论的视角看听力理解的心理过程

8.Two Theoretical Schools in the Development of USSR Psychology;试论前苏联心理学发展过程中的两种理论倾向

9.On psychological mechanism in acception process of ideological and political educaton;论思想政治教育接受过程的心理机制

10.Authors & Editors: Psychological Factor Analysis;论编辑过程中作者与编者的心理互动

11.a process that is assumed to occur in psychoanalytic theory.在心理分析理论中假想的一种过程或活动。

12.On Peasant Workers Psychological Problem and Their Psychological Management in a New Socialization Process;论农民工再社会化过程中的心理问题及其管理

13.The Mental Process of Reading for the Influence of Reading Comprehension in English;论阅读的心理过程模式对英语阅读理解的作用

14.On Students Mental Freedom in Learning Process and the Teaching Promotion;试论学习过程中学生心理自由及其教学促进


16.A Study on the Roles-conflict of Consultants in Their School Psychological Counseling论学校心理咨询过程中咨询师的角色冲突

17.On the Classification of Mental Process and a Scientific System of Psychology:The Position of Chinese Traditional Psychology in the Scientific System of Psychology;试论心理过程的分类与心理学的科学体系——兼论中国传统心理学的地位

18.messy reasoning.粗心大意的推理过程


Mental processes心理过程

3)mental process心理过程

1.A Study on the Mental Process of Speech Comprehension and Its Implications in EFL Listening Teaching;言语理解的心理过程分析及其在英语听力教学中的应用

2.This paper expounds the communicational nature of the finished representation in terms of studies of human communication and holds the view that finished representation is themental process of the communicators outeralized, solidified and socialized communicational intention as well as the dynamic representation of the diversifiedness and complexity of communicatees decoding and deduction.本文论述了英语跨文化写作中成品表征的传播学实质 ,认为成品表征是写作者思维和传播意图的外化、固化和社会化的心理过程 ,是读者对写作者传播意图解码和推断的多样性和复杂性的动态体现。

3.The analysis of themental processes and verbal processes abounding in William Faulkner s short story A Rose for Emily shows that transitivity analysis should not be confined to that of one process,especially the contrast of transitivity and intransitivity of material process.对福克纳的短篇小说《献给爱米丽小姐的一朵玫瑰花》中大量出现的心理过程和言语过程进行及物性分析,说明及物性分析不局限物质过程的及物性和非及物性。

4)Psychological process心理过程

1.On the psychological process of mathematics learning;试论数学学习的心理过程

2.An analysis of the neural transmission and psychological processes of oral reading;朗读神经传递及心理过程探析

3.And in the meantime it introduces new language researches,including the language process and psychological process.从人的心理和认知过程着眼,探讨了与连续性扫描、概括性扫描、视点和透视、模拟式认知和数字式认知、图和衬、前景和背景相关的语言现象,并介绍了包含语言及心理过程在内的语言研究新方向。

5)psychology process心理过程

1.Research on Advertising Effectiveness Measurement Model with Psychology Process;基于心理过程的广告效果测评模型研究

6)process of psychology心理过程


心理过程心理过程mental process心理过程(mental proeess)人类心理生活中最基本的,具有开端、进行和终端的心理活动。一般分为认识、情感和意志三个基本过程。认识过程是对客观外界事物的反映过程,其中包括感觉、知觉、记忆、想像、思维等。情感是指对所认识和处理的外界事物和对象的一种态度的体验。而意志是指人根据自己对外物的认识和态度体验以确定自己行动的日标、克服各种内外的障碍,力求加以实现的过程。其中,认识过程是最基本的过程,情感和意志是在认识的基础上产生的,两者均含有认识的成分。反之,情感和意志对认识过程又发生影响,它们在人的认识中起着过滤和动力的作用。认识、情感、意志三种心理过程的相互联系和相互作用,就构成人的各种复杂的心理活动。(王启康撰彭瑞龄审)
