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主控单元 main control unit英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-11-19 06:45:06


主控单元 main control unit英语短句 例句大全

主控单元,main control unit

1)main control unit主控单元

1.Digital rebuilding of choke valve and control withmain control unit of PLC;节流阀的数字化改造及PLC主控单元控制


1.A Study on Main Control Unit of NAVTEX ReceiverNAVTEX接收机主控单元软件设计与实现

2.Design of Central Control Unit in Monitoring System for Metro Guangzhou Line 1;广州地铁1号线监控系统主控单元设计与实现

3.The Design of Master Control Unit for Automotive Door Control System Based on CAN/LIN Network;基于CAN/LIN网络的车门控制系统主控单元的设计

4.It also describes the principle of thickness measure, circuit and connected circuit of major control unit.详述了测厚原理、路及主控单元接口电路。

5.The Design of Main Control Module Used in Locomotive Communication Platform;机车综合无线通信平台主控单元的设计

6.Research and Development of Main Control Unit of the Meteorological Data Collector;气象数据采集器主控单元的研究与构建

7.Applications of High Performance Processor in Main Control Unit一种高性能处理器在主控单元中的应用

8.Design of Central Control Unit in Metro Surveillance System and Study of Train Control Network;地铁列车监测系统主控单元设计与控制网络研究

9.Research and Development of Main Control Unit of the Meteorological Data Collector Based on MPU;基于MPU的气象数据采集器主控单元的研究与构建

10.Design and Study On The Spindle Unit of?Ultra-High Speed CNC Machine Tools超高速数控机床主轴单元的设计研究

11.A Study of Reliabilities of High Numeric Control about Chief Axis Cell in the Turning Center;高速数控车削中心主轴单元的可靠性研究

12.Spindle Motor Servo System Based on Single Neuron Adaptive PID Control电主轴伺服系统的单神经元自适应PID控制

13.Control and Simulation for Active Suspension Based on Single Neuron Fuzzy PID主动悬架单神经元模糊PID控制策略与仿真

14.The distribution of flow units is controlled by sedimentary microfacies. The remaining oil mainly distributes in the fifth, sixth and seventh units with the medium permeability.流动单元空间分布主要受沉积微相控制,剩余油主要分布于流动能力中等的ⅤⅦ流动单元中。

15.multiple unit steerable antenna多单元方向性可控天线

16."The database actions and user defined cells will be deleted from the master.""将从主控形状中删除数据库动作和用户定义的单元格。"

17.The Simulation of active control of FGM plates/shells via a solid shell element基于固体壳单元的功能梯度材料板壳主动控制模拟仿真

18.Research on Dynamics Analysis and Design of High Speed Spindle of CNC Winding Machine数控绕线机高速主轴单元动力学特性分析与设计的研究


MCU controlling unitMCU主控单元


4)monitor and control unit监控主机单元

1.themonitor and control unit as well as the display and operation unit.整个系统由监控主机单元和操控显示单元两部分组成。

5)the primary MCU control unit主MCU控制单元

6)Spindle unit主轴单元

1.Research on the data structure for spindle unit of machinetool and the communication technology;机床主轴单元的数据结构及其通讯技术

2.To analyze quickly the static and dynamic properties of a spindle unit,we propose the basic parameters for spindle unit FE(finite element) modeling and establish the general-purpose simplified FE model of the spindle unit.为实现主轴单元静动态特性的快捷分析,本文提出了主轴单元有限元建模基本参数的概念,建立了主轴单元通用有限元简化模型。

3.Developing goal and some researching project of high-speed spindle unit were suggested.论述了高速主轴单元在数控机床技术发展中的重要地位和作用,分析了高速主轴技术的发展趋势和国内外的发展现状。


