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培训品牌 training brand英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-04-09 00:44:51


培训品牌 training brand英语短句 例句大全

培训品牌,training brand

1)training brand培训品牌

1.The thesis focuses on how to establishtraining brand in the tourist market in China,particularly,in the present situation of hotel industry training market in Beijing.文章以北京国际饭店业培训中心为案例,剖析职业培训品牌创建的必要性和重要性,研究和阐释职业培训品牌在创建中的障碍及问题,在深入的实践探索中提出了有效的解决措施和办法。

2.The thesis focuses on how to establishtraining brand on the tourist market in China,particularly,in the present situation of hotel industry training market in Beijing.本文以培训品牌创建为课题 ,以我国旅游市场特别是北京旅游饭店业培训市场的现状为背景 ,将北京国际饭店业培训中心作为主要研究对象 ,通过对北京国际饭店业培训中心成立 来的历程 ,尤其是近 3年来品牌创建过程中的重点项目剖析 ,明确品牌创建的必要性和重要性 ,研究、解决在创建中遇到的障碍、问题 ,并提出了解决的措施与办法。


1.Highlighting the Trend of English Teaching Innovation in Higher Vocation from Famous English Training Departments;从外语培训品牌机构看高职英语教学改革趋向

2.The Influence of Family Member and Non Family Reference Group in Training Brand Loyalty;家庭成员和非家庭参照群体对培训品牌忠诚的影响

3.The Training Characteristics and Brand Creation of the Provincial Educational Colleges;省级教育学院的培训特色与品牌创设

4.The Influence of Service Quality Five Dimensions on Brand Loyalty of Training Service Companies;服务质量对培训服务企业品牌忠诚的影响

5.The Research on Brand-building Strategies for a Guide Training Institution河南省导游培训机构品牌塑造策略研究

6.Research on Promoting Brand Value Strateges of Daqiao Foreign Languages Training School长春市大桥外语培训学校品牌价值提升策略研究

7.On Brand and Innovation of Party School"s Education under New Pattern of Cadre Education and Training论干部教育培训新格局下党校的干部教育品牌与创新

8.The Key to Brand Management Is Cultivation of Brand Value;品牌管理的关键——品牌价值的培育

9.Applied Research on Brand Image Prolocutor in Brand Cultivating;品牌培育中的品牌形象代言人应用研究

10.Study on Brand Cultivation Strategy: A Case of Domestic Television Brand Evolution;品牌培育策略研究——以国产电视机品牌进化为例

11.A Research on the Education Brand Cultivation in Tianjin University of Technology and Education;天津工程师范学院教育品牌培育研究

12.Apparel Brand Strategy and Clothing Education Personnel Training;服装品牌战略与服装教育的人才培养

13.A Research on Brand Name Shaping and Development of Guangdong Peizheng College;广东培正学院品牌的塑造与发展研究

14.On the Way of PCO to Develop the Exhibition Brands for Fujian Province;关于PCO培育福建会展品牌的策略分析

15.On the Promotion of Sports Brand s Development and Local Economy Growth;抓体育品牌培育 促地方经济发展

16.Adhere to the College-running Features and Cultivate Branded Education Programs;坚持办学特色 培育优质教育品牌

17.Model and Construction of Region Independent Brand Cultivation区域自主品牌培植模式及其构建设想

18.Evaluation and building up of Chinese sci-tech periodical brands论中国科技期刊品牌评价与培育方法


Building the trainings brand name建设培训品牌

3)brand implantation培植品牌

1.Research purposes: By discussion and analysis onbrand implantation of railway survey and design(enterprises),this paper explores the main methods on upgrade of enterprise permanent core competition by goodbrand implantation.铁道勘察设计企业培植品牌的重要战略功用及其建设的系统性和复杂性,决定了企业应将其作为提升企业综合实力的系统工程予以抓实。

4)brand breeding品牌培育

1.A Study on Tianjin Key Independent Brand Breeding and Developing Strategy;天津市重点自主品牌培育与发展战略研究

2.Through comprehensive analysis of the mechanism how the ecological factors influence the agricultural machinerybrand breeding, based on the characteristics of Chinese agricultural machinery market, we provided some suggestions to enterprisers for theirbrand breeding.本文旨在引入品牌生态管理中的生态因子最新理论,在深入剖析影响农机品牌培育与发展的品牌生态因子及其影响机理的基础上,结合我国农机市场特色,为我国农机品牌培育提供有建设性、可操作性的建议,为培育具有强大优势的中国农机品牌提供理论指导。

5)Peizheng Brand培正品牌

6)brand cultivation品牌培育

1.There is few mention on thebrand cultivation of the region dealer not only in theory but also in practice.区域经销商品牌培育问题,我国无论在理论界还是在实践中目前均较少涉及。

2.This paper analyses the significance and strategy of brand establishment,stated personal understanding of brand establishment from four aspects as brand orientation,brand popularity,brand cultivation and brand extension.本文对品牌创建的意义与策略进行了系统的分析 ,并从品牌定位、品牌知名度的打造、品牌培育及品牌延伸四个方面阐述了个人对品牌创建的认识。


CPU品牌笔记本电脑专用的CPU英文称Mobile CPU(移动CPU),它除了追求性能,也追求低热量和低耗电,最早的笔记本电脑直接使用台式机的CPU,但是随CPU主频的提高, 笔记本电脑狭窄的空间不能迅速散发CPU产生的热量,还有笔记本电脑的电池也无法负担台式CPU庞大的耗电量, 所以开始出现专门为笔记本设计的Mobile CPU,它的制造工艺往往比同时代的台式机CPU更加先进,因为Mobile CPU中会集成台式机CPU中不具备的电源管理技术,而且会先采用更高的微米精度。主要生产厂家有Intel、AMD、全美达等。 点击查看所有CPU详细技术资料
