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日本女子 Japanese women英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-24 02:07:28


日本女子 Japanese women英语短句 例句大全

日本女子,Japanese women

1)Japanese women日本女子

1.An analysis ofJapanese women s participation in sports;关于日本女子参加体育运动情况的考察与分析

2.The development of women education in modern society has an immeasurable influence on the improvement ofJapanese women\"s social status.本文从日本女子教育发展的角度出发,来研究关注日本妇女的社会地位的变迁。


1.On the Influence of Female Higher Education on Japanese Women" s Occupation浅析日本女子高等教育对日本女子职业性的影响

2.Japanese women and the three types of relationship between them and Chinese men in the novels during the period of "May 4th";“五四”前后小说中的日本女子形象

3.The Study of the Education for the Japanese Female and the Change of Their Social Status日本女子教育和妇女社会地位变迁研究

4.Style Changes in Dress and Personal Adornments from Han Nationality Women s of Tang Dynasty to Japanese Women s Kimono;由唐代汉族女子服饰到日本女子和服的款式变迁

5.An Analysis of Japanese Female Higher Education and its Enlightenment to Chinese Female Higher Education浅析日本女子高等教育及其对我国女子高等教育的启示

6.An analysis of Japanese women s participation in sports;关于日本女子参加体育运动情况的考察与分析

7.Probing into the Interest and Demand on Social Gender through Japan Women Short-term Training University;从日本女子短期大学看社会性别利益和需求的发展

8.Main Opponent of Chinese Woman Wrestling Team at 29th Olympic Game--The Characteristic Analysis of Skill and Tactics of Japanese Woman Wrestling Team;第29届奥运会中国女子摔跤队主要竞争对手——日本女子摔跤队技、战术特征分析

9.On Nokuko by Miyamotoyuriko;论日本女作家宫本百合子的长篇小说《伸子》

10.The Effection from Japan on Chinese Women s Education in Late Qing;日本女学对晚清中国女子教育的影响研究

11.Some Thoughts Concerning Education for the Sons and Daughters of New Overseas Chinese in Japan对日本新华侨华人子女教育问题的思考

12.Research on Female Employment in Japan under the Background of Aging with Declining Birthrate;少子高龄化背景下的日本女性就业研究

13.The Anti-war Concept of Japanese Author Hayasi Fumiko--Based on The Drifting Cloud;日本女作家林芙美子的反战观——以《浮云》为中心

14.The Research to the Two Roles of Japanese Women Both in Jobs and Family Care under the Background of Declining Birthrate in Japan after World War Ⅱ日本战后少子化背景下女性两立问题研究

15.Crown Prince Naruhito and his wife, Masako, have a four-year old daughter, Aiko, but under law women are not eligible to take the throne.皇太子德仁和他的妻子雅子有个四岁的女儿爱子,但日本宪法规定,女性不能继承皇位。

16.The Circulation and influence of Chinese poetry in Japan;中国诗在日本的流传和影响——在日本宫城学院女子大学本课题研究座谈会上的发言摘要

17.Japan Women in Development Fund日本妇女参与发展基金

18.Japanese Association of International Women"s Rights日本国际妇女权利协会


Japanese female wrestling team日本女子摔跤队

3)Japanese women colleges日本女子大学

1.This paper makes a detailed introduction to the femalology research and instruction inJapanese women colleges in terms of the background of femalology studies and the similar cultural genesis shared by China and Japan.文章从女性学研究背景和中日同属东方文化入手,对女性学在日本女子大学的研究与教学情况予以详细介绍,同时对其科学化、具体化、微观化的发展趋势、研究手段多样化、研究成果实践化等相关特征进行归纳和分析,挖掘出了一些带启示价值的内容。

4)Japanese women日本女性

1.In Imamura Shohei s three representative works,namely,The Ballad of Narayama(1983),Eel(1997) and Warm Water under the Red Bridge(2001),Imamura Shohei chose snakes,eels and other animals to build his own image alluding system,which reflect the personality,tenacity,and the rustic quality ofJapanese women and allude to the features and complexity of Japanese.他的代表作木《酋山节考》(1983)、《鳗鱼》(1997)和《赤桥下的暖流》(2001)等,通过蛇、鳗鱼等动物形象构建出今村昌平特有的映射系统,体现了日本女性人格中美好、坚韧和质朴的品质,也反映出日本民族的品性以及人性的复杂,为我们审视日本民族和人性本身提供了一个独特的视角。

5)Japanese women日本妇女

1.It has been 60 years sinceJapanese women have got the suffrage.日本妇女自获得参政权以来,已有近60年的历史。

2.Postwar, although Japanese Feminism rose late, but they had achieved the distinct progress in politics becauseJapanese women had obtained the out-standing improving situation in social-economic and education, etc.战后,日本女权运动虽然兴起的较迟,但由于日本妇女在社会经济和教育等领域状况的改善比较突出,她们在政治上的进步是相当明显的。

6)Japanese lesson books for women日本女训

1.With the prospering of Confucianism and the establishment and improvement of the feudal family system,theJapanese lesson books for women have gained extensive development and popularization in modern Japan under the influence of the Chinese lesson books for women.受中国女训影响,随着儒家思想的兴盛以及封建家制度的确立和完善,日本女训在近世得到了广泛的发展和普及。


日本国家标准(见日本标准体系)日本国家标准(见日本标准体系)National Standards of Japan: see standards system of JapanRi比n GuOJia BiaoZhun日本国家标准_(NationalS切旧d印心5 of la户川见日本标准体系。
