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乐业 Leye County英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-01 01:27:08


乐业 Leye County英语短句 例句大全

乐业,Leye County

1)Leye County乐业

1.On the Tourist Resources Exploitation in Underdeveloped Area——TakingLeye County as an Example;后发展地区的旅游开发与可持续发展——以广西乐业县为例

2.Marketing strategy analysis on Gushi organic tea inLeye County乐业县顾式有机茶营销策略分析


1.The country is at peace and the people go merrily to their work.天下太平, 万民乐业。

2."The people live a happy life, and the country enjoys peace and stability."人民安居乐业,政局安定。

3.Recreational undertaking refers to the business of providing sites and services for recreational activities.娱乐业,是指为娱乐活动提供场所和服务的业务。

4.The Similarities and Differences Between the Lessons of “Music Appreciation ” for the Musical and Non-musical majors in Universities or Colleges;音乐专业与非音乐专业《音乐欣赏课》异同初探

5.SECOND LOVE: Music, ranging from gospel to rock and roll.业余爱好:从福音音乐到摇滚乐都喜欢。

6.Research on the System of Vocal Music Curriculum for Music Education in the Normal University;高师音乐教育专业声乐课程体系研究

7.Study in Development of the Subject of Music Education in Consevatories of Music in China;我国音乐学院音乐教育专业发展研究

8.Discussing on Philosophy Thoughts in Vocal Music Learning in Music Specialty of University;高校音乐专业声乐教学中的哲学思考

9.Discussion about Music Teaching Reform of Teachers College Musical Education Major;高师音乐教育专业音乐教学改革探讨

10.A Probe into the Teaching Method of Musical Instrument Teaching for Music Education Majors in Normal Colleges;高师音乐教育专业器乐教学法的探讨

11.On Strengthening National Music Education in Music Teaching in Normal College;高师音乐专业加强民族音乐教育初探

12.The Characteristics of Music Education Specialty in Normal Colleges and the Exploration into the Vocal Music Teaching;高师音乐教育专业特点与声乐课探析

13.My Comments on the Reform of Teachers College Vocality Teaching;论高师音乐教育专业声乐教学的改革

14.The vocal music teaching Status quo and Strategy in Higher Vocational Colleges高职音乐专业声乐教学的现状与策略

15.An upbeat business forecast.一份乐观的商业预测

16.a professional cook, dressmaker, musician, etc职业厨师、 裁缝、 乐师等

17.The business outlook for next year is favorable.明年的事业展是乐观的。

18.the catering, hotel, tourist, entertainment, etc industry饮食、 旅馆、 旅游、 娱乐等业.


amateur music业余音乐

3)employment satisfaction乐业率

4)music profession音乐专业

1.Ability Guide in Piano Teaching of Music Profession in Universities;浅谈高校音乐专业钢琴教学中的能力导向

5)Entertainment Industry娱乐产业

1.Discussing on the Strategy forEntertainment Industry;我国娱乐产业发展策略浅析

2.The entertainment industry appears in the trend of industrialized strengthening and human s income increasing.娱乐产业在工业化程度加强,人类劳动收入增加的趋势下应运而生。

6)recreational industry娱乐业

1.Based on the concept of humanism and from an urban social geographical perspective,this paper discusses the impact of urbanrecreational industry(nightlife industry) on the city and the spatial relationship between sustainable city and urbanrecreational industry.从城市(社会)地理学的(空1间)角度,以人本主义理念为出发点,讨论了可持续发展理念下的城市娱乐业及夜生活产业对城市的影响及其对形成可持续性城市空间的关系。


