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位垒构形 barrier configuration英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-30 21:13:02


位垒构形 barrier configuration英语短句 例句大全

位垒构形,barrier configuration

1)barrier configuration位垒构形

1.The effect of transformation of thebarrier configuration on the emission of light charged particles位垒构形改变对带电轻粒子发射的影响


1.The effect of transformation of the barrier configuration on the emission of light charged particles位垒构形改变对带电轻粒子发射的影响

2.Structural Barriers, Institutional Transformation and Resource Differentials: The Chinese General Social Survey Report;结构壁垒、体制转型与地位资源含量

3.Under the c ondition of WTO ,technology and tariff vallation make pace for law vallatio n.在wto框架下,技术壁垒、关税壁垒让位于法律壁垒。

4.A position taken by a base runner away from one base in the direction of the next.先行离垒跑垒者从所在垒向下一垒方向跑动所达到的位置

5.(baseball or softball) the person who plays third base.(棒球或垒球)在第三垒位置比赛的人。

6.vector polygon of position of mechanism机构的位置矢量多边形

7.The fort occupies a commanding position.这堡垒占据控制地位.

8.ping-pong memory乒乓式电位势垒存储器

9.a strong stick, fort, structure结实的手杖、 堡垒、 构造

10.Another discoverer, by means of the same invisible medium, can blow up ships, arsenals, and forts at a distance of eight miles.另一位发明家用同一无形媒介得以炸毁八里之外的船只、火药库和堡垒。

11.The Baseball field is divided into an infield and an outfield,the infield square has the four Bases at its comers and is called the diamond.棒球场分为内场和外场,正方形内场的四个角上各有一个垒位,内场也叫方块。

12.The ISF is the world governing body of softball.国际垒球联合会是垒球的世界性管理机构。

13.The defensive positions of first base, second base, third base, and shortstop considered as a unit.内场,内野第一垒、第二垒、第三垒和被视为一个单位的游击手的防守位置

14.Analysis of radial displacement during forming process of Stretch Forming Latticed Structure张拉成形网格结构成形过程径向位移分析

15.To fix or define the position, form, or configuration of.确定确定位置,形状或结构

16.Theory of Singularity Elimination by Redundant Actuation for Parallel Mechanism冗余驱动消除并联机构位形奇异原理

17.Research of CAD System for Worm Cam Mechanism;蜗形凸轮转位机构CAD系统的研究

18.Iconicity and Figure-Ground Account of Dislocation Construction移位构式象似性的图形背景理论阐释


potential barrier势垒,位垒

3)reconstruction of configuration位形重构

4)energy barriers反应位垒

5)fission barrier裂变位垒

1.Considering the dependence on angular momentum,thefission barriers of super-heavy nuclei 259Db have been calculated.考虑角动量相关性的情况下计算了超重核259Db的裂变位垒Bf。

6)coulomb barrier库仑位垒


势垒势垒Potential barrier势垒(potential barrier)包括了势能极大的一个区域.它阻挡粒子从其一边跑到另一边。按照经典物理学,为克服势垒.粒子必须具有超过势垒高度的能量。然而,量子力学表明.能量低于势垒高度的粒子也有一定概率穿透它。当粒子能量减少时.这一概率迅速减少这种势垒的例子有电子围绕原子的负场、排斥带止电粒子的原子核内的正电荷、由固定电荷分布产生的对固态装置中出现的电子或空穴的势垒。在原子核情形下.如果轰击粒子带正电荷十z,内它将受到库仑静电排斥·这相当厂一个随1/r变化的势能,其中r是至核中心的距离,z,是轰击粒子的原子序数,而尸是质子电荷。到原子核边缘以前.这个势垒(高度)不断增加,之后被核引力克服。这个库仑势垒的最高点在原子核表面,表达式是22,·。,/R,其中R是原子核半径,Z是核电荷数。对于质子,氖的势垒大约是4兆电子伏.而铀的势垒是17兆电子伏。在固体情况下,在半导体和金属的内界面间或不同类参杂(受主或施主)半导体区域之间,势垒上升。固体中这种势垒的存在会引起金属半导体接触时整流效应和半导体的晶体放大效应。势垒高度以电子伏而不是兆电子伏来度量,典型的是原子散射·I参阅.‘原子核结构”(nuclear“ructure)、一半导体”(semieonduetor)条. 〔斯特拉顿(R.Stratton)撰〕
