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参保意愿 Willingness to participate英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-01 22:29:11


参保意愿 Willingness to participate英语短句 例句大全

参保意愿,Willingness to participate

1)Willingness to participate参保意愿


1.Heibei province countryside endowment insurance attending will"s demonstration research河北省农村养老保险参保意愿的实证研究

2.Study of the Condition of Health Insurance and Influencing Factors of Willingness to Participate in Health Insurance of Floating Population in Kunshan City;昆山市流动人口医疗保险现状及其参保意愿分析

3.Study on Social Security Status and Willingness of Participating the Insurance Program of Migrant Workers农民工的社会保障现状及参保意愿研究——以河北省唐山市为例

4.Land-levied Farmers Desire and Influencing Factors of Employment and Social Security;被征地农民就业与参保意愿及政策建议——基于西安市调查的分析

5.A Research of Rural Effective Demand for Social Endowment Insurance--A Comprehensive Survey Based On the Willingness and Payment Capacity of Farmers农村社会养老保险有效需求研究——基于农民参保意愿和缴费承受能力的综合考察

6.The Influencing Factors on the Development of Rural Pension System--An Empirical Analysis Based on Participating Willingness of Farmers现阶段阻碍农村社会养老保险制度发展的影响因素——基于农户参保意愿的实证分析

7.The Analysis of the Shepherd"s Behabiour and Willingness on Przewalski"s Gazelle Conservation普氏原羚保护中牧民行为及参与保护意愿分析

8.A Study on the Intention of Medical Insurance and Financing to Migrant Workers in Hangzhou City , Zhejiang Province of China;城市农民工参加医疗保险及筹资意愿调查研究

9.Studies on Farmers" Desire of Participation for Agricultural Insurance in Inner Mongolia内蒙古农户参加政策性农业保险的意愿研究

10.Willingness and Affecting Factors to enroll in Urban Resident’s Basic Health Insurance:An Empirical Study城镇居民基本医疗保险的参与意愿及影响因素

11.Would you gather to discuss a better vision for our Singapore?你愿不愿意参与新加坡愿景的讨论?

12.Current situation of health security coverage and willingness-to-participate of children younger than 7 years old in Shanghai;上海市7岁以下儿童医疗保障现况与意愿参保研究

13.I will take the exam tomorrow.我愿意明天参加考试。

14.Residents `Awareness and Willingness to Pay for Preserving Agricultural Land in Hubei Province;居民参与农地保护的认知程度及支付意愿研究——以湖北省为例

15.Would you like to come to the party in my house tonight?你愿不愿意今晚到我家参加晚会?

16.Would you like to hold the line?您愿意保留(不挂断)吗?

17.Analysis of the Factors Affecting the Farmers" Willingness to Pay for Agricultural Insurance--Based on the Surveying of the Cow and Apple Insurance in Shanxi Province影响农户参与农业保险意愿的因素分析——基于陕西奶牛和苹果保险试点的调查分析

18.He resigned rather than take part in such a dishonest transaction .他宁愿辞职也不愿意参加这样一种欺骗的交易。


willing join rate意愿参保率

1.Based on the data of the samples in three northeast provinces,the paper firstly analyzes the characteristic of thewilling join rate and the actual join rate.本文以中国东北三省抽样调查数据为基本依据,首先分析了社会保险各险种实际参保率和意愿参保率的分布特征,以及产生这种分布特征的原因。

3)the farmers" insured wishes农民参保意愿

4)desire for participation参与意愿

1.Some psychological factors such as farmers expectation of the benefit,their overconfidence bias in their health and their conformity to others behavior all have impact on theirdesire for participation in social insurance.文章基于南充市230户农户的调查样本,对四川南充市农户的农村社会养老保险的参与意愿进行了实证分析。

5)participant desire参战意愿

1.In order to mobilize locally medical and nursing personnel effectively,every factor of influencing individualparticipant desire of the personnel must be grasped and cognized overall.医护人员的动员工作在整个国民经济动员中占据了至关重要的位置,为了更有效地针对地方医护人员进行战时动员,就必须对影响地方医院医护人员参战意愿的各种因素有一个全面地把握和认知。

6)intention preservation意愿保护


