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零线 zero Line英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-09-25 03:13:23


零线 zero Line英语短句 例句大全

零线,zero Line

1)zero Line零线

1.Detection & Automatic Correction of Phase Line & Zero Line Connection of Cable TV Station;有线电视基站相线和零线的检测与自动矫正

2.This paper expounds the importance o f zero line in power -supply system wi th three -phase four -wire system form three aspects of the functions of zero line,the harm caused by the breakage of zero line and the measures should be taken to prevent the breakage of zero line.从零线的作用、零线断线引起的危害以及防止零线断线应采取的措施3个方面阐述了三相四线制供电系统中零线的意义。

3.Breakage of zero line and the fault caused by poor contact in three-phase four-wire power supply system are introduced based on the experiences of the three electric power practices.通过三例电力现场实践运行经验介绍了三相四线制供配电系统零线断线和接触不良引起的故障现象。


1.Causes and Prevention of Zero Line Break in TN-C Power Supply SystemTN-C系统零线断线故障成因及预防

2.On the Broken Circuit of the Negative Wire in Three-phase Power Supplying System;关于三相供电系统中零线断路的探讨

3.The Thinking Method of "Breaking up the Whole into Parts and Gathering Parts into the Whole" in Linear Algebra线性代数中“聚零为整,化整为零”的思想

4.true-zero-offset raypath真零炮检距射线路径

5.Silk yarn (other than yarn spun from silk waste) not put up for retail sale Yarn spun from silk waste, not put up for retail sale丝纱线(绢纺纱线除外),非供零售用绢纺纱线,非供零售用

6.On the Number of Zeros for Non-zero Solutions of Linear Homogeneous Differential Equation齐线性微分方程非零解的零点个数定理

7.The one hundred and first meridian was passed.现在已经越过了经线一百零一度了。

8.with zero degrees longitude running through the observatory at Greenwich, in London.零度经线通过伦敦的格林威治天文台。

9.a square matrix with all off-diagonal elements equal to zero.不在对角线上的元素都等于零的矩阵。

10.Are on line retailers crazy?在线零售商们是不是疯了?

11.She pieced together a blanket from odds and ends of wool.她把零碎毛线拼凑起来织成一条毯子。

12.The line of zero degree longitude passes through Greenwich.经度零度线穿过格林威治。

13.Research on the Straightness Detection of Axis Parts with Image Measurement;轴类零件直线度误差的图像测量研究

14.Research on the New Type Instrument of small Size Part"s Linearity;新型小尺寸零件直线度测量仪的研究

15.Geometrical Particle Models in Lorentz Space L_4 on Non-null Curves;Lorentz空间L_4中非零曲线的粒子模型

16.Local Null Controllability for a Coupled Semilinear Parabolic System;一类半线性抛物系统的局部零能控性

17.Study on Clustering Analysis in Online Retail CRM;在线零售企业CRM中的聚类分析研究

18.ABUP Customer Satisfaction Strategy of Online Business Operation;从ABUP顾客满意策略看在线零售商经营


neutral wire零线

1.AimIn view of one phaseneutral wire fault of low voltage power supply system, the faults which harm electrical equipments and human beings are analyzed and how the faults are prevented and protected are expounded.目的为防止低压供电系统零线断线故障对人及设备造成的危害,提出相应保护措施,以提高用电质量。

3)null line零线

1.Equipmental breakdowns andpersonal accidents caused bynull line breakage are ona rising trend,which necessates an investigation ofthe harm ofnull lines and the methods of, and theirsafety effects, on repeated electrial grounding.因零线断线造成的设备故障和人身伤亡事件比较多 ,针对这一问题探讨零线断线的危害和零线重复接地的方法及安全作用。

4)breakage of zero line零线断线

1.The paper analyses the three causes forbreakage of zero line in low voltage (400) distribution network caused by over load from strong unbalance currency through over small section,over heat from poor connection in construction and aging from nonmaintenance for a long time in so three ways.分析了在低压(400)配电网中,由于零线截面过小、不平衡电流大造成零线过负荷导致零线烧断,施工中存在不按规定施工使零线接头连接不好而过热烧断,配电网年久失修,线路老化在外部条件变化时引起零线断线。

5)null-earth line零线-地线

6)Live lineZero line火线零线


