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普通本科教育 normal undergraduate education英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-18 11:43:07


普通本科教育 normal undergraduate education英语短句 例句大全

普通本科教育,normal undergraduate education

1)normal undergraduate education普通本科教育


1.A Study onEducation Model of Futian Mangrove Nature Reserve;福田红树林保护区科普教育模式探讨

2.The ecotourism and popular science education status of Gannan Arboretum were introduced in this paper.本文介绍了赣南树木园生态旅游及科普教育工作现状,阐述了在生态旅游中开展科普教育的必要性及发展趋势,并对生态旅游与科普教育相结合模式进行了初步探讨。


1.The Chinese Science Society and Education of Popular Science in Modern Times (1914-1949);中国科学社与中国近代科普教育(1914-1949)

2.Character and Inspiration of Agricultural Science Popularization and Education in Taiwan-Take Butterfly Science Popularization and Education as Example台湾农业科普教育的特色及其启示——以蝴蝶科普教育为例

3.Preliminary Discussion on Establishment of Popular Science Base in Gannan Arboretum浅议赣南树木园科普教育基地建设

4.A Base for science education and a venue for leisure and tourism科普教育基地与休闲旅游场所

5.Paying Attention to the Popular Science Education of Fire Prevention and Control to Promote the Safety Character of Citizen;注重消防科普教育 提高国民安全素质

6.Construction of Evaluation System on Biology Popularization Activities生物学科普教育活动评价体系的构建

7.Discussion about the Popularization of Science Among University Students in the Age of Technology;论科技飞速发展背景下的大学生科普教育

8.Implement the Science Popularization Legislation Thoroughly, Strengthen the Education of the Disaster Science Popularization--Inspiration on the Earthquake in Wenchuan;深入贯彻《科普法》,加强灾害科普教育——汶川大地震带来的启示

9.Science History Education--The Valid Means of Popularization of Science in all Directions;科学史教育——全方位科普的有效手段

10.On the Innovation of Arts Education in General Colleges of Engineering;一般普通工科院校文科教育创新研究

11.Discusses the Guarantee of the Teaching Quality of the Undergraduate P.E. Majors in Chinese Universities and Colleges;论普通高校体育教育本科专业教学质量保障

12.The Merge of General Professional Training Education and Higher Vocational Education in the Course of Development;普通专科教育与高职教育在发展中融合

13.Preliminary Study on The Teaching Innovation of Generally Reguired Undergraduate Gymnatics course in the physical Education of Higer Normal Oniversity;高师体育教育专业本科体操普修课程教改初探

14.Project 2000+ on Science Education for All 2000年以后普及科学教育项目

15.Johns Hopkins Programme for International Education in Gynecology and Obstetrics Corporation约翰·霍普金斯妇产科国际教育方案社

16.take GCE in 9 subjects参加9科普通教育证书考试

17.The Science Education of Chinese Ordinary Elementary and Middle Schools in Modern Time (1922-1949);中国近代普通中小学科学教育(1922—1949)

18.The Science Education about General Middle School and Elementary School in Modern China (1878-1922);中国近代普通中小学科学教育(1878—1922)



1.A Study onEducation Model of Futian Mangrove Nature Reserve;福田红树林保护区科普教育模式探讨

2.The ecotourism and popular science education status of Gannan Arboretum were introduced in this paper.本文介绍了赣南树木园生态旅游及科普教育工作现状,阐述了在生态旅游中开展科普教育的必要性及发展趋势,并对生态旅游与科普教育相结合模式进行了初步探讨。

3)popular science education科普教育

1.This paper concretely analyzes the content of thepopular science education of fire prevention and control and people"s safety quality,analyzes the current status of the firefighting science education in our country,and puts forward views on the quality objectives.具体剖析了消防科普教育和国民安全素质的内涵,分析了当前我国消防科普教育的现状,对消防科普教育的素质目标构筑等问题提出见解;分析国民消防科普教育“政绩宣传教育”、“任务式教育”转向全面提高国民安全素质的轨道的必要性及应采取的措施。

2.The main problems ofpopular science education are poor facilities, funds shortage, and p.今天,植物园的科普教育功能已为越来越多的人们所认识。

4)Science education科普教育

1.The thoery of outstanding education function for people and the details of science education of the open laboratory in Qingdao underwater world were introduced.介绍了青岛海底世界开放实验室以人为本、突出教育功能的建设理念及科普教育的具体内容。

2.Active using of modern media technology in science education which attaches importance to exploration and experience is able to bring into full play the enthusiasm of students, and it may play a more effective educational results.在注重探索、体验等研究性学习方法的科普教育中,积极采用现代媒体技术,能够充分发挥学生的积极性,从而起到事半功倍的教学效果。

5)Education of popular science科普教育

1.Due to the fact that our education of popular science in universities is generally weak,we should take action accordingly and give a remedy to the science education of the students in university.针对我国国民科学素质的现状,提出了我国科普工作要承担一定程度的大学科普教育不足的补课任务;正规的大学教育应有科学普及工作来作补充,对在校大学生的科普教育应采取相应的“补牢”措施。

6)public education科普教育

1.In this paper, the current status and advantage ofpublic education in landscaped gardens are briefly introduced.本文简要介绍我国风景园林实施科普教育的现状及风景园林实施科普教育的优势,从风景园林科普教育的规划、科研、人员配备、内容、手段等5个方面论述如何发挥风景园林科普教育功能的途径。

2.Their main tasks are ex situ conservation of plant diversity and realization of sustainable use of plant resources,and carrying out of relevant plant displays,public education and scientific investigations.其主要任务是迁地保护植物多样性、实现其资源的可持续利用,开展相应的植物展示、科普教育和科学研究。


