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HybridⅢ假人 HybridⅢ dummy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-11 14:36:47


HybridⅢ假人 HybridⅢ dummy英语短句 例句大全

HybridⅢ假人,HybridⅢ dummy

1)HybridⅢ dummyHybridⅢ假人


1.Calibration test ofdummy neck based on MSC.Dytran;基于MSC.Dytran的假人颈部标定仿真

2.Performance and Improvement on Dummy Critical Values in Automotive Side Impact;汽车侧面碰撞中影响假人性能指标的因素及改进

3.Application Analysis of Vehicle Crash Test and Hybrid III Dummy;汽车碰撞试验及Hybrid Ⅲ(假人)应用分析


1.A figure of a person or an animal manipulated by a ventriloquist.假人,动物布偶口技表演者操纵的假人或假动物

2.a ventriloquist"s dummy表演口技用的假人.

3.artificial flowers, light, limbs, pearls假花、 人造光、 义肢、 假珍珠.

4."It"s stupid to be prudish.“蠢人才会假正经。

5.False with one can be false with two.对一个人虚假,也会对两个人虚假。

6.The living is the dead on holiday .生人在假期也成了死人。

7.causing one to believe what is not true or fail to believe what is true.使一个人认真为假或认假为真。

8.a sanctimonious smile, remark, person, letter of protest假仁假义的微笑、 言词、 人、 抗议信.

9.One must never be false to one"s friend.一个人决不能对朋友假心假意。

10.The man is never sincere, he is always pretending此人从不真心诚意,老是虚虚假假的。

11.One who is released on parole.获假释者,假释犯,凭誓获释者获假释的人或凭宣誓而获释的人

12.Fake Fax Frees French Prisoners假传真放走法国犯人

13.People tend to gain weight on holidays.人们常常在假期长胖。

14.If you heard the cry of "Mad dog!"假如您听到有人喊‘疯狗

15.limb, artificial, for humans or animals假肢,人的或动物的

16.false statement about a candidate有关候选人的虚假声明

17.Foist sth.on sb.把假货[次货]骗售给某人

18.The holiday began and there was not a single soul in the rooms of the dormitory.放假了,宿舍里人去楼空。



1.Calibration test ofdummy neck based on MSC.Dytran;基于MSC.Dytran的假人颈部标定仿真

2.Performance and Improvement on Dummy Critical Values in Automotive Side Impact;汽车侧面碰撞中影响假人性能指标的因素及改进

3.Application Analysis of Vehicle Crash Test and Hybrid III Dummy;汽车碰撞试验及Hybrid Ⅲ(假人)应用分析

3)Pedestrian dummy行人假人

4)thermal manikin暖体假人

1.Study and application of program-control DC power forthermal manikin;暖体假人直流程控电源的研究与应用

2.Application of the expert system in athermal manikin system;专家系统在暖体假人系统中的应用

3.Study and application of simulated soft skin forthermal manikin;暖体假人软质模拟皮肤的研究及其应用

5)man-made false roof人工假顶

1.In the process of fully mechanized mining face passing through geologic structure region such as broken area and centralized pressure area,using steel needles to controlman-made false roof is introduced.介绍了综合机械化采煤工作面在过破碎带、集中压力区等地质构造地段过程中,利用穿钢针人工假顶处理漏顶,控制顶板,达到减少或避免造成经济损失和人身伤亡事故的技术与现场应用。

2.Theman-made false roof quality is very important to the mine pit safety in production.人工假顶的质量对矿井的安全生产至关重要。

6)sweating manikin出汗假人

1.Characteristic equation and stability determination ofsweating manikin;出汗假人系统特征方程与稳定性判定

2.Asweating manikin is developed for measuring heat and moisture transfer property of clothing.研制出汗假人用于测试服装的热湿传递性能。


interply hybrid composite分子式:CAS号:性质:由两种或两种以上的单种纤维层相间复合而成的混杂复合材料。所谓相间复合,可以是异种纤维层交替铺叠,也可以是不等厚度的异种纤维层组间隔铺层。这种混杂形式又称B型混杂。铺叠形式的不同,可得到混杂界面数不同的混杂复合材料。通常是根据力学性能要求来决定铺叠形式。一般多为对称铺叠。纤维层或纤维铺层组为单向纤维排列的无纬布预浸料或编织物预浸料。层间混杂复合材料是混杂复合材料中应用最多的一种。混杂界面数不同的层间混杂复合材料,其性能是有差异的。一般,混杂界面数增多,异种纤维的分散程度增大,相互制约能力加强,因而抗损伤能力增强。层间混杂复合材料的拉伸强度随混杂界面数的增多而提高。而拉伸模量几乎不变。
