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内部顾客 internal customer英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-01 22:23:30


内部顾客 internal customer英语短句 例句大全

内部顾客,internal customer

1)internal customer内部顾客

1.This paper puts forward the concept of"Internal Customers of Library",expounds the necessity for a library to strengthen the service for theinternal customers,and points out that"the service forinternal customers"should be regard as the guiding line for the library to deal with the internal relations,and puts forward some suggestions of carrying out this guiding line.提出了“图书馆内部顾客”这一概念,阐述了图书馆加强为内部顾客服务的必要性,指出应把“为内部顾客服务”作为处理图书馆内部关系的思想准则,并就这一思想准则的贯彻落实提出了几点建议。


1.The Relationship among Internal Customer Orientation, Market Orientation and Business Performance in Service Sector;内部顾客导向、市场导向与企业绩效的关系研究

2.Developing Enterprise Harmoniously by Deepening Internal Client Management and Cultivating Critical Competence;深化内部顾客管理培育核心竞争力走企业和谐发展之路

3.Inner Marketing:A Kind of Philosophy of Regarding Employees as Customers;内部营销:将员工视为顾客的管理哲学

4.A Study on the Relationship of Employee Satisfaction and Customer Satisfaction企业内外部顾客之间的“满意映像”研究

5.Research in Application of Customer Internalization Theory in Manufacturing Enterprises顾客内部化理论在制造企业中应用的研究

6.The complaint department was beset by angry customers.顾客投诉部被愤怒的顾客团团围

7.The internal parts of storefront system included personnel, commodity, consumer, seller’s market, logistic sustaining subsystem and so on.店面系统的内在部件包括人员、商品、顾客、卖场与后勤支持子系统。

8.Influence of Employees Brand Identification on Employee Satisfaction and CS Activities;员工品牌认同感对内部满意度及顾客服务活动的影响

9.Inner Organizational Innovation of Travel Agency Based on Strategy of Customer Value;基于战略的顾客价值与旅行社企业内部组织创新

10.Study on the Relationship among Internal Marketing,Employee Satisfaction,Service Quality,and Customer Satisfaction内部营销、员工满意、服务质量与顾客满意关系研究

11.On Customer-Value-Based Fitness Club Customer Repurchase Behavior基于顾客价值的健身俱乐部顾客重购行为研究

12.The risk is not always somewhere else. The risk to the merchant is not always the customer or hacker, it might be an employee.但风险不总存在于别处。商人的风险不总是存在于顾客或黑客一方,可能来自内部雇员。

13.Sales department is the authority responsible for customer"s feedbacks; it is in charge of communications with customers and input the feedback information from customers to the relevant departments.销售部是顾客反馈的主管部门,负责与顾客的联络协调,对顾客反馈信息及时输入到相关部门。

14.These are just a few examples to illustrate how adventurous and fascinating shopping in Macau can be.在大部分没有明码标价的商店内,如顾客提出要求,通常可获得折扣优惠。

15.Goods sent on approval must be paid for at the time of ordering, but if goods are returned within7 days customers will get their money back in full.商店送出供试用的货物在订购时必须付款,但顾客如在七天之内退货,就可将原款全部收回。

16.Examples of methods include satisfaction surveys for customers and other interested parties,internal audits,financial measurements, and self-assessment.这些方法可包括:顾客和其他相关方满意程度的调查;内部审核;财务测量;自我评定。

17.Examples of sources of information for corrective action consideration include customer complaints,nonconformity reports,internal audit reports,outputs from management review,纠正措施考虑的信息来源可包括:顾客抱怨;不合格报告;内部审核报告;管理评审的输出;

18.Many never get around to listing their customers. This lapse is often reflective of trouble in their businesses.很多人从没想过要把顾客列为资产。这项失误通常反映出,这家企业内部有问题。


inner customer内部顾客

1.The inner selling takes the employees as itsinner customers,and uses an excellent service to serve them with a succession of market selling activities for the purpose of stimulating the employees activities,promoting the cooperation with other departments and serving them well.内部营销是把员工看成内部顾客,通过一系列类似市场营销的活动为内部顾客提供优质的服务,来调动员工的积极性并促进各部门人员之间的协调与合作,激发他们为外部顾客提供优质的服务。

3)Internal Customers内部顾客

1.As the internal customers of public sectors,the staff s satisfaction wills influence entire service s quality to external customer(social public)to a large extent.公共部门员工作为公共部门的内部顾客,其满意度在很大程度上影响着整个公共部门服务外部顾客的品质。

4)internal customer chain内部顾客链

1.The flatization of organizational structure,internal customer chain, bottom-up organizational structure, and the evaluation of two direction &closed loop are some among them which a school may choose.为此,学校可以尝试在管理机制上进行改进,包括施行组织结构扁平化,内部顾客链和倒金字塔组织模式,双向闭合评价模式。

5)Customer internalization顾客内部化

6)internal customers system内部顾客制度

1.This paper analyzes on the problems existing in university library at present based on theinternal customers system of enterprise,and puts forward the concept and the scheme of establishinginternal customers system in university library.基于企业内部顾客制度,分析了高校图书馆目前存在的问题,提出在高校图书馆内建立内部顾客制度体系的构想及其方案。


