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调解机制 mediation mechanism英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-05-28 05:03:49


调解机制 mediation mechanism英语短句 例句大全

调解机制,mediation mechanism

1)mediation mechanism调解机制

1.To analyze the social foundation of ruralmediation mechanism,we need to understand the rural social phenomenon through rural structure,includingrural power structure,the innate village order,rural culture and the links and interact with other political forces outside villages,in order to generally grasp the research methods of rural mediation Mechanism.对农村调解机制的社会基础进行考量,需要结构化的理解村庄社会现象,包括村庄权力结构、内生秩序、村庄文化及其与村庄外其它政治力量之间的关联和互动,以从总体把握农村调解机制的研究路经。

2.The structure shortcomings of labor disputemediation mechanism of China include neglected neutrality,action ability,behavior cause,labor union s role,and business expense undertaking of mediation organizations.我国劳动争议调解机制的结构性缺陷为忽视了调解组织中立性、行动能力、行为动因、工会角色安排和交易费用承担等前提条件问题,其基本假设不可靠。

3.the grandmediation mechanism relies on intermediation,a traditional model of dispute solution.对当今大调解工作机制的运作情况及实际效果进行实证分析研究结果表明,大调解机制在减轻法院工作压力等方面发挥了作用。


1.The Essence of Judicial Mediation against the Background of Multifactor Mediation Mechanism;多元调解机制下司法调解的本质解读

2.On People s Mediation and Its System Reformation;人民调解机制的现状调查与制度改进

3.Discussion of the Mediation Mechanism of Administrative Litigation With a Harmonious Background;“和谐”背景下的行政诉讼调解机制探讨

4.Conflicts between Labor and Capital in Private Enterprise and Coordinating Mechanism;私营资本企业劳资矛盾及其调解机制

5.Constructing Mediation Mechanism of Contradiction and Dispute in Xingtai构建邢台市矛盾纠纷大调解机制研究

6.A Study on Application of Non-Judicial Mediation on Resolution of Consumer Disputes;论非司法调解机制在解决消费纠纷中的运用

7.Discussing the Introduction of the Criminal Reconciliation and Mediation Mechanism in the Inverstigation Stage;侦查阶段引入刑事和解与调解机制探析

8.Feasibility and Advantage of People Mediation Mechanism to Solve Medical Dispute人民调解机制解决医患纠纷的可行性探讨

9.Use a modem to access the server computer使用调制解调器访问服务器计算机

10.This modem is on-line with the computer.这个调制解调器与计算机相连接。

11.Provides a connection to other computers via a modem.通过调制解调器连接到其他计算机上。

12.Provides a connection to your computer via a modem.通过调制解调器连接到计算机上。

13.visual display unit terminal and modem数据显像终端机及调制解调器

14.Practice making fax and modem noises.练习使传真机和调制解调器发出噪音。

15.The Home Networking wizard detects a modem on this computer.“家庭网络”向导检测本机的调制解调器。

16.π/4-QPSK Figure Modulate and Demodulation of the Receiverπ/4-QPSK全数字调制解调机

17.Turn on all computers, printers, and external modems.打开所有计算机、打印机和外部调制解调器。

18.Mediation System Research in the Multiplex Dispute Resolution;多元化纠纷解决机制中的调解制度研究


Mediation system调解机制

1.According to the theory of three periods of dispute in sociology of law,we can make a conclusion that mediation system can be used in administrative disputes in our country.多种非正式的协商、和解与调解机制在现代西方国家行政纠纷解决过程中被广泛运用,我国传统的以裁判方式解决行政纠纷的方式正面临严峻的挑战和制度变迁。

3)big mediation mechanism大调解机制

1.The construction melt society contradictorybig mediation mechanism is our country new century new stage should to the strategic action which highlights contradictory;Thebig mediation mechanism mainly has formed two kind of patterns in reality,has played the huge role;Must need according to the time diligently to consummate this mechanism unceasingly.构建化解社会矛盾的大调解机制是我国新世纪新阶段应对矛盾凸显的战略举措。

4)modem receiver调制解调接收机

5)modem connection调制解调器联机

6)OH,Off Hook(调制解调器)摘机


