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主体性建构 subjectivity construction英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-28 15:06:09


主体性建构 subjectivity construction英语短句 例句大全

主体性建构,subjectivity construction

1)subjectivity construction主体性建构

1.This paper tries to analyze the aesthetic features of Taiwan local literature in the comparative view,which is mainly from the perspective of colonialism and anti-colonialism,resistance and battle cry as well assubjectivity construction.本文纵观海内外的不同视角,针对殖民与反殖民、反抗与呐喊、主体性建构这三个历史主题,在比较视野中考察探析台湾原住民文学所呈现出的审美特性,以填补国内这一研究领域的空白。


1.The Dimension of Female Subjectivity Construction in Luce Irigaray露丝·伊利格瑞的女性主体性建构之维

2.The Subject Construction Principles of the Socialism Core Value System;论社会主义核心价值体系的主体性建构原则

3.Subjective Personality & the Building of a Harmonious Socialist Society;主体性人格与构建社会主义和谐社会

4.The construction and deconstruction of female subjectivity in The Awakening;《觉醒》中女性主体意识的建构与解构

5.Construction of Subjectivity and Intersubjectivity from the Perspective of the Philosophy of Language语言哲学视域中主体性和主体间性的建构

6.Intersubjectivity and Construction of "Sound SomaesthetIcs";主体间性与“健全的身体美学”之建构

7.The Interact Among Agents Must Be Considered to Constitute the Cognize Reasoning Model of Multi-Agent主体间的互动性与多主体认知推理模型的建构

8.The Subject Teaching Thoughts of Structuralism and P.E.;建构主义的主体性教学思想与体育教育

9.Construction of Subjective Developing Target in Education;主体性发展目标结构与体系构建的探讨

10.The Research between the Female Subjectivity Developing and Constructing the Harmony Society of Socialism;女性主体性发展与构建社会主义和谐社会研究

11.The Construction of Inter-subjective Relationship between Students and Teachers in the School Moral Education;学校德育中主体间性师生关系的建构

12.The Research on the Construction of Human-Oriented Subjective Moral Education in Colleges and Universities;“以人为本”建构高校主体性德育的研究

13.Issues of Subjective Marality Practice in College and Modern Construction;高校主体性德育实践问题及现代建构

14.An Open "Conception of Globalization" and Construction of Subjective China;开放的“全球化观”与“主体性”中国的建构

15.Attitude Evaluation:Inter-subjective Construction of Persuasive Mode;态度评价:主体互联性劝说模式构建

16.Building the Dimension of Student s Subjective Force in Teaching;教学过程中学生主体性作用维度构建

17.Philosophical Illustration and Construction Practice on Inter-subjectivity between Teachers and Students;师生主体间性的哲学阐述和实践建构

18.University Moral Education Teaching Mode:“Subject Development”;构建“主体发展性”大学德育教学模式


subject frame working主体建构性

1.With deframework-ism as the aim, postmodernist feminism abandons the quest for the concrete goals of women s emancipation and seeks to deframework the sexual discrimination and oppression caused by the patriarchal system and male-authority ideology, and, on this basis, puts forth such views as gender restrictiveness,subject frame working, and the demonstrativeness of subject behavior.后现代女权主义以解构主义为目的,放弃了对女性解放具体目标的追求,尽心去解构父权制及男权思想导致的性别歧视和性别压迫,并在此基础上提出了社会性别规定性、主体建构性、主体行为宣成性等理论观点,希望通过打破一些诸如性别、阶级等重要界线,来消除性别不平等。

3)subject construction principles主体性建构原则

4)subject morality construction strengthen主体性道德建构

5)feminist main construction女性主体建构

6)mode of subjectivity construction主体性建构模式


