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养老方式 care giving for the aged英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-06 08:00:03


养老方式 care giving for the aged英语短句 例句大全

养老方式,care giving for the aged

1)care giving for the aged养老方式

1.On earth what is the citizens′ expect tocare giving for the aged? And what factors affect the choice ofcare giving for the aged? Based on the investigation in Wuhan of Hubei Province, the paper describes citizens′ attitude of different generations towardscare giving for the aged and ana.居民对养老究竟有怎样的期待?影响养老方式选择的因素有哪些?在对湖北省武汉市居民对待养老方式态度的调查的基础上,从认知、情感、行为倾向三方面作了代际比较,对行为倾向方面存在代际差异的原因进行了探讨。


1.Family Supporting: One of the Most Important Models of Supporting in China;家庭养老:我国最重要的养老方式之一

2.Mulriple Support of Old Age--appropriate for China;居家养老——适合我国城市的养老方式

3.Desires and Practices for Old-age Support in China;中国农村养老意愿和养老方式的研究

4.A Research on Met City Elderly People s Need Aged-supported Mode;适合老年人需要的城市养老方式研究

5.Research on a Comparison of Caring Mode between Urban Areas and Countryside for the Aged in China;我国城乡老年人口养老方式比较研究

6.On Building the Mode of Providing for the Aged in China;构建具有中国特色的养老方式——推进以家庭养老为主、社区养老为支撑的养老方式

7.Rational Choice on the Way of Caring for the Aged in the Countryside in China--The union between the modern family and the society caring for the aged;中国农村养老方式的理性选择——现代家庭养老与社会养老相结合

8.Analysis of attitude to old-age provision way and demand on provision model in the countryside;农村老年人群对养老方式的态度及养老模式探析

9.Family Support in the Community Fashion and Socialization Management of the Elderly;居家式社区养老方式与老年群体的社会化管理

10.The Dilemma and Outlet of Chinese Countries Traditional Way of Old-age Care;中国农村传统养老方式的困境与出路

11.The Tangshan Luck Paradise Community Senior Citizen Cares for the Aged the Way to Investigate;唐山市福乐园社区老年人养老方式调查

12.An Investigation on the Old Pepole s View about Non-family Support;老年人对非家庭养老方式态度的调查报告

13.A study of mental status of different models of provision for the old people with loss of spouse;不同养老方式的丧偶老人心理状态研究

14.Study on Incidence Rate of Depression in Elderly in Different Styles of Providing for the Aged不同养老方式下老年期抑郁症发病规律的探讨

15.Effect of Traditional Forms of Old-age Support in Chinese Countryside on Current Old-age Insurance System;我国农村传统养老方式对当前建立社会养老保险制度的影响

16.The Will and Way of the Yong and Middle-aged Women to BeSupported after Their Retirement in Rural Developed Areas --A Zhejiang Province Case Study;农村发达地区中青年女性的养老意愿与养老方式——以浙江省为例

17.Choice and Model Construction of the Care for the Aged in the First-Wave One-Child City Families in China我国城市首批独生子女父母养老方式选择与养老模型建构

18.The Generational Comparison of Citizen s Attitude Towards Care Giving for the Aged;城市居民对养老方式的态度的代际比较


Non-Family Support非家庭养老方式

1.Attitude and Influence of the Urban Aged toNon-Family Support;城市老人对非家庭养老方式的态度及其影响因素

3)residential model for the aged养老居住方式

4)family provision manner for the aged家庭养老方式

1.There are few researches into the problem of the aged during the late Qing dynasty in North China, let alone the systematic research on thefamily provision manner for the aged.对晚清华北地区老人问题的研究,学术界涉猎的并不多,对老人家庭养老方式问题的研究更是未有系统阐述。

5)the Ways of Rural Old-Age农村养老方式

6)choice of the care for the aged养老方式选择

1.This paper presents a research hypothesis on thechoice of the care for the aged in one-child families in city,and based on the survey data,discribes their options of the first-wave one-child family parents and explores the strategy choices to cope with the large-scale and rapid aging.提出城市独生子女父母养老方式选择的研究假设,依据调查数据,描述首批独生子女父母养老方式的选择,探索应对我国大规模急速老龄化的养老战略选择,分析不同养老方式对养老资源的不同发掘整合结构及功能、不同养老方式需要的条件,以及经济住房困难和富裕家庭对不同养老方式的选择。


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