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综合职业素质 comprehensive vocational qualities英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-02 16:27:00


综合职业素质 comprehensive vocational qualities英语短句 例句大全

综合职业素质,comprehensive vocational qualities

1)comprehensive vocational qualities综合职业素质

1.With the rapid development of medical market demands,a lot of practical pharmaceutical talents are needed,so it is a very practical problem for high vocational colleges how to culture pharmaceutical professional talents not only with the good skills but also bettercomprehensive vocational qualities to adapt to the market.一段时期以来,人们对高职教育论述较多的是技能培养,而对高职生的综合职业素质则关注较少。


1.Cultivation of Professional Exchange and Communication Ability and Comprehensive Professional Quality Curriculum Reform职业交流与沟通能力培养与综合职业素质课程改革

2.Probing in All-around Quality Education in the Specialty of Arts Designing in Higher Vocational Institutes;高职艺术设计专业综合素质教育初探

3.Cultivating Vocational Skills and Strengthening Overall Quality Education;培养职业技能 加强综合素质教育

4.A Discussion on Advanced Vocational College Students" Overall-quality Training from the Perspective of the Influence Factors of Employment从就业影响因素看高职生综合素质培养

5.The Composing Factors of the Employment-oriented Comprehensive Quality of the Vocational Students就业导向下中职学生综合素质的构成要素

6.The Analysis of the Integrated Diathesis of Graduators in Vocational Education College during Obtaining Employment;高职毕业生综合素质的就业市场认同分析

7.Improving Comprehensive Quality of Tourism Majors by Cultivating Professional Moral;培养职业道德提高旅游专业学生综合素质

8.Using a Career Plan to Raise the Students Comprehensive Competence;从职业生涯规划入手 培养大学生综合素质

9.Evaluation of synthetic qualtiy of vocational college graduate based on variable weights and fuzzy comprehensive variable weights;高职毕业生综合素质变权评价与模糊变权评价

10.Train the General Quality of Vocational Students in Accordance with Employment-oriented;以就业为导向 培养高职学生的综合素质

11.On Developing the Students Integrative Quality through Career Planning;从职业生涯规划入手培养学生的综合素质

12.On Construction of the Base for Appraising the Comprehensive Qualities of Higher Vocational Students;职业学院学生综合素质测评基地的建设

13.Strengthening the Personality Education in Employment and Improving College Students Comprehensive Quality;强化职业人格教育 提高大学生的综合素质

14.Overall Oualities should be Possessed by the Teachers Under the New Situation of Vocational Eduction;新形势下职业教育教师应具有的综合素质

15.Recognizing Comprehensive Quality Educational Correctly in Higher Vocational Education;正确认识在高等职业教育中实施综合素质教育

16.The Research Of Comprehensive Quality Measurement and Salary Model on Professional Managers职业经理人综合素质测评及薪酬模型研究

17.Fuzzy Comprehensive Assessment of Occupational Quality for Air Traffic Controllers空中交通管制员职业素质模糊综合评价

18.To Culture the Talents with Comprehensive Character in Higher Vocational Education;发挥高等职业技术教育特色优势培养综合素质高职人才


integrated diathesis of graduators from vocational college高职毕业生的综合素质

3)Enterprises total quality企业综合素质

4)entrepreneurship comprehensive quality创业综合素质

5)professional quality职业素质

1.The Professional Quality Development of College Library;高校图书馆馆员职业素质新探

2.Talent-training pattern of higher vocational education whose center isprofessional quality;论以职业素质为中心的高等职业人才培养模式

3.Quality education and the cultivation ofprofessional quality ——On the features of higher professional education;素质教育与职业素质的培养——再谈高等职业教育的特性

6)vocational quality职业素质

1.Analysis onvocational quality training of Chinese fashion models;中国时装模特职业素质培养分析

2.The Views on the Tendency of Vocational Quality of Chinese Teaching Innovation in Vocational School;论职业素质取向的中职语文教学改革


职业素质职业素质occupational qualities职业素质(oeeupational qualities)人们从事职业活动所必须具备的生理因素和心理因素。生理方面包括人的体质、身高、相貌、反应速度、神经类型等:心理方面既包括与人的个性倾向性相联系的职业需要、职业兴趣、职业态度、职业道德、抱负水平、竞争意识、协作精神、职业习惯等心理品质,也包括直接影响职业劳动效率和成就水平的智能因素,如人的知识经验、技能、技巧、能力、智慧等。(孙俊山撰张交审)
