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辅导员队伍建设 construction of counselors英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-05-05 12:43:48


辅导员队伍建设 construction of counselors英语短句 例句大全

辅导员队伍建设,construction of counselors

1)construction of counselors辅导员队伍建设

1.Do well in theconstruction of counselors and the management of students;抓好辅导员队伍建设 做好学生管理工作


1.The research on construction of political instructor team and Three-Emphasis辅导员队伍建设与“三风”建设调查研究

2.From the College Counselors Burnout See the Counselors Building从辅导员的职业倦怠看高校辅导员队伍建设

3.The Long-term Effect Mechanism of Counselor Team Building in High Schools;构建高校辅导员队伍建设的长效机制

4.Issues on Instructor Group Construction in Colleges and Universities;刍议高校辅导员队伍建设的几个问题

5.Some Reflections on the Coach Staff in our Institute;关于我院辅导员队伍建设的几点思考

6.The Objective Orientation for the Team Construction of University Counselors:Some Thoughts;高校辅导员队伍建设的目标定位思考

7.Thought of College counselors construction;关于高校辅导员队伍建设的几点思考

8.Preventing the Harmful Tendency in the Construction of Counselor Teamwork in Colleges and Universities;高校辅导员队伍建设应防止几种倾向

9.Strengthening building Counselor Team by Exploring an Effective Mechanism;探索长效机制 推进辅导员队伍建设

10.On the Construction of the Troop of Student Instructors in New Times;新时期高校学生辅导员队伍建设刍议

11.Discussion on the Condition of University s Construction of Political and Ideological Instructor Staff;高校辅导员队伍建设现状及对策浅析

12.A Discussion of the Development and Management of Vocational College Counselors;试论高职院校辅导员队伍建设与管理

13.Analysis on the Long Efficiency system of the Counselors Group Establishment ion Advanced Colleges;高校辅导员队伍建设的长效机制探析

14.Quality Reconstruction: Core of Building College Instructor Team;素质重构:高校辅导员队伍建设的核心

15.Professionalization: the trend of team construction of college instructors;职业化:高校辅导员队伍建设的趋势

16.On College Students Instructor Team Construction Under Wanli Pattern;论“万里模式”下的学生辅导员队伍建设

17.The Study on College Counselors Team Building in the Modern Time新时期高校辅导员队伍建设问题研究

18.Research on the Construction of Higher Vocational College Counselors Team under New Period新时期高职院校辅导员队伍建设研究


professionalization of counselor team辅导员队伍专业化建设

3)counselors team辅导员队伍

1.Building a guarantee mechanism to specialize thecounselors team in colleges is one of important measures of Document No.高校辅导员队伍专业化建设保障机制的构建是落实中央16号文件的一项重要措施,是促进辅导员队伍专业化建设的有力保障,应当着力于营造有利的环境与条件,并形成运行有效的长效机制。

4)counselor team辅导员队伍

1.According to the characteristics of the students and the situation of counselor,private-owned colleges should build his own privatecounselor team in terms of environment,structure and personnel development.辅导员队伍对帮助民办高校学生成才具有积极作用。

5)counsellor team辅导员队伍

1.Through strengthening academic management ofcounsellor team and modularization management of student work,promoted that different subject has its own preference for counselor,thus helped to develop student work as individual career,and throw themselves into own work wholeheartedly for a long time.通过加强对辅导员队伍的学术管理,对学生工作学术研究的"模块化"管理,促使辅导员"术业有专攻",从而把学生工作作为个人事业来发展,长期地、全身心地投入到本职工作中,克服辅导员队伍中存在的非正常流动快、在岗时间短的不足,有利于队伍的稳定和建设,有效促进高校辅导员队伍向职业化建设推进。

2.The counsellor management system of high colleges and universities is a necessary guarantee of stability , development and the personnel training , specialization and occupation-rization course ofcounsellor team in Chinese higher colleges require the management system which can be put into effect.高校辅导员管理制度是高校稳定、发展和人才培养的必要保障,而中国高校辅导员队伍专业化、职业化进程又需要辅导员管理制度作为保障来得以实施。


1.Analysis on the Construction of University Assistants;高校辅导员队伍建设探析

2.This paper discusses about theassistants and causes of formation in occupations of assistant本文对高职院校辅导员队伍的现状及成因进行了讨论,对辅导员队伍建设提出了若干建议。


