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辅导员职业化 Professionalism of counselors英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-20 11:26:04


辅导员职业化 Professionalism of counselors英语短句 例句大全

辅导员职业化,Professionalism of counselors

1)Professionalism of counselors辅导员职业化


1.Overview of Professionalism and Specialization of College Mentors高校辅导员职业化、专业化研究综述

2.The Research on Professionalism of Counselors Based on the View of Qualities of Moral Education;基于素质德育观的辅导员职业化研究

3.The Puzzle and Countermeasure in University Instructors Professionalism Construction;高校辅导员职业化建设的困惑及对策

4.Professional Development of College Counselors:Past and Future高校辅导员职业化发展的回顾与展望

5.The Connotation and Paths of Professionalization of College Counselors: Some Research高校辅导员职业化内涵与路径的探讨

6.Research on the Gender of College Counselors in the College Counselors Professional Background高校辅导员职业化背景下的辅导员队伍性别问题研究

7.On rofessional of Politics’ Assistant in University;谈高校专职政治辅导员的“职业化”问题

8.Empologment s State of Student Counselors in College and Professional Staff;高校辅导员的从业状态与“职业化”转变

9.Specialization: A Trend of College Counselors’ Professional Construction专业化:高校辅导员职业素质的提升

10.On Building Professionally and Expertly a Troop of Instructors in Colleges;高校辅导员队伍的职业化、专家化建设

11.The Study on the Specialization of the Full-time Counselors in University;高校专职辅导员队伍专业化建设研究

12.Analysis on Solving Problems of High School Tutor Professionalism;高校辅导员队伍职业化建设问题研究

13.The Research on Professional Counstructiong of College Counselor Team in Our Country;我国高校辅导员队伍职业化建设研究

14.Discussing about the Professional Construction of Instructor Team in Academy;浅析高职院校辅导员队伍专业化建设

15.On the Problem of Professionalization and Work Role of Instructors in Colleges and Universities;高校辅导员的职业化与工作定位问题

16.The Scientific Orientation and Professionalization Construction of Personal Tutor in Higher Educational Institutions;高校辅导员的科学定位与职业化建设

17.Professionalization: the trend of team construction of college instructors;职业化:高校辅导员队伍建设的趋势

18.Field:New Perspective for the Professionalization of College Counselors Team以场域视角解读辅导员队伍的职业化


vocational counselor职业辅导员

3)counselors" professional consciousness辅导员职业意识

4)counselors burnout辅导员职业倦怠

1.College counselors is close to the students most,to carry out a direct ideological and political education of teachers,College counselors as the vanguard of the ideological and political education,thecounselors burnout will have a direct impact on the ideological and political education more effective.因此,应该及时从辅导员职业倦怠的表现、影响和产生的原因,来分析高校辅导员队伍建设的不足,并提出相应的对策。

5)full-time assistants辅导员专职化

1.So,we should buildfull-time assistants in colleges according to ideolog.为此,应该依照大学生思想政治教育引领高校辅导员专职化建设的思路,借辅导员专职化的新契机将大学生思想政治教育工作推向新的局面。

6)career guidance职业辅导

1.Second, reviewed the relational study of MBTI at home and abroad, including the data of reliability, validity, and norm; revision at home and relational analysis with other scales; MBTI personality type in organization; application in organization development and team analysis, application incareer guidance, teaching-learning style study and family therapy.接着从理论研究和实践应用两方面介绍了国内外的相关研究,前者包括MBTI的信度、效度、常模资料,国内的修订情况,以及MBTI与其他量表的相关关系分析;后者包括MBTI在组织发展与团队建设中的应用,在职业辅导、师生互动、家庭治疗等领域的应用。

2.With it s development,internet is being applied tocareer guidance extensively,leading to some issues.随着互联网的发展 ,网络在职业辅导中的应用逐渐深入广泛 ,但也带来了一些问题。


辅导员1.帮助和指导学习﹑工作的人。 2.专指少年先锋队员的指导者。由共青团选聘,任务是辅导少先队中队或大队委员会开展工作。
