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投资意愿 willingness to invest英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-04 02:47:01


投资意愿 willingness to invest英语短句 例句大全

投资意愿,willingness to invest

1)willingness to invest投资意愿

1.Based on the field survey of 462 sample rural families in Shaanxi Province,the paper analyzed the factors influencing these farmers\"willingness to invest in health.文章基于对陕西农村的462个农户的实地调查,分析了影响农户健康投资意愿的因素。


1.Analysis of the Factors Influencing Shaanxi Farmers" Willingness in Health Investment陕西农户健康投资意愿影响因素分析

2.And investors are less willing to put money into debt securities.投资者不再愿意将资金投入债务有价证券。

3.Will you be so kind as to tell me something about your policy on investment in detail ?您愿意详细告知贵方的投资政策吗?

4.This company will not invest on the nonsense research.该公司不愿意投资进行这项无意义的研究

5.As markets tighten, creditors will also be less willing to refinance wobbling companies.随着市场的紧缩,投资人也不太愿意给摇摇欲坠的公司再投资。

6.Political will and investment aren"t going to make the Sahara desert disappear?政治意愿和投资将不会使撒哈拉沙漠消失?

7.These political tensions explain the reluctance of financiers to invest in the region.政局的紧张使金融家不愿意在该地区投资。

8.I also learned from an investment agency in Beijing that the lack of a sound investment environment is the reason why foreign businesses refrain form investing in Tibet.还有我到北京时从一个投资机构了解到,由于没有良好的投资环境,外资并不愿意到西藏去投资。

9.Of course, investors still bullish or bearish on the broad market can always place their bets on other SiMSCI Futures contracts still outstanding.愿意继续投机的投资者只能把目标转到其他尚未到期的期货去。

10.He warned the foreign investors may not always be willing to finance the US trade deficit.他警告说外国投资者未必总是愿意给美国贸易逆差融资。

11.A Financial Asset Prices Simulation Model Considered Investors" Will and Influence Around考虑投资者意愿及周围人影响的金融资产价格模拟模型

12.As he [Mr Muse] was going to get on the plane, he stopped and said: I think I want to invest in your venture."“他(缪斯)在准备登机时停下来说了一句话:‘我想我愿意投资你的企业。”

13.Another influent sound (influence on) the bond market is the willing this(willingness) of foreign countries to buy US government debt.另一个影响债券市场的就是国际投资者不愿意购买美国国库券。

14.Investors concerned with avoiding risk will be prepared to accept the relatively low yields now available on government bonds.要避免风险的投资者,则愿意接受政府债券目前提供的相对低收益。

15.He warned that foreign investors may not always be willing to finance the U.S. trade deficit.他警告不要寄望国外投资者会总是愿意填补美国的贸易赤字。

16.Public Investors Willingness-To-Pay for Policies to Restrain Illegal Behaviors of Listed-Companies;中小投资者对规范上市公司行为政策的支付意愿研究

17.The determination factors of individual inclination ievestment toward education western district;西部地区个人意愿教育投资与收益的决定模型及实证分析

18.Study of the Farmers" Will of Investment for Infrastructure in Rural Areas:An Example of Henan Province in China农村基础设施建设投资中的农民意愿研究——以河南省为例


Willing to invest愿意投资

3)unintended investment非意愿投资

4)individual inclination to investment in education个人意愿教育投资额

5)insurance will投保意愿

6)voting will投票意愿

1.And it emphasizes the influence of various psychology on rural inhabitatantsvoting will.从选举过程中行为主体的角度出发,通过对湖北省长阳县某镇农村居民的抽样调查,从对选举权利的认知、对选举作用的评价和对选举过程的感受三方面了解农村村民在基层选举中的心态,并重点分析各种心理态势对其参与选举投票意愿的影响,从而做出政策上的建议。


愿意1.情愿。 2.希望(发生某种情况)。
