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体验式生涯辅导 experienced career guidance英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-09-12 06:12:07


体验式生涯辅导 experienced career guidance英语短句 例句大全

体验式生涯辅导,experienced career guidance

1)experienced career guidance体验式生涯辅导

1.The purpose of the study is to investigate the state and trait of career development on vocational college students, explore an effective method for improving career development of vocational college students, and evaluate the effect ofexperienced career guidance based on cognitive information processing theory on vocational college students of career development.本研究的主要目的在于了解高职生生涯发展的现状及其发展特点,探索提高高职生生涯发展的有效途径,考查基于CIP理论的体验式生涯辅导对高职生生涯发展的即时和持续性辅导效果。


1.The Study on the Effect of Experienced Career Guidance Based on Cognitive Information Processing Theory on Vocational College Students of Career Development基于CIP理论的体验式生涯辅导对高职生生涯发展的影响研究

2.Pattern of Group Counseling of College Students Career Planning;大学生生涯规划团体心理辅导的模式

3.The Experimental Research of the Vocational College s Freshmen Group--Career Counsel;高职院校新生团体生涯辅导训练的实验研究

4.Effect of Group Career Counseling on Career Maturity of High School Students;团体职业生涯辅导对高中生职业成熟度的实验研究

5.On the Mode of Future Career Plan Toward the University Students;对大学生职业生涯规划辅导模式的探索

6.Career Planning for Colloge Nursing Teaching in the Applied Research护理本科生职业生涯规划辅导模式构建研究

7.Construction on guidance moder of occupational career for college nursing freshman本科一年级护生职业生涯辅导模式的构建

8.Effect of Career Group Guidance on Baccalaureate Nursing Students;护理专业本科生生涯团体辅导的实效研究

9.The Intervening Effect of Group Counseling on College Student s Career Programming;团体辅导在大学生职业生涯设计中的应用研究

10.The Project of Designing of the Psychological Assistance to the Undergraduate s Career Layout Party;大学生生涯规划团体心理辅导的方案设计

11.Group Counseling in Career Planning for Medical Freshmen;医科大学新生生涯规划团体辅导实践研究

12.Influence of group consultation on career planning of middle vocational school团体辅导对中职护生职业生涯规划的影响


14.Thinking on Constructing University Career Guidance System构建高校全程化多路径生涯辅导体系的思考

15.The Effect of Solution-Focused Group Counseling on Secondary Vocational School Students of Career Maturity and Career Self-Efficacy;焦点解决取向生涯团体辅导对职高生生涯成熟及生涯自我效能的影响研究

16.The Application Study on Efficiency of Group Career Guidance on College Students" Life Satisfaction团体生涯辅导对提高大学生生活满意度的应用研究

17.Learning Portfolio and Career Guidance: the Functionalized Path to Career Guidance学习历程档案与生涯辅导——以生涯辅导功能化为路径

18.The Exploration of Group Career Counseling for College Freshmen;大学新生团体生涯辅导活动课程设计与实施初探


Group Career Guidance团体生涯辅导

3)career guidance system生涯辅导体系

1.This paper constructs a whole-coursecareer guidance system of multi-paths and discusses its contents and principles.文章构建了全过程、多路径的高校生涯辅导体系,探讨了实施内容及原则,引导学生自觉把大学生涯与未来事业发展联系起来,在成就自我的同时,实现个人价值与社会价值的统一。

4)Career guidance生涯辅导

1."The whole life direction" of Yang Xian-jiang has lots of similarities to the career guidance of vocational colleges and schools, while the meaning of the two is much more unportant.杨贤江的“全人生指导”与职业院校的生涯辅导有着许多相同相似的方面,二者的意义尤为重大。

2.This article applies ASP and technology of database to the practice of career guidance on the basis of career theories, and discusses how to design an ideal computer-assisted career guidance system.开展生涯辅导已成为世界性研究课题,而ASP技术的出现为生涯辅导提供了新的视角。

3.Western career guidance begins earlier and is more professional,which has already showed the features of specialization,professional,continual,and developing.西方国家的大学生生涯辅导起步早,专业化水平较高,呈现专业化、职业化、全程化、发展性的特点,而我国的大学生生涯辅导由于起步较晚,重视程度不够,仍保留着形式化、阶段化、职责化、功利性等特点。

5)career counseling生涯辅导

1.Conceptual indigenization of thecareer counseling in China;生涯辅导理念在中国发展的本土化问题

2.Career Counseling originated in American,which successively experienced the evolution form the vocational guidance,vocational selection counseling,tocareer counseling.生涯辅导起始于美国,先后经历了职业指导、职业选择辅导、生涯辅导这一系列的演变,现在作为一种关注个人生涯发展的全新的理念,已得到世界许多国家的认同。

3.Career counseling directs to the ultimate concern for a person s development, and thecareer counseling for students is a trailblazing subject in Chinese higher learning institutions.生涯辅导指向人的发展的终极关怀。

6)Group Career Counseling职业生涯团体心理辅导


