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粉刺 acne英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-05 01:40:44


粉刺 acne英语短句 例句大全



1.Experience of integrated acupuncture and medicine in treatingacne by Professor LIU Gong-wang;刘公望教授针药结合治疗粉刺经验

2.Effects of traditional chinese rubbing-drug onacne and tinea versicolour;用中药擦剂治疗粉刺、花斑36例疗效分析及探讨


1.It"s harmful to the skin if you squeeze the pimples.用手挤粉刺对皮肤有害。

2.Tom has a very spotty face.汤姆脸上长了很多粉刺。

3.Mustard and pepper bite the tongue.芥末和胡椒粉刺痛舌头。

4.A plug of keratin and sebum within a hair follicle that is blackened at the surface.黑头粉刺在带毛小囊内由角朊和脂肪组成的粉刺,表面呈黑色

5.The boy has a lot of pimples on his face.那个男孩脸上长着许多粉刺。

6.kill the bacteria that can cause acne breakouts杀灭会导致粉刺增生的细菌

7.Even50- year-olds endure flare-ups.即便是50多岁的人偶尔也会长粉刺。

8.a teenage boy worried about his spots, ie acne因出粉刺而烦恼的十几岁的男青年

9.That"s when pimples rear their ugly heads.这是你就可以看到皮肤表面粉刺的头。

10.Acne is the most common skin disorder in the United States.在美国,粉刺是最常见的皮肤病。

11.Warts, bunions and pimples to make it worse.更糟的是,还长着疣子、腱膜瘤和粉刺。

12.An isomer of retinoic acid, used in the treatment of acne.一种视黄酸的异构体,用于治疗粉刺

13.1.Avoid the pick-it line if you can.1.如果能够的话,避免挤压粉刺。

e out in sth; become partially covered in(spots,pimples,etc)(局部)布满(斑点、粉刺、皮疹等)

15.Many adolescents suffer from/have acne.很多青少年患有痤疮[长粉刺]。

16.Then gently prick the very top of the head with a sterilized needle and wipe - don"t squeeze - the ooze that comesout.然后用一根消毒过的针轻轻地刺破粉刺的头,然后挤压,--脓就出来了。

17.a small inflamed elevation of the skin; a pustule or papule; common symptom in acne.皮肤上的小红肿;脓疱或长疮;粉刺的症状。

18.Extraction Rates of Flavonoids from Ultrafine Powder vs.Fine Powder of Gleditsia sinensis皂角刺细粉与超微粉中总黄酮提取率的比较


anti-acne jel抗粉刺喱

3)Aleurocanthus spiniferus(Quaintance)黑刺粉虱

1.Correlation between main biochemical components in new shoots of tea varieties and the selectivity of Aleurocanthus spiniferus(Quaintance);茶树品种新梢主要生化成分与黑刺粉虱选择性的关系

4)Aleurocanthus spiniferus (Quaintance)黑刺粉虱

1.Relationship between Leaf Structure of Tea Germplasm and Its Resistance to Aleurocanthus spiniferus (Quaintance)茶树种质叶片组织结构与其对黑刺粉虱抗虫性的关系

2.Nymphs of citrus spiny whitefly, Aleurocanthus spiniferus (Quaintance), were collected from seven tea gardens, located in Hangzhou, Fuyang and Shaoxing in Zhejiang Province, Xuancheng and Jiuhuashan in Anhui Province, and Jiulongshan of Wuyishan Mountains and Jinshan of Fuzhou in Fujian Province, respectively.用RAPD技术对华东地区7个茶园的黑刺粉虱种群进行遗传结构分析。

3.Aleurocanthus spiniferus (Quaintance) is four generations every year in Xinxiang.通过对火棘上黑刺粉虱室内外观察研究发现,黑刺粉虱在河南新乡1年发生4代,以若虫、伪蛹在寄主叶片背面越冬。

5)Aleurocanthus spiniferus Quaintance黑刺粉虱

1.Selectivity of orange spiny whitefly,Aleurocanthus spiniferus Quaintance to tea varieties;黑刺粉虱对茶树品种的选择性

2.Studies on the control ofAleurocanthus spiniferus Quaintance with Agrerita webberi Faweett;韦伯虫座孢菌对柑橘黑刺粉虱的防治研究

3.The Occurrence Regularity and Biological Characters ofAleurocanthus spiniferus Quaintance in Hunan Citrus Orchard湖南柑桔黑刺粉虱的发生规律及生物学特性研究

6)Aleurocanthus spiniferus黑刺粉虱

1.Summary on the classify of natural enemy germplasm recourses ofAleurocanthus spiniferus (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae);黑刺粉虱天敌种质资源分类概述

2.Developmental grade of pupae and eggs of white fly,Aleurocanthus spiniferus,in relation to its optimum control period of the pest in tea garden.;茶黑刺粉虱蛹和卵的发育分级及与其防治适期的相关性

3.Infection of Entomogenous Fungus(Paecilomycws aleurocanthus)to Citrus Black Spiny Whitefly (Aleurocanthus spiniferus quaintance);粉虱拟青霉对黑刺粉虱的侵染过程


