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磨细矿粉 grounded furnace slag英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-23 19:27:26


磨细矿粉 grounded furnace slag英语短句 例句大全

磨细矿粉,grounded furnace slag

1)grounded furnace slag磨细矿粉

1.Research on properties of concrete with pre-hydrated fly ash andgrounded furnace slag;磨细矿粉和预水化粉煤灰在混凝土中的应用

2.By test of performances effect recycled mill admitxture andgrounded furnace slag on concrete,on the basis of diverse characteristics influence of each on concrete,adopting admitxture compound technique makes admitxture properties;advantage complement.通过再生磨细掺合料和磨细矿粉对混凝土性能影响的试验,根据各自对混凝土的影响有不同的特点,故采用掺合料复合技术,使各掺合料性能优势互补。


1.Experiment research on compound recycled mineral admitxture and mineral slag再生磨细掺合料与磨细矿粉复合的试验研究

parison of Activity Effect of Pulverized Strontium Slag,Pulverized Slag and Fly Ash磨细锶渣、磨细矿渣及粉煤灰活性效应对比

3.Character and Morphology of Slag Powder Prepared in Jet Mill气流磨粉磨超细矿渣粉的粉体性能和微观形貌研究

4.Research on Compound Performance of Waste Concrete Pulverized Admixture and Slag Powder废弃混凝土磨细粉与矿粉复合性能试验研究

5.Research of the concrete mixed with the powdered slag and high calcium fly ash掺磨细矿渣粉和高钙粉煤灰混凝土的研究

6.The Application and Research of Grinding Aid in the Manufacturing of Slag Superfine Powders助磨剂在矿渣微细粉制备中的应用与研究

7.Application of the fly ash and ground slag on marine concrete粉煤灰和磨细矿渣在海工混凝土中的应用

8.The applied study on concrete comprehensive prepared by milled slag and fly ash磨细矿渣和粉煤灰复合配制混凝土的应用研究

9.The Study on the Effect of Slay Powders and Fly Ashes upon the Sulfate Corrosion Resistance of Concrete“双掺”磨细矿渣粉和粉煤灰对混凝土抗硫酸盐侵蚀性能的影响研究

10.grinder roller for solid mineral materials辊式固体矿物粉磨机

11.The wheat grinds to a fine flour.小麦可被磨碎成细面粉。

12.The act or process of grinding, especially grinding grain into flour or meal.磨坊,碾谷,碾磨碾磨的行为或过程,尤指将谷物磨成细粉或粗粉

13.The formula could simulate the packing density of the blend materials such as cement, fine-slag, and fly ashes.说明该公式可以用来模拟诸如水泥、磨细矿渣、粉煤灰等胶凝材料细颗粒的堆积密度。

14.To rub, crush, grind, or pound into fine particles or a powder; pulverize.研磨捣碎搓擦、磨细、捣烂,使…研磨成细粉末,使成粉末状

15.Research on the Grinding Dynamics of Phosphorous Slag Superfine Powder with Stirred Mill搅拌磨制备磷渣超细粉的粉磨动力学研究

16.To grind, pulverize, or break down into smaller particles in a mill.研磨,粉碎用磨臼研磨或碾制成细小的颗粒

17.fine powdery foodstuff obtained by grinding and sifting the meal of a cereal grain.谷类粗粉经过碾磨而成的细粉。



slag powder ground磨细矿渣粉

1.Application ofslag powder ground in conorete;磨细矿渣粉在混凝土中的应用试验研究

3)finely ground slag细磨矿渣粉

1.Effect of the introduction of hydration inducting additive, accelerator andfinely ground slag into cement on the hydra-tion, strength and pore size distribution of the paste was studied.在水泥中引入水化诱导组分、早强组分和细磨矿渣粉,研究其对水泥水化、强度及浆体孔分布的影响。

4)fine slag powder磨细矿渣粉

1.In the construction of the foundation slab of Terminal T3B Project at Beijing Capital International Airport,fly ash andfine slag powder were used,and the quantity of cement was reduced to lower than that of the code,without anti-freezing agent being admixed.在北京首都国际机场新航站楼T3B工程基础底板施工过程中,使用粉煤灰与磨细矿渣粉"双掺"的方法,采用低于规范规定的水泥掺量,并且不掺加防冻剂,施工中从原材料选取到施工过程的控制采取分层浇筑、多次压光、保湿养护等各种有效手段,很好地控制了裂缝的产生,基础底板完成后未发现有害裂缝的产生。

5)a large additive amount of grinding fine ore大掺量磨细矿粉

1.Adopting such three fields as modified ligneous calcium, the compound use of leading gas agent and various maintainable conditions, the problem of improving the cubic stability of low cement-water ratio concrete witha large additive amount of grinding fine ore is discussed.为提高海水环境中钢筋混凝土的使用寿命,从低砂率、低坍落度、低水泥用量方面优化混凝土配合比设计,采用改性木钙、引气剂复合使用和不同养护条件等三方面对改善低水灰比大掺量磨细矿粉大体积混凝土体积稳定性问题进行了探讨。

6)pulverized slag powder磨细矿渣微粉

1.The early hydration activation ofpulverized slag powder, Class C fly ash and Class F fly ash were determined and analyzed systematically by the Environmental Scan Electron Microscope (ESEM) and the TG-DTA.本文采用环境扫描电子显微镜 (ESEM)和热重 差热 (TG- DTA)分析仪对磨细矿渣微粉、高钙粉煤灰、低钙粉煤灰的早期水化活性进行了系统测试和分析。

2.The carbonation depths of thepulverized slag powder mortar,flyash mortar and slag\|flyash combination mortar are measured systematically.系统测试了磨细矿渣微粉水泥砂浆、粉煤灰水泥砂浆及矿渣 -粉煤灰复合水泥砂浆的碳化深度 ,并从浆体孔隙率、Ca(OH) 2 含量和砂浆抗渗性分析了矿渣提高粉煤灰水泥基材料抗碳化能力的细观和微观机理 ,提出磨细矿渣微粉和粉煤灰复合是提高粉煤灰水泥基材料抗碳化能力最经济有效的措

3.A quantitative mathematics function about the relationships between the compressive strength of the concrete and the compositions of ternary blended binders of cement-pulverized slag powder-superfine class F fly ash was educed by means of simplex-centroid experimental design.通过单纯形重心设计方法得出了水泥磨细矿渣微粉超细粉煤灰三元复合胶凝材料组成与各龄期混凝土抗压强度的定量数学解析式 ,其对混凝土强度的预测精度基本可控制在 5 %的相对误差范围内 。


