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高职后进生 backward students of higher-vocational college英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-09 18:49:43


高职后进生 backward students of higher-vocational college英语短句 例句大全

高职后进生,backward students of higher-vocational college

1)backward students of higher-vocational college高职后进生

1.Higher-vocational stage is the last station into the community for the students in higher-vocational college students and it plays a significant part in raising the political-theory level and cultural accomplishment of students to make the transformation ofbackward students of higher-vocational college in ideological-political education.在高职教育过程中,做好高职后进生的思想政治教育转化工作,对于提高学生的政治理论水平和文化修养意义重大。


1.A Probe into Countermeasures of Ideological-Political Education for Backward Students in Higher Vocational College高职后进生思想政治教育的对策探讨

2.On the Transformation of Underachievers in the English Teaching;论高职高专英语教学中的后进生转化

3.Why there are laggard students during the English Teaching Course and How to Deal with It;高职英语教学中后进生成因分析及对策

4.Prompting Students Vocational Maturity by Acquiring Outlook of Professional Development;树立职业发展观念 促进高职学生职业成熟

5.Transformations of higher vocational education during the post-industry time后工业化进程中的高等职业教育变革

6.Exploration in Professional Orientation for Vocational College Students指导高职高专学生进行职业定位的探索

7.Enhancing the Students Interest and Improving Vocational English Teaching;提高学生学习兴趣 促进高职英语教学

8.My Viewpoints on Converting Weaks Students at Vocational and Technical CoUege;职业技术院校后进生转化工作之我见

9.Practice and Probe of Vocational Instruction Facilitating the Vocational College Students to Obtain Employment;职业指导促进“高职”学生就业的实践和探索

10.The valid path of pushing forward the higher vocational school student"s occupation moral education推进高职院校学生职业道德教育的有效途径

11.Post-Employment Education of Normal University Biology Teachers in Sichuan Province四川省高师生物学教师职后培养研究

12.Planning and Construction of Vocational Career of Higher Vocational College Students,Continuing to Upgrade the Ability of Vocational Development开展高职学生职业生涯规划建设 促进职业发展力持续提升

13.Make better the classroom teaching of English reading of higher vocational education to improve the students" comprehensive quality改进高职高专阅读课堂教学,提高学生综合素质

14.Rational Consideration on Pushing Vocation Guidance Work for Graduate Students in Higher Vocational College;推进高职院校毕业生就业工作的思考

15.Renewing Ideas to Achieve the All-round Development of Higher Vocational College Students;更新观念 促进高职学生自身全面发展

16.Improvement of Biochemical Engineering Teaching in High Vocational Colleges;改进高职生物化工教学的实践与思考

17.Promoting the Construction of the Dormitory Culture of Vocational College Students;推进高职院校大学生寝室文化的建设

18.Personality Education of Higher Vocational College Students;对高职院校学生进行人格教育的探讨


less advanced staffs后进职工

3)Higher Vocational Nursing Students高职护生

1.Investigation and Analysis on Present Professionalism ofHigher Vocational Nursing Students;高职护生职业道德现状的调查及分析

4)Vocational college students高职生

1.Career plan:guarantee for vocational college students to get jobs successfully;职业生涯规划:高职生顺利就业的保证

2.On the Professional Attainment of Vocational College Students in the Visual Threshold of Enterprises;论企业视阈中的高职生职业素养

5)Higher vocational students高职学生

1.Strengthening Psychological Quality Education of Higher Vocational Students;高职学生心理素质教育浅谈

2.The Influence of Parental Rearing Styles on Higher Vocational Students Honesty;父母教养方式对高职学生诚信心理发展的影响

6)vocational college students高职学生

1.Capability and Education of Vocational College students;浅析高职学生的能力与培养

2.Analysis on employment prospects of highervocational college students;高职学生的就业前景初探

3.A questionnaire on the knowledge of the prevention of AIDS,sexual attitude,the attitude to the AIDS suffers,and the ways to be infected with AIDS is carried on among 1819vocational college students in Xiangfan City.对襄樊巿1819名大、中专学生进行了艾滋病防治有关知识、性观念、对艾滋病患者的态度、获得艾滋病知识途径的问卷调查,调查结果显示:高职学生对艾滋病传播途径的正确回答率为81。


