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残余肾功能 Residual renal function英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-17 11:48:28


残余肾功能 Residual renal function英语短句 例句大全

残余肾功能,Residual renal function

1)Residual renal function残余肾功能

1.Effect of intact parathyroid hormone on residual renal function in hemodialysis patients with chronic renal failure;甲状旁腺激素对慢性肾衰血透患者残余肾功能的作用

2.The impact of residual renal function on nutritional status in maintenance hemodialysis patients;维持性血透患者残余肾功能对营养状况的影响

3.Study of the protective function of Yishenning on residual renal function in patients accepted peritoneal dialysis中药益肾宁对腹膜透析患者残余肾功能保护作用的研究


1.Conclusions:The MSK of traditional Chinese herbs possesses protective actions on RRF in patients on HD and is able to delay the loss of renal function.结论:“慢肾康”具有保护血透患者残余肾功能、延缓肾功能衰竭的作用。

2.Effects of residential renal function on cardiovascular system in patients with peritoneal dialysis残余肾功能对腹膜透析患者心血管系统的影响

3.The influences of antihypertensive drugs on residual renal function降压药物对透析患者残余肾功能的影响

4.The relationship between dyslipidemia and residue renal function in CAPD patientsCAPD患者血脂异常与残余肾功能的相关研究

5.Study of the protective function of Yishenning on residual renal function in patients accepted peritoneal dialysis中药益肾宁对腹膜透析患者残余肾功能保护作用的研究

6.Influence of Yanshen Granule No.1 on the Residual Renal Function of Maintenance Hemodialysis Patients延肾1号冲剂对长期血液透析患者残余肾功能的影响

7.The Renoprotectiveeffectsand Mechanisms Ofshen Shuai Bao Shen Capsule on Chronicrenal Failure Rats肾衰保肾胶囊对慢性肾衰早期大鼠残余肾功能的保护作用及其机制的研究

8.The Influence of High Flux Hemodialysis on Residual Renal Function of Maintenance Hemodialysis Patients;高通量血液透析对维持性血透患者残余肾功能的影响

9.A Comparison between Serum Cystatin C and Creatinine in Estimation of Residual Glomerular Filtration Rate in Dialysis Patients血清cystatin C与肌酐在估算透析病人残余肾功能中的比较研究

10.The Effect of Different Residual Renal Function on Nutritional Status and Microinflammation State of Patients with Peritoneal Dialysis不同残余肾功能对腹膜透析患者营养状况、微炎症状态的影响

11.A Comparison between Cystatin C and Serum Creatinine Assay in Assessment of Residual Glomerular Filtration Rate in Dialysis PatientsCystatin C与血肌酐在估算透析患者残余肾功能中的比较研究

12.Significance of peritoneal dialysis volume calculation based on the status of residual renal function根据残余肾功能状态计算腹膜透析患者透析剂量的临床研究

13.The Renoprotective Effects and Mechanisms of All-trans Retinoic Acid on Chronic Renal Failure Rats;全反式维甲酸对慢性肾衰大鼠残余肾功能的保护作用及其机制的研究

14.The clinical value of ~(99m)Tc-DTPA Renal dynamic imaging in evaluating residual function of the kidney with severe hydronephrosis~(99m)Tc-DTPA肾动态显像评价重度肾积水患肾残余功能的临床价值

15.The Correlation between Renal Microvasculature Injury and Progressive Renal Failure in Remnant Renal Young Rats;肾微血管损伤与残肾幼鼠进展性肾功能衰竭的相关性研究

16.~(99m)Tc DTPA dnamic imaging for analysis of renal function of live donors~(99m)T_C-DTPA肾动态显像对活体供肾者余肾功能的监测意义

17.functional redundancy功能性丰余,功能丰余性

18.Low level of residual renal function in the initial month and high transport characteristic as important cau ses of peritoneal dialysis failure透析初始月的残肾功能及高转运特性对腹膜透析成功率的影响


Residual renal function残肾功能

1.Residual renal function.目的 观察不同血压控制状态对患者的残肾功能以及对临床效果的影响。

3)Remain of liver function肝脏功能残余量

1.ResultsRemain of liver function(Y)was more sensitive than any of HH_(15),LHL_(15),MRI or ICGR_(15)when the li.方法测定大鼠模型肝脏功能残余量及其肝脏ASGPR 的 HH_(15)、LHL_(15)和 MRI 结合 ICGR_(15),建立一个以肝脏功能残余量(Y)为因变量,HH_(15)、LHL_(15)、MRI 和 ICGR_(15)为自变量的肝脏储备功能的综合定量评估体系。

4)remnant kidney残余肾

1.Objective: To explore the inhibitory effect and mechanism of Shenshuai Granule (SSG) on transforming growth factor β1 (TGF β1) and tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase 1 (TIMP 1) mRNA expression inremnant kidney.目的 :研究肾衰冲剂对大鼠残余肾转化生长因子 β1(TGF β1)、组织金属蛋白酶抑制剂 1(TIMP 1)mRNA过度表达的抑制作用。

5)residual performance残余性能

6)functional disability残疾功能


肾功能肾功能renal function肾的功能大致可归纳两项,即泌尿及分泌一些生物活性物质。①肾的泌尿功能,肾从尿中排出大量代谢终产物,如尿素、尿酸、肌酐等含氮物质,硫酸盐与其他含硫物质以及无机磷酸盐等,使这些物质不致在血液中大量堆积。肾在排尿过程中,通过对水分、钠、钾等离子以及酸碱物质排出量的调整,维持细胞外液内水分、渗透压、pH和各种离子浓度等在一定水平上的波动。所以肾的泌尿功能对于保持机体内环境理化性质相对恒定,亦即对于保证生命活动正常进行,有极为重要的意义。②分泌生物活性物质,主要有肾素、红细胞生成酶、维生素D3和前列腺素。肾素对于调节醛固酮的分泌、调节小血管口径、调节血量以及血液中Na+、K+浓度等,都很重要。红细胞生成素的作用是刺激骨髓加速红细胞的生成。维生素D3转为有活性后,其作用主要是调节Ca2+代谢。肾分泌的前列腺素主要是前列腺素A,是一种强有力的舒血管物质。
