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血清肌酐 Serum creatinine英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-24 14:15:52


血清肌酐 Serum creatinine英语短句 例句大全

血清肌酐,Serum creatinine

1)Serum creatinine血清肌酐

1.SCysC and serum creatinine(Scr)were determined before surgery,1 week and 4 weeks after surgery,respectively.方法采用颗粒增强透射免疫比浊法(PETIA)分别检测39例初次肾移植患者在术前、术后1周和4周的SCysC水平,并与血清肌酐(Scr)、内生肌酐清除率(Ccr)进行比较分析。

2.Serum creatinine(Scr)was measured by enzymic method.5 mL保存,测血清肌酐作为基线资料。

3.Objective: To evaluate the applicability of serum cystatin C ,serum creatinine and urine microprotein as endogenous marker for detection of renal disfunction in patients with chronic kidney disease.目的探讨血清半胱氨酸蛋白酶抑制剂C (Cystatin C )、血清肌酐(Scr)及尿微量蛋白(α1-MG、ALB、TRF)在评价慢性肾脏病患者肾功能损害中的比较及血清CysC浓度判定在肾小球滤过功能中的临床价值。


1.Reparing Alkaline Picrate Reagent the Quantitative Determination of Serum Creatinine碱性苦味酸法测定血清肌酐试剂的配制

parison of determining the sero-creatinine by enzymatic assay and jaffe assay;碱性苦味酸法和酶法测血清肌酐的方法学比较

3.Immediately after the procedure, serum creatinine increased, creatinine clearance decreased, and protein excretion worsened in these two patients.两例患者术后很快出现血清肌酐水平升高,肌酐清除率下降,蛋白排泄恶化。

parative Study of Serum CystatinC and Serum Creatinine in Glomerular Filtration Rate Measurement in Patients with Acute Kindney Injury血清胱抑素C与血清肌酐在急性肾损伤患者GFR评估中的比较研究

5.The difference of serum creatinine level between age and gender in southern Chinese and its clinical significance中国南方地区正常人群血清肌酐水平的变化其临床意义

6.RESULTS After Piperazine ferulate were given ,the decreasing levels of serum creatinine,urea nitrogen and urinary protein in rabbits with Masugi nephritis and levels of serum creatintine, urinary protein in rats with Heymann nephritis were observed.结果阿魏酸哌嗪有降低肾炎模型家兔和大鼠血清肌酐、尿蛋白和家兔血清尿素作用。

7.To compare serum cystatin C and creatinine as an efficacious marker of renal function in kidney transplant recipients肾移植后在肾功能监测中血清半胱氨酸蛋白酶抑制剂C同血清肌酐的应用比较

8.The Clinical Study of Using the Methods of Yishenqingli, Heluoxiezhuo to Treat the Patients of CKD 2~3 Phase益肾清利、和络泄浊法对慢性肾脏病2~3期患者蛋白尿及血清肌酐变化影响的临床研究

9.Serum levels of creatinine,urea nitrogen,uric acid and cystatin-C in 147 adult males after stress147例中青年男性应激反应后的血清肌酐、尿素氮、尿酸及Cys-C初步分析

10.Effects of the Huangqi extract on the content of muscle glycogen and serum creatinine in postexercise mice黄芪水提取液对运动后小鼠肌糖原和血清中肌酐含量的影响

11.Creatinine clearance rate was 67.4% as against 50%.血中肌酐正压透析平均清除67.4%,负压透析平均清除50%。

12.Study of correlation between serum cystatin C and creatinine clearance rate for evaluation of renal function in gerontal patients老年患者血清胱抑素C与肌酐清除率对肾功能评价的相关性研究

13.Creatinine clearance was correlated directly with plasma aldosterone and inersely with renin.肌酐清除率与血浆醛固酮浓度正相关,与肾素水平反相关。

14.Determination of Uric Acid and Creatinine in Human Serum by Isotope Dilution Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry;同位素稀释液相色谱/质谱法测定人体血清中尿酸、肌酐的研究

15.Research on Tests of the Content of Urea Nitrogen,Creatinine and Uric Acid in Saliva and Serum of Male Students at College before and after Exercises;大学男生运动前、后唾液与血清尿素氮、肌酐、尿酸含量的检测

16.A Comparison between Serum Cystatin C and Creatinine in Estimation of Residual Glomerular Filtration Rate in Dialysis Patients血清cystatin C与肌酐在估算透析病人残余肾功能中的比较研究

17.Correlation Analysis and Clinic Application Levels of UN, Cr and UA of Saliva and Serum唾液和血清中尿素氮、肌酐、尿酸含量相关性分析及临床应用研究

18.Effects of Chitosan on the Serum Cholesterol,Uric Acid and Creatinine in Cows with Mastitis壳聚糖对乳房炎奶牛血清胆固醇、尿酸和肌酐的影响


serum creatinine (SCr)血清肌酸酐

3)low seurm creatinine低血清肌酐

4)Calculated creatinine clearance血清肌酐清除率

5)serum creatinine concentration血清肌酐浓度

1.Objective To investigate relationship between structural and quantitative changes of glomerular podocytes and renal functional parameters (reflected mainly byserum creatinine concentration, SCC) in human diabetic glomerulonephropathy (DIA).目的探讨糖尿病性肾病 (diabeticnephropathy ,DIA)病人肾小球足细胞形态及数量的改变与肾功能[主要以血清肌酐浓度 (serumcreatinineconcentration ,SCC)来反应 ]的关系。

6)the estimated glomerular filtration rate血肌酐清除率

1.Objective:To disclose the relation ofthe estimated glomerular filtration rate(eGFR) and coronary artery disease.目的:了解血肌酐清除率受损是否与冠心病患病率存在联系。


血浆肌酐血浆肌酐plasma creatinine肌酸代谢的最终产物。机体内肌酸部分来自食物(外源性),部分在体内肝脏和肾脏内合成(内源性),肌酸随血液循环进入肌肉中形成带有高能磷酸键的磷酸肌酸,是肌肉收缩时能量的来源和储备形式。在代谢过程中最终变为肌酐,经血液循环经肾脏排出。正常人血浆肌酸含量全血为221~265μmol/L,血浆肌酐为53~106μmol/L。正常情况下血浆肌酐是由肾小球滤过排出,肾功能不全失代偿时血浆肌酐将增高,因此临床上将血浆肌酐测定作为判断肾小球功能的指标之一。在血浆肌酐增高后,部分肌酐也能经肾小管排泌。
