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双主变 dual primary transformers英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-08-28 03:57:21


双主变 dual primary transformers英语短句 例句大全

双主变,dual primary transformers

1)dual primary transformers双主变

1.A method of usingdual primary transformers separate operation instead of parallel operation is proposed for avoiding complete shutdown accident in 220kV primary substation.220kV一次变电站全停事故常常是由于直流系统故障、母差保护误动和母联开关故障等导致,为有效解决这一问题,我们提出用双主变分列运行的方式代替双主变并列运行的方式来降低变电站全停事故的发生,并给出了220kV一次变电站双主变分列运行的条件和实施方案。

2)double chief双主


1.The Depictions of Ideals Bi-ideals and Dual-principal bi-ideais of Some Semigroups;一些半群的理想、双理想及双主双理想的刻画

2.twin-input single-output gear双主动齿轮单出轴齿轮

3.Design of Main Module in "Double-active" ICAI System;“双主型”ICAI系统中的主体模块设计

4.Typical Parts Processed in the Dual-spindle Turning Centers双主轴双刀塔车削中心上典型零件的加工

5.full-duplex primary station全双工主站 -网络

6.The research director threw up his hands.研究部主任挥动双手。

7.double end cut-off and boring machine双端横切及主钻孔机

8.top mounted double reducton final drive上置式双级主减速器

9.dual three-lane trunk road双程三线分隔主干路

10.rear mounted double reduction final drive后置式双级主减速器

11.series dual chamber brake master cylinder串列双腔式制动主缸

12.front mounted double reduction final drive前置式双级主减速器

13.Final gear ratio (Hypoid final gear)主减速齿轮比(双曲线主减速齿轮)

14.Imperialism and colonialism are a twofold evil.帝国主义和殖民主义是双重的罪恶。

15."The second broad theme in our relationship should be cooperation.“双方关系的第二个主要主题应是合作。

16.Doubled Analysis on Realism and Modernism of Lord of The Flies;《蝇王》:现实主义和现代主义的双重梳理

17.“Pan-Islamism” , “Pan-Turkism” and the Movements of Nationality Splittism in Xin Jiang;“双泛主义”与新疆民族分裂主义活动

18.An Argument on “The Theory of Teaching Subject”;“教学主体论”辨析——兼论“双重主体说”


double chief双主

3)Double Primary and Back-up Protection双主双后

4)main transformer主变

1.The optimal scheme to avoidmain transformer burnt down caused by reclosing to permanent fault;解决线路重合于永久性故障而烧损主变的最佳方案

2.Abnormal dielectric loss of high voltage epoxy bushings formain transformers;主变500kV环氧树脂浸纸套管介损异常原因研究

3.Discussion on dead zone of longitudinal differential protection formain transformer during operation ofbypass switch in replace of HV side switch onmain transformer;旁路开关代主变高压侧开关运行中主变纵差保护死区的探讨


1.Exploration of coordination & allocation for 110 kV microprocessor-basedtransformer reserved protection110kV主变微机后备保护整定及配置探讨

2.Analysis and disposal of an incident of primarytransformer zero-sequence overvoltage protection misoperation一次主变间隙零序过压保护误动原因分析及处理

3.Analysis of a maloperation oftransformer"s backup protection in 110 kV Zhaodong station昭东电站110kV主变后备保护拒动原因分析

6)energy loss for main transformer主变变损


