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镁尖晶石 magnesia spinel英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-11 00:17:22


镁尖晶石 magnesia spinel英语短句 例句大全

镁尖晶石,magnesia spinel

1)magnesia spinel镁尖晶石

1.Taking fused magnesia, fused spinel and sintered spinel as raw material and titania as additives,the specimen ofmagnesia spinel bricks were prepared through the production processes of mix, mould pressing and sintering.以电熔镁砂、电熔尖晶石和烧结尖晶石为主要原料,铁鳞和钛白粉为添加剂,经过混合,半干法成型,高温烧成等制备工艺制成了新型镁尖晶石砖,并对其性能进行了研究。


1.A Study on the Manufecture of Magnesia Spinel Bricks for Large Dry-process Cement Rotary Kiln;大型干法水泥窑用镁尖晶石砖的研制

2.The Improvement Experiment and Application of Ladle Aluminum-Magnesium Spinel Castables钢包铝镁尖晶石浇注料的改进试验及应用

3.Influence of microporous magnesia-rich spinel aggregates on properties of low carbon MgO-C refractories微孔富镁尖晶石对低碳MgO-C材料性能的影响

4.Study on Slag Corrosion Resistance of Microporous Magnesia-spinel Carbon Refractories微孔镁尖晶石碳耐火材料的抗渣性能研究

5.Effects of calcination temperature and zirc on addition on properties and microstructures of magnesia-spinel refractories containing lightweight aggregate烧成温度和锆英石对轻骨料镁尖晶石材料性能和显微结构的影响

6.transparent magnesium aluminium spinel ceramics透明镁铝尖晶石陶瓷

7.Investigation on Transparent MgAl_2O_4 Spinel Ceramic for Bulletproof Armor;防弹装甲用透明镁铝尖晶石陶瓷研究


9.Irradiation Effects of Transparent MgAl_2O_4 Ceramics and Single Crystal;镁铝尖晶石透明陶瓷及单晶辐照效应研究

10.Properties of periclase-hercynite brick for cement kiln水泥窑用方镁石-铁铝尖晶石砖的性能研究

11.Preparation of aluminium titanate-mullite-magnesium aluminate spinel based hollow ball钛酸铝-莫来石-镁铝尖晶石质空心球的研制

12.Thermodynamics on formation and transformation of MgO·Al2O3 inclusions in alloy steel合金钢中镁铝尖晶石夹杂物生成与转化热力学

13.The Theoretical Calculations on Electronic and Optical Properties of Ni-doped MgAl_2O_4 Spinel掺镍镁铝尖晶石电子和光学性质的理论计算

14.Synthesis of MgAl_2O_4 Spinel Nannopowder by Sol-gel Process溶胶-凝胶法制备纳米镁铝尖晶石纳米粉

15.The progress of properties、 preparation techniques and applications of magnesium aluminium spinel powders镁铝尖晶石粉体的性能、制备与应用趋势

16.Corrosion-resistance of Transparent Ceramic Spinel MgAl_2O_4透明陶瓷镁铝尖晶石MgAl_2O_4耐酸碱性能的初步研究

17.Growth of Mg-Al Spinel Film on Sapphire Surface for Strengthening;蓝宝石单晶表面生长增强用镁铝尖晶石薄膜研究

18.(2)The strength of castable containing MA spinel was better than that of the one contaning chrome ore.(2)加入镁铝尖晶石的镁质浇注料在强度方面要好于加入铬矿砂的;


magnesia-alumina spinel镁铝尖晶石

1.Study on preparation ofmagnesia-alumina spinel additive and its performances of catalytic olefin reduction;镁铝尖晶石的制备及其催化降烯烃性能研究

2.Synthesis ofmagnesia-alumina spinel refractories;镁铝尖晶石质耐火材料的合成

3.Preparation ofmagnesia-alumina spinel and its application in catalytic reaction;镁铝尖晶石的制备及在催化反应中的应用

3)Magnesium Aluminum Spinel镁铝尖晶石

4)Magnesia alumina spinel镁铝尖晶石

1.The fused magnesia,magnesia alumina spinel and α-Al2O3 were put in the ground substance for developing the stability of thermal shock.以优质电熔镁砂、烧结镁铝尖晶石为主要原料,采用纸浆废液作为结合剂研究镁质复合滑板材料。

2.Thermodynamic analysis and hot condition experiment were used to study the effects of temperature of molten steel and mass fraction of carbon on the corrosion of magnesia alumina spinel refractory,and the corrosion mechanism was discussed.根据热力学分析和热态实验研究了钢水温度及其碳质量分数对镁铝尖晶石质耐火材料侵蚀的影响,并探讨了耐火材料的侵蚀机理。

5)MgO rich spinel富镁尖晶石

1.The influence ofMgO rich spinel content on porosity, bending strength and slag resistance of MgO-Al2O3 castable were studied in this article.本文研究了富镁尖晶石细粉加入量对镁铝浇注料显气孔率、抗折强度和抗渣性能的影响。


1.The effect of preparation techniques to the crystallization of glass-ceramic was studied through DTA,XRD and TEM,and transparent glass-ceramic that contains magnesium-aluminum spinel nanocrystallites were produced.利用DTA、XRD和TEM研究了制备工艺对微晶玻璃晶化行为的影响,并制备出具有纳米镁铝尖晶石为晶相的微晶玻璃。

2.The spinel matrix composites reinforced by surface modified carbon fibers were prepared, and the carbon fiber was coated with Ni,Cu and Cu+Ni by electroless plating process.通过化学镀方法,在碳纤维表面分别镀上Ni、Cu和Cu+Ni镀层,然后与镁铝尖晶石陶瓷复合,制备表面改性碳纤维增强镁铝尖晶石基复合材料,研究各种碳纤维的含量对复合材料性能的影响规律。

3.Manufacture of high-purity compact spinel clinker by sintering process was investigated , the properties of spinel clinker were introduced, and the effects dence of some technological elements on the manufacture of spinel clinker were discused.本文研究了二步煅烧法制备高纯致密镁铝尖晶石熟料的方法,叙述了烧结尖晶石熟料的特性,讨论了某些工艺因素对镁铝尖晶石熟料制备的影响。


