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农民文化科技素质 the farmersquality of culture and science and technology英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-06 15:44:39


农民文化科技素质 the farmersquality of culture and science and technology英语短句 例句大全

农民文化科技素质,the farmers"quality of culture and science and technology

1)the farmers"quality of culture and science and technology农民文化科技素质

2)peasants science and technology cultural quality农民科技文化素质

1.The key to raisepeasants science and technology cultural quality is to form a complete system of agricultural education, to develop the effective educati.提高农民科技文化素质的关键是形成一套完整的农业教育体系 ,在各不同层次上开展踏实而有成效的教育 ,并制订相关政策扩大和巩固教育成果。


1.A Study on the Quality of Farmers" Sci-tech and Cultural in the Modern Agriculture现代农业中的农民科技文化素质研究

2.A Study on Raising the Farmer s Cultural Level and Professional Standards during the Drive to Build a New Socialist Countryside in China;新农村建设中提高农民科技文化素质对策研究

3.To Improve Farmer s Science and Technology culture Quality is a Key to Resolve the "three agricultures" Problems;提高农民科技文化素质是解决“三农”问题的关键

4.Building a Well Fare Society Should Improve Farmer s Science Technology and Culture Diathesis;全面建设小康社会必须提高农民科技文化素质

5.Developing the Rural Vocational Education Improving Scientific Technical and Cultural Quality of New-type Peasants in Inner Mongolia Region发展农村职业教育提高内蒙古新型农民科技文化素质

6.The Culture Diathesis of Farmer Influencing Transmission of Science and Technology;影响农村科技传播的农民文化素质研究

7.Upgrade the Qualities of Peasants,Speed up the Transformation of Agricultural Scientific and Technological Results;提高农民素质 加快农业科技成果转化

8.Empirical study on rural women s scientific,technological and cultural quality as well as their education;农村妇女的科技文化素质与教育实证研究

9.Improving the Character of Science, Technology and Culture of Rural Women by Using Long - Distance Education;利用远程教育提高农村妇女科技文化素质

10.Updating farmers technical quality-the only way of our agriculture modernization;农民科技素质优化升级:我国农业现代化的必由之路

11.Challenge from Knowledge Economy and Improvement of Citizens Cultural,Scientific and Technological Qualities;知识经济挑战与国民文化科技素质提高

12.Paying Much Attention to the Improvement of Scientific、Technological and Cultural Quality of Agriculture Laborers in the Regulation of Agricultural Structure;农业劳动者的科技文化素质与农业产业结构调整

13.2. Rural women have upgraded their calibers in education, science and technology, hence quickening the step of thriving agriculture, shaking off poverty and becoming well off through science and technology.2、农村妇女文化科技素质明显提高,加快了科教兴农和依靠科技脱贫致富的步伐

14.Foster scientific spirit,improve peasant ’s quality--Explore agriculture reach to scientific level;弘扬科学精神 提高农民素质——论农业走向科学化

15.The Requirement for Farmers′ Scientific and Cultural Background in Building a Welloff Society in an Allround Way;全面建设小康社会必须提高农民的科学文化素质

16.Exploration on Factors Restricting the Enhancement of Scientific Qualities of Peasants --The Case of Tianjin;略论农民科技素质提升的制约因素——以天津为例

17.Analysis on the Factors Influencing the Improvement of the Scientific Quality of Peasants in China;影响我国农民科技素质提高的因素分析

18.The Empirical Study of Peasantry Scientific and Technological Quality and Its Impacting Factors on Beijing Municipality北京市农民科技素质及影响因素的实证研究


peasants science and technology cultural quality农民科技文化素质

1.The key to raisepeasants science and technology cultural quality is to form a complete system of agricultural education, to develop the effective educati.提高农民科技文化素质的关键是形成一套完整的农业教育体系 ,在各不同层次上开展踏实而有成效的教育 ,并制订相关政策扩大和巩固教育成果。

3)quality science technology farmers农民科技素质

4)cultural quality of farmers农民文化素质

1.At present,it is the poorcultural quality of farmers that restricts the improvement of the contributing rate of agricultural S & T to agricultural production and the enhancement of the transforming rate of scientific and technological achievements.我国农业科技对农业生产的贡献率低,科技成果转化率低,很大程度上是受农民文化素质不高的制约,而农民文化素质低主要是由于受教育程度低引起的。

5)peasants current technologic qualities农民科技素质现状

6)Science Technology and Culture Diathesis科技文化素质

1.Building a Well Fare Society Should Improve Farmer sScience Technology and Culture Diathesis;全面建设小康社会必须提高农民科技文化素质


