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雷电过电压 lightning overvoltage英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-09-07 21:51:09


雷电过电压 lightning overvoltage英语短句 例句大全

雷电过电压,lightning overvoltage

1)lightning overvoltage雷电过电压

1.Based on the principle of refraction and reflection, it is analyzed why electrified-opened-switch is easy damaged bylightning overvoltage.从过电压的折射和反射的原理出发,分析了带电开口运行开关容易遭受雷电过电压损坏的根本原因,提出了相应的改进保护措施。


1.Study on the Lightning Overvoltage Performance for 500kV Yafu Transmission Line in Guizhou;贵州500kV鸭福输电线路雷电过电压研究

2.Research on Lightning Over-voltage of 500kV GIS Substation500KV GIS变电站雷电过电压保护研究

3.Lightning Over-voltage Protection for 500 kV GIS Substation500 kV GIS变电站雷电过电压保护研究

4.Simulation calculation of lightning overvoltage in 110kV substation110kV变电站雷电过电压的仿真研究

5.Study on Simulating the Lightning Over-voltage in 750 kV AIS Substation750kV变电站敞开式配电装置雷电过电压计算研究

6.Study of Real-time Analyzing for Large Generators under Lightning Overvoltage;大型发电机雷电过电压的在线分析研究

7.Research of Lightning Over-Voltage in UHV Transmission Lines and Secondary Arc after the Single-Phase Trip-out Caused by Insulator-Flash;超高压输电线路雷电过电压及单相闪络跳闸后潜供电流的研究

8.Lightning over-voltage protection for automatic meteorological environment monitoring station自动气象环境监测站雷电过电压的抑制措施

9.Simulation and Parameter Analysis of Sheath Lightning Over-voltage of Single-core Cable高压单芯电缆金属护套雷电过电压仿真和参数分析

putation and Analysis of Lightning-Induced Overvoltages in Overhead Lines架空线路雷电感应过电压估算与分析

11.lightning arrester, voltage limiter and surge suppressor for a voltage exceeding 1000V超过1000V电压用避雷器、限压器和平压装置

12.This voltage has some assumed value of impulse current through it, plus an additional voltage related to the distance between the arrester and that point.此电压值为设定冲击电流流过避雷器时的电压,再加上避雷器与该点间距离所相关的附加电压。

13.The Lightning Over-voltage Calculation of Luzhou 500kV Substation Based on PSCAD/EMTDC;基于PSCAD/EMTDC的泸州500kV变电站雷击过电压分析

14.Research on the Induced Overvoltages in Electric Transmission Lines by Directly Lightning Striking on Tower;雷击塔顶时输电线路上的感应过电压研究

15.Research of Calculation and Prevention of Lightning Induced Overvoltages on Overhead Distribution Lines;架空配电线路感应雷过电压计算与防护的研究

16.The Research of the Impact That Lighting Overvoltage on Secondary Equipment;雷电感应过电压对二次设备的影响研究

17.Prevention of Lightning Induced Overvoltages on Overhead Distribution Lines架空配电线路感应雷过电压防护的研究

18.Simulation Reaserch on Transient Over-voltage at 500 kV Substation Secondarye Equipment of during Transient over-voltagel Lightning Strike500kV变电站二次设备雷击暂态过电压仿真研究


lightning over-voltage雷电过电压

1.Thelightning over-voltages at both ends of the cable are simulated for different circuit breaker states and cable lengths.阐述了导线参数、GIS参数、雷电侵入波模型及参数、避雷器参数以及电气设备参数等的设置,运用ATP-EMTP搭建雷电侵入波作用下的架空线与电缆进线相连、包括架空线与电缆连接处安装的避雷器和部分电气设备(GIS、变压器)在内的单相简化模型,仿真计算断路器不同状态下,不同电缆长度的电缆末、首端雷电过电压。

2.Based on the Xiangjiaba-Nanhui DC power transmission project,AC side working frequency over-voltage,AC-DC side operational over-voltage andlightning over-voltage,and DC transmission line operational over-voltage and lightningover-voltage of ±800 kV converting stations are studied.依托向家坝至南汇直流输电工程,研究了±800kV换流站交流侧工频过电压、交直流侧操作过电压和雷电过电压、直流线路操作和雷电过电压。

3)lightning surge雷电过电压

1.A generator tripping failure took place at ingress oflightning surge leading to its breakdown.某热电厂2号发电机遭受雷电过电压时,发生了击穿,造成了发电机跳闸损坏。

4)lightning over voltage雷电过电压

1.According to the switch burn out accident occurred afterlightning over voltage in two substations in Quzhou Electric Power Bureau, the damage of electrified and open operation switch due tolightning over voltage was analyzed from the principles of reflection and refraction of over voltage.从过电压的折射和反射原理出发,通过衢州电力局两变电所遭受雷击过电压后发生的断路器烧毁事故,分析出带电开口运行断路器遭受雷电过电压损坏的主要原因是:过电压在开路末端发生过电压全反射,造成过电压大幅度提高。

5)lightning-stroke overvoltage雷击过电压

1.The form oflightning-stroke overvoltage of 10 kV distribution line and its harms are introduced.介绍了10 kV配电线路雷击过电压的形式及其危害,对防雷措施进行分析研究,并将研究结果应用到实际配电线路中,给出了提高线路防雷水平的措施。

6)Inductive lightning overvoltage雷电感应过电压


标准雷电冲击电压波形(见冲击电压发生器)标准雷电冲击电压波形(见冲击电压发生器)standard lightning impulse voltage waveformb一oozhun le一d一on ehongl一d一onyo boxing标准雷电冲击电压波形(standard lightningimpulse voltage waveform)见冲击电压发生器。
