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盐酸 Hydrochloric acid英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-03 19:15:06


盐酸 Hydrochloric acid英语短句 例句大全

盐酸,Hydrochloric acid

1)Hydrochloric acid盐酸

1.Preparation of xylose from straw by formic/hydrochloric acid system hydrolysis;甲酸/盐酸体系水解麦草产生木糖的研究

2.Study and development of a Mannich based corrosion inhibitor for hydrochloric acid acidifying;一种曼尼希碱型盐酸酸化缓蚀剂的研制


1.Morphine [Hydrochloride, Sulfate]吗啡[盐酸盐,硫酸盐]

2.Ciprofloxacin[Hydrochloride, Lactate]环丙沙星[盐酸盐,乳酸盐]

3.anthranilic acid hydrochloride邻氨基苯甲酸盐酸盐

4.l-cystine mono hydrochloride半胱氨酸盐酸盐水合物

5.The Synthesis of a-difluoromethy-ornithine Hydrochloride and Quinapril Hydrochloride;α-二氟鸟氨酸盐酸盐及喹那普利盐酸盐的合成

6.Betahistine Hydrochloride倍他司汀[盐酸盐、甲磺酸盐]

7.procyclidene hydrochloride普鲁赛克里顿盐酸盐

8.metopan hydrochloride甲基二氢吗啡酮盐酸盐

9.mustine hydrochloride甲基二氯乙基胺盐酸盐

10.para-aminoazobenzene hydrochloride对氨基偶氮苯盐酸盐

11.dimethyl-p-phenylenediamine dihydrochlorede二甲基对苯二铵盐酸盐

12.2,4-diaminophenol hydrochloride2,4-二氨基苯酚盐酸盐

13.thenyldiamine hydrochloride噻吩甲基二氨基盐酸盐

14.niobate-titanate-tantalate ore铌酸盐-钛酸盐-钽酸盐矿

15.acid splitting salts裂酸盐,析酸盐,释酸盐

16.bisulfate, bisulphate硫酸氢盐,酸式硫酸盐

17.Glutamate [Sodium , Potassium]谷氨酸[钠盐,钾盐]

18.nitrate and sulphate reduction硝酸盐与硫酸盐还原



1.On the decomposition of AN catalyzed byHCl;盐酸对硝酸铵热分解的影响

2.Leaching of Scandium From Scandium Concentrate byHCl and 7~# reagent;盐酸加助浸剂从钪精矿中浸出钪

3.Study on the Powder of Waste Alkaline Zn-Mn Battery Dissolved inHCl;废旧碱性锌锰电池粉末在盐酸中的溶解研究


1.Application of Simple Nasal CPAPand Ambroxol Hydrochloride in Treatment of Neonate RDS;简易经鼻持续气道正压通气(CPAP)和盐酸氨溴索联合治疗新生儿呼吸窘迫综合征在临床中的应用

2.The new formula is composed of dilutehydrochloride acid, boric acid and reaction assistant, and can efficiently restrain bleaching equipment from corrosion of fluoride.研究并提出用稀盐酸、硼酸和反应助剂作为含有萤石、方解石杂质的重晶石粉体酸漂增白的新配方。

3.Objective To study the stability of a mixture of levofloxacinhydrochloride injection and cemitidine injection in 5% glucose injection.目的考察盐酸左氧氟沙星注射液与西咪替丁注射液在5%葡萄糖注射液中配伍的稳定性。

4)chlorhydric acid盐酸

1.Stable Vitamin K 3 (MNB) is synthesized by addition reaction of raw materials of niacinamide,chlorhydric acid and menadione sodium bisulfite at 25℃.以烟酰胺、盐酸为原料 ,在 2 5℃反应得烟酰胺盐酸盐溶液 ,而后与亚硫酸氢钠甲萘醌 (MSB)发生加成反应 ,反应的物料配比为 :n(亚硫酸氢钠甲萘醌 ) ∶ n(烟酰胺 ) ∶ n(盐酸 ) =1∶1。

2.When achlorhydric acid tank arrived at the power station of Harbin Petrochemical Company, it was kept for a whole winter months at a temperature of - 38℃.中国石油天然气股份有限公司哈尔滨分公司电站车间的一台盐酸储罐进厂后曾在严寒环境(-38℃)放置了一个冬天,致使内壁村胶层质量受到了影响,储罐投用一个月后便发生了腐蚀泄漏事故。

3.A process for preparing polyaluminum chloride from wastechlorhydric acid and poor quality kaolin has been developed.开发出一种用废盐酸和劣质高岭土生产聚合氯化铝的方法。

5)HCl medium盐酸

1.The extraction performance of Zn(II) fromHCl medium with a new kind of carboxylic extractant, ammonized sec-octylphenoxy acetic (CA12) and ammonization of the extractant have been studied.研究了一种新型萃取剂仲辛基苯氧乙酸(CA12)的皂化以及从盐酸介质中萃取Zn(II)的性能。

2.By the method of solvent extraction, the extraction performance of Fe(Ⅲ) fromHCl medium with a new kind of carboxylic extractant, ammonized sec-octylphenoxy acetic (CA-12) has been studied.采用溶剂萃取法 ,研究了一种新型萃取剂———仲辛基苯氧乙酸 (CA— 12 )从盐酸介质中萃取Fe(Ⅲ )的性能。

6)Azimilide hydrochlorideAzimilide盐酸盐


