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营运客车 Commuter Bus英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-04-20 17:17:54


营运客车 Commuter Bus英语短句 例句大全

营运客车,Commuter Bus

1)Commuter Bus营运客车

1.Research onCommuter Bus Running Mode and Fuel Consumption Simulation Evaluation营运客车运行模式及燃油消耗仿真评价研究


1.Principal component analysis(PCA) for operating freight of passenger vehicles in Shanxi Province;山西省营运客车营运费用主成分分析

2.Body Structure Analysis on 6-meter Rural Bus6米乡村公路营运客车车身结构分析

3.Of these, 2 million were involved in passenger transport and 4.7 million in cargo transport.其中营运客车已达到200万辆,营运货车达到470万辆。

4.Research on Commuter Bus Running Mode and Fuel Consumption Simulation Evaluation营运客车运行模式及燃油消耗仿真评价研究

5.The Understanding and Practice of Type Classification and Gradation Evaluation for Operating Passenger TrainJT/T325—《营运客车类型划分及等级评定》理解与实践

6.The Research on Operation Mode of Tianjin Taxi Business;天津客运出租汽车行业运营模式研究

7.Excuse me, for-rent what be car passenger transportation"s management"s admitting a condition ?请问出租车客运经营许可条件是什么?

8.Discussion on the Number of Business Years of City Taxi;对城市出租汽车客运经营年限的思考

9.Passenger Transport with Urban Taxi Cannot Be Treated as Franchised Business;城市出租汽车客运不是特许经营对象

10.Jiangxi Yichun Passenger Automobile Transportation Marketing Research Company江西宜春汽车运输总公司客运市场营销研究

11.Developing And Manufacturing More And Better Double Deck Passenger Cars Congratulations on the Tenth Anniversary of Operation of the New Type of Double Deck Passenger Cars;研制开发更多更好的双层客车——祝贺新型双层客车运营10周年

12.For-rent car passenger transportation the management admit what be the condition ?What is the basis ?出租车客运经营许可条件是什么?依据是什么?

13.Analysis and Reflection on the Administrative Model of Uncommercial Vehicle;对上海市非营运性客车发展问题的若干思考

14.Tactics Research on increasing the income of passenger train s running under the market economy;市场经济条件下增加旅客列车运营收益的研究

15.Review·Prospect For the Tenth Anniversary of Operation of the New Type of Double Deck Passenger Cars;回顾·展望——纪念新型双层客车运营10周年

16.Enhanching Management, Improving Quality;浅析“道路旅客运输企业经营资质管理规定”的实施对客车业的影响

17.Road passenger transportation management permission and management therefore become legal of, but rent car passenger transportation management permission, management but became what?!道路客运经营许可和管理因此成为合法的,而出租车客运经营许可、管理却成为了什么?!

18.passengertrainvehicle carrier旅客火车汽车运输船


coach service客车营运

3)Uncommercial Vehicle非营运性客车

1.Analysis and Reflection on the Administrative Model ofUncommercial Vehicle;对上海市非营运性客车发展问题的若干思考

4)country bus乡村公路营运客车

5)passenger transportation marketing客运营销

1.The paper studies the key techniques of building the urban railpassenger transportation marketing information data warehouse and the necessity of building the data warehouse system and analyzes the features of the data warehouse,characteristics of the data organization,decision data objects and correlative subjects,with the data warehouse designed by using the Message Package Diagram technology.对建立城市轨道交通客运营销信息数据仓库系统的关键技术进行研究和探讨,提出客运营销数据仓库系统建设的必要性,分析系统数据仓库的主要特征、数据组织特点、决策数据对象及相关主题,采用信息包图技术对数据仓库进行设计。

2.Performance appraisal in railwaypassenger transportation marketing is an important way for railway transportation enterprise to improve its possession percentage of passenger market,but the method using now in railway is not scientific.客运营销绩效评价是铁路运输企业提高客运市场占有率的重要途径,但目前铁路采用的评价方法有其局限性。

6)passenger pool客运联营


营运1.经营。常指经商。 2.犹营生;生计。 3.经营运输。
